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Sons Of God-nephilim


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Have anyone ever wondered what this means

[color="#FF0000"]Genesis 6:4 (King James Version)

4There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.


Most of this evidence is being kept from us. It also debunk evolutionists,these nephilim half angel half human
is regarded as the demons roaming the earth.

Here is som evidence i found:


This sucker was 10ft. tall.

They are known to have six toes,six fingers and two rows of teeth

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Birgitta Noel

Double post, though perhaps appropos as this is even more absurd than usual. :yawn:

Edited by The Little Way
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Birgitta Noel

By the way, don't you think it even remotely odd that there would be an x-ray of these ancient creatures? Especially one that seems to show a healthy hand rather than a mummified one?

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[quote name='The Little Way' post='1194440' date='Feb 13 2007, 11:40 PM']
By the way, don't you think it even remotely odd that there would be an x-ray of these ancient creatures? Especially one that seems to show a healthy hand rather than a mummified one?

i didnt think of that!

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Birgitta Noel

That and thats the strangest xray I've ever seen. It looks more like a b&w photo, you can see the skin folds and fingernails....

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That is some of the most horrible photo-shopping I have ever seen. Someone needs to learn to read the manual before they play around with the software.

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[quote name='peach_cube' post='1194487' date='Feb 14 2007, 12:32 AM']
That is some of the most horrible photo-shopping I have ever seen. Someone needs to learn to read the manual before they play around with the software.

:) seconded. the ten foot tall claim isnt even a good one. in the picture it looks 20 feet tall at least. yeah these are pretty bad.

also angels are spiritual creatures they don't have bodies. how could there be a half human half angel thing roaming the earth? that would completely mess up God's plan.....angels made their choice at the instant they were created, they cannot choose between good and evil anymore. they choose either good or evil exclusively. so what would these mutants do? Would they still choose now or the instant they wre conceived? this is some pretty wacked out theology....

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[quote name='Truthseeker777' post='1194407' date='Feb 14 2007, 12:13 AM']
This sucker was 10ft. tall.

Wow, F A K E fake! LOL FAKE, Holly Moely Fake!

Really bad cut in paste... Would put photoshop to shame!

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Phoenix Reborn

[quote name='Truthseeker777' post='1194407' date='Feb 13 2007, 09:13 PM']
Have anyone ever wondered what this means

[color="#FF0000"]Genesis 6:4 (King James Version)

4There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.


Most of this evidence is being kept from us. It also debunk evolutionists,these nephilim half angel half human
is regarded as the demons roaming the earth.

Here is som evidence i found:


This sucker was 10ft. tall.
They are known to have six toes,six fingers and two rows of teeth

Don't bother, I found out your little secret. You're aliens hiding behind other people to test our intelligence. And I'm surprised you haven't blown up the earth, yet...

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Can anyone here explain the verse found in Genesis 6:4 then?
Why were there giants like Goliath roaming around?
How tall was Goliath?

[quote name='aalpha1989' post='1194520' date='Feb 13 2007, 11:05 PM']
:) seconded. the ten foot tall claim isnt even a good one. in the picture it looks 20 feet tall at least. yeah these are pretty bad.
also angels are spiritual creatures they don't have bodies. how could there be a half human half angel thing roaming the earth? that would completely mess up God's plan.....angels made their choice at the instant they were created, they cannot choose between good and evil anymore. they choose either good or evil exclusively. so what would these mutants do? Would they still choose now or the instant they wre conceived? this is some pretty wacked out theology....

You're right about angels being spiritual creatures. The Nephilim are half FALLEN ANGEL/HUMAN.
The fallen angels that were cast out of heaven with Lucifer mated with the human women.
I agree it does should strange to hear all of this stuff and if it weren't in the Bible, I'd laugh it off. However,
the Bible speaks of this, so how can we just dismiss it?
The Bible states that satan is the ruler of all nations, so with this in mind how can the Nephilim be such a tough thing to acknowledge?

