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Say Goodbye To The USA


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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1193362' date='Feb 13 2007, 09:48 AM']
I actually think it would be absorbing Mexico and partnering with Canada.
Who knows? It has been talked about for yeas, and would balance the EU and the growing Asian block of countries.
"Absorbing" Mexico is a bad idea, and would hurt the interests of American citizens. Mexico is not the U.S.A., and the U.S.A. is not Mexico. And we need to tighten the border as it is.
I wouldn't have a problem with a trade partnership with Canada per se, as long as each country retains its sovereignty is not goveerned by external international beauracracy.

Unfortunately, excessive "globalization" often enriches multinational corporations and empowers international beauracraies at the expense of American citizens.

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[b][center][size=4]Officials Meet To Implement North American Union
Security and Prosperity Partnership meeting in Ottawa draws protests[/size][/center][/b]

By: Steve Watson

Condoleeza Rice met with her Canadian and Mexican counterparts in Ottawa over the weekend to discuss plans for a North American Union at a secretive Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) meeting that has received scant media coverage outside of a few Canadian news outlets .


During a joint press conference with MacKay, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice and Mexican Foreign Secretary Patricia Espinosa, two dissenters, who had infiltrated, took to the stage in an effort to protest against the secretive and backhanded manner in which the SPP movement is being conducted. The two were quickly escorted off the premises.

A Canadian report describes the SPP as "an international framework for trilateral and bilateral cooperation in North America" that is "not a formal international treaty" or "an overarching binding legal agreement." But what is an "international framework" that commits U.S. officials from various federal agencies to working with officials of two other countries? Why is such a process not subjected to congressional scrutiny and approval?

Last September we reported that Journalist Jerome Corsi has received the first documents pertaining to a FOIA request asking for full disclosure of the SPP office in its activities towards creating a Pan American Union.

According to a report by World Net Daily , the documents reveal that the Bush administration is running a "shadow government" without congressional oversight in conjunction with Canada and Mexico under the guise of a program "to increase security and to enhance prosperity among the three countries through greater cooperation."


Corsi asserts that a wide range of US administrative law is being re-written in stealth under this program to "integrate" and "harmonize" with administrative law in Mexico and Canada.

The documents contain references to upwards of 13 working groups within an entire organized infrastructure that has drawn from officials within most areas of administrative government including U.S. departments of State, Homeland Security, Commerce, Treasury, Agriculture, Transportation, Energy, Health and Human Services, and the office of the U.S. Trade Representative.

Corsi also reported that at a recent high-level confab in Banff, an assistant U.S. secretary of state, Thomas A. Shannon , chaired a panel that featured a presentation by Prof. Robert Pastor, author of a book promoting the development of a North American union as a regional government and the adoption of the amero as a common monetary currency to replace the dollar and the peso.

According to reports , last Friday at the SPP meeting, Pastor declared that a "very small group" of conservatives is unfairly accusing him of being at the center of a "vast conspiracy" to implement the idea of a "North American Union" by "stealth." He called the charges "absurd."

Yet at the same meeting Pastor acknowledged that he is pushing for a "North American Community", that he believes the U.S. Government doesn't want to enforce its immigration laws, and that the solution is not a fence or increased border security except in some isolated high-crime areas along the border, and it's not to punish companies for hiring illegal aliens, since identity documents can be too easily forged. He said the solution is a national biometric and fraud-proof identification card that identifies national origin and legal status.

Cliff Kincaid of The Post Chronicle also reported:

One speaker, Stephen Zamora of the University of Houston Law School, denounced the idea of a wall separating Mexico and the U.S., in order to control illegal immigration, asking, "What does citizenship mean anymore?" He expressed pleasant surprise when a Mexican in the audience said she had dual citizenship in Mexico and the U.S. Later, he said he was just as concerned about people living in Mexico as people living in the U.S.
Another speaker, Tom Farer, Dean of the Graduate School of International Studies at the University of Denver, made a point of saying that his representative in Congress, Tom Tancredo (R-Col.), a staunch advocate of U.S. border security, was a backward thinker. Tancredo could be seen "dragging his knuckles along the ground," Farer said, trying to crack a joke.

The open plan to merge the US with Mexico and Canada and create a Pan American Union has long been a Globalist brainchild but its very real and prescient implementation on behalf of the Council on Foreign Relations is now finally being reported on by mainstream news outlets, most notably by Lou Dobbs of CNN who has described the ploy as "utterly mad".

The Union is the globalist cabal's meal ticket towards raping an entire continent of its resources and sovereign capabilities. Strengthening the borders is not on the Agenda here, the American Union is all about DISSOLVING the borders.

The framework on which the American Union is being pegged is the Trans-Texas Corridor Super Highway, a four football-fields-wide leviathan that stretches from southern Mexico through the US up to Montreal Canada. Toll roads are to be placed upon existing roads in Security Prosperity Partnership agreements that bypasses Congress, agreements between the bureaucracies of the US and Mexican governments, to raise capital to build the Super highway that will go South of Texas and into Mexico.

SPP documents reveal that out of 85 interstate highways, 83 of them are slated to go under this agreement and toll roads are going down on them already. The money from this operation with further fund the dismantling of US sovereignty by seizing the infrastructure at it's very heart in a bloodless coup.

They are not just in name merging the agencies and the laws and the regulations, they are physically getting rid of the borders by buying off and lobbying the politicians at the state level, who then hand the roads over to international bodies and their subsidiary companies.

At the end of January we reported on the revelation that one of the foreign toll road conglomerates, Macquarie, has agreed to buy dozens of newspapers in Texas and Oklahoma that have up until now been harsh critics of the Trans Texas Corridor superhighway. This indicates a clear example of influence peddling pointing to racketeering, and a desperate lunge to silence dissent against the sellout of American infrastructure and the North American Union.

The US is now being used as the primary tool of globalist corporate fascism and the world is wrongly blaming the people of America for all the ills that they perceive the US to be responsible for.

Coupled with Bush's blanket amnesty program , the Pan American Union is the final jigsaw piece for the total dismantling of America as we know it.

Last month it was also revealed that the US government has been SECRETLY paving the way for the funneling of billions of Social Security funds to illegal Mexican immigrants. As a result of lawsuits, the U.S. government released the actual U.S.-Mexico Social Security Totalization Agreement , an understanding signed between the Bush administration and the Mexican government in 2004.

Social Security , roads, military, intelligence gathering, regulations, federal agencies - all within the US, Canada and Mexico are being merged into one system at the cost of national sovereignty and the common law. What we were is being replaced with the new - no liberty, no due process, no freedom, no families, forced drugging, no jobs of any significance, no control of your own destiny - in short, total control of our lives.

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You are aware that the US is not some natural occurence, right?

Nations change. They are fluid.

The United States is essentially a smaller idea of what you're proposing. States are countries unto themselves. We have changed that dynamic over time. That's how time works. Things change. I'm glad you weren't around for the big years of US growth, you'd probably have had a coronary.

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[quote name='Winchester' post='1206577' date='Mar 1 2007, 08:43 PM']You are aware that the US is not some natural occurence, right?

Nations change. They are fluid.

The United States is essentially a smaller idea of what you're proposing. States are countries unto themselves. We have changed that dynamic over time. That's how time works. Things change. I'm glad you weren't around for the big years of US growth, you'd probably have had a coronary.[/quote]
nice ta see ya Winn :)

People think that what we have today is the way its always has been, and the way it always will be. History however, is not a static proposition.

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Just wait til they switch us over to the amero...

google that one...AMERO....

The worse thing is going to be those awful transcontinental 10 lane highways they got planned. One will split the country literally in half.

Dont people here support american soveriegnity, Im not into america being dismantled, so much of what is good about America has been destroyed...sigh....

Wow I and Socrates are on the same page on an issue, I may faint...;)

Edited by Budge
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[b]Illegal immigrant accused of raping 6-year-old
3TV | February 28, 2007

An illegal immigrant has been accused of raping a 6-year old girl.

The sex crimes unit of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office has arrested Armando Sifuentes.

Detectives say he admitted during questioning that he sexually assaulted the child twice.

MCSO was alerted to the case when the victim was taken to a hospital late Sunday night showing signs of sexual assault.

Sifuentes is charged with one count of child molestation and one count of sexual contact with a minor.

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For all those who favor this?

Do you want to see the middle class decimated?

For your children to have no jobs or be working for 1 dollar an hour or less because they have been undercut by extremly cheap Mexican labor?

Remember they are not only picking crops but moving up to other jobs.

Already the working class is dropping like crazy...{people who cant usually afford computers and really dont have an online voice in many cases}

How about the crime, as mentioned above, the gangs--ever read about what LA is like--a third world cesspool in some areas? and infectionous third world diseases?

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[quote name='Urib2007' post='1205420' date='Feb 27 2007, 04:43 PM'][b][center][size=4]Officials Meet To Implement North American Union
Security and Prosperity Partnership meeting in Ottawa draws protests[/size][/center][/b]

By: Steve Watson
Condoleeza Rice met with her Canadian and Mexican counterparts in Ottawa over the weekend to discuss plans for a North American Union at a secretive Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) meeting that has received scant media coverage outside of a few Canadian news outlets .


During a joint press conference with MacKay, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice and Mexican Foreign Secretary Patricia Espinosa, two dissenters, who had infiltrated, took to the stage in an effort to protest against the secretive and backhanded manner in which the SPP movement is being conducted. The two were quickly escorted off the premises.

A Canadian report describes the SPP as "an international framework for trilateral and bilateral cooperation in North America" that is "not a formal international treaty" or "an overarching binding legal agreement." But what is an "international framework" that commits U.S. officials from various federal agencies to working with officials of two other countries? Why is such a process not subjected to congressional scrutiny and approval?

Last September we reported