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Phoenix Reborn

An Israeli neurologist said that after years of studying the biblical account, he has determined that Goliath suffered from a hormonal disease that put him at a disadvantage against the slingshot-wielding David.

The duel between the brave young David, fated to become a legendary king of Israel, and the Philistine giant has come to symbolize the victory of the weak over the strong - celebrated in art, poetry, and, in particular, sports writing.

"It was a miracle that such a small and young shepherd could defeat Goliath in battle," said Vladimir Berginer, a professor of neurology at Ben-Gurion University here. "But now i have found an explanation for it."

Mr. Berginer said Goliath, who the Old Testament indicates was about three meters (10 feet) tall, suffered from a disease of the pituitary gland called acromegaly. The condition has been commonly associated with gigantism since its discovery in the 19th century.

"This is the only disease where sufferers can grow to such a height," Mr. Berginer said.

He said Goliath had an advanced form of the illness, causing a tumor to swell against an optic nerve and damaging his vision.

"I'm sure that from time to time, Goliath did not see David because in the Bible it was written a few times that Goliath was very slow, but David ran," Mr. Berginer said.

The shepherd boy was darting and feinting so much that the visually challenged giant "did not see David and was unprepared for the fatal stone."

Mr. Berginer said David's celebrated slingshot strike did not actually kill Goliath but damaged his skull. David was then able to approach the unconscious giant and hack off his head with a sword.

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[color="#000000"][size=3]Giants[/size] (1) Heb. nephilim , meaning "violent" or "causing to fall" [color="#000099"](Gen 6:4).[/color] These were the violent tyrants of those days, those who fell upon others. The word may also be derived from a root signifying "wonder," and hence "monsters" or "prodigies." In [color="#000099"]Num 13:33[/color] this name is given to a Canaanitish tribe, a race of large stature, [b]"the sons of Anak."[/b]The Revised Version, in these passages, simply transliterates the original, and reads "Nephilim." (2.) Heb. [b]rephaim[/b] , a race of giants [color="#000099"](Deu 3:11)[/color] who lived on the east of Jordan, from whom was descended. They were probably the original inhabitants of the land before the immigration of the Canaanites. They were conquered by Chedorlaomer [color="#000099"](Gen 14:5)[/color], and their territories were promised as a possession to Abraham [color="#000099"](Gen 15:20)[/color]. [b]The Anakim, Zuzim, and Emim[/b] were branches of this stock. In [color="#000099"]Job 26:5[/color] (R.V., "they that are deceased;" marg., "the shades," the [b]"Rephaim"[/b]) and [color="#000099"]Isa 14:9[/color] this Hebrew word is rendered (A.V.) "dead." It means here "the shades," the departed spirits in Sheol. [color="#000099"]In Sam2 21:16, Sam2 21:18, Sam2 21:20, 33,[/color] "the giant" is (A.V.) the rendering of the singular form ha raphah, which may possibly be the name of the father of the four giants referred to here, or of the founder of the [b]Rephaim.[/b] The Vulgate here reads "Arapha," whence Milton (in Samson Agonistes) has borrowed the name "Harapha." [color="#000099"](See also Ch1 20:5, Ch1 20:6, Ch1 20:8; Deu 2:11, Deu 2:20; Deu 3:13; Jos 15:8, etc.,[/color] where the word is similarly rendered "giant.") It is rendered "dead" in (A.V.) [color="#000099"]Psa 88:10; Pro 2:18; Pro 9:18; Pro 21:16[/color] : in all these places the Revised Version marg. has "the shades."[color="#000099"] (See also Isa 26:14.)[/color] (3.) Heb. 'Anakim [color="#000099"](Deu 2:10, Deu 2:11, Deu 2:21; Jos 11:21, Jos 11:22; Jos 14:12, Jos 14:15;[/color] called "sons of Anak,"[color="#000099"] Num 13:33[/color]; "children of Anak,"[color="#000099"] Num 13:22; Jos 15:14)[/color], a nomad race of giants descended from Arba [color="#000099"](Jos 14:15),[/color] the father of Anak, that dwelt in the south of Palestine near Hebron [color="#000099"](Gen 23:2; Jos 15:13).[/color] They were a Cushite tribe of the same race as the Philistines and the Egyptian shepherd kings.

David on several occasions encountered them [color="#000099"](Sam2 21:15)[/color]. From this race sprung Goliath [color="#000099"](Sa1 17:4).[/color] (4.) Heb. 'emin , a warlike tribe of the ancient Canaanites. They were "great, and many, and tall, as the [b]Anakims"[/b] [color="#000099"](Gen 14:5; Deu 2:10, Deu 2:11).[/color] (5.) Heb. Zamzummim (q.v.), [color="#000099"]Deu 2:20[/color] so called by the Amorites. (6.) Heb. gibbor [color="#000099"](Job 16:14)[/color], a mighty one, i.e., a champion or hero. In its plural form (gibborim) it is rendered "mighty men" [color="#000099"](2 Sam. 23:8-39; Kg1 1:8; 1 Chr. 11:9-47; Ch1 29:24.)[/color] The band of six hundred whom David gathered around him when he was a fugitive were so designated. They were divided into three divisions of two hundred each, and thirty divisions of twenty each. The captains of the thirty divisions were called "the thirty," the captains of the two hundred "the three," and the captain over the whole was called "chief among the captains" [color="#000099"](Sam2 23:8)[/color]. The sons born of the marriages mentioned in Gen 6:4 are also called by this Hebrew name. [/color]

[color="#000000"][size=3]There Were Giants in the Earth in Those Days[/size] [/color]

[color="#000099"]And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.[/color]
-- Genesis 6: 1-4 (KJV)

[color="#000000"]The phrase 'and also afterwards' is a later addition in an attempt to harmonize the Genesis account with the book of Numbers and Samuel, for reasons which will become obvious. These giants appear to be an ancient Hebrew equivalent to the Greek myth of Hercules or Cyclops. Shortly thereafter everyone on earth, including all the giants, called Nephilim, perish in the flood, with the exception of Noah and his family.

[color="#000099"]"And all flesh died that moved upon the earth, birds, cattle, beasts, all swarming creatures that swarm upon the earth, and every man; everything on the dry land in whose nostrils was the breath of life died. He blotted out every living thing that was upon the face of the ground, man and animals and creeping things and birds of the air; they were blotted out from the earth. Only Noah was left, and those that were with him in the ark." [/color](Genesis Chapter 7 verse 21)

Since Noah was of a stock of smaller people, most of his descendants were of his stature. However, some of the genes to produce giants survived through the wife of Ham, one of Noah's sons. Therefore, a number of the sons of Canaan (one of Ham's sons) were giants [color="#000099"](Numbers 13:1-2, 32-33). In Deuteronomy 2:19-21,[/color] Moses records that God destroyed the giants who dwelt in Ammon so that the children of Lot could possess the land. Those giants—who apparently descended from Canaan through a man named Anak—eventually became extinct. King Og of Bashan was the last of them to inhabit Palestine east of Jordan [color="#000099"](Deuteronomy 3:11)[/color].[/color]

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[quote name='Urib2007' post='1194652' date='Feb 14 2007, 10:46 AM']
Can anyone here explain the verse found in Genesis 6:4 then?
Why were there giants like Goliath roaming around?
How tall was Goliath?
You're right about angels being spiritual creatures. The Nephilim are half FALLEN ANGEL/HUMAN.
The fallen angels that were cast out of heaven with Lucifer mated with the human women.
I agree it does should strange to hear all of this stuff and if it weren't in the Bible, I'd laugh it off. However,
the Bible speaks of this, so how can we just dismiss it?
The Bible states that satan is the ruler of all nations, so with this in mind how can the Nephilim be such a tough thing to acknowledge?

Giants isn't a hard thing to imagine at all. Satan mating with human women is just not at all an accurate interpretation. I'm not even sure such a thing is possible.

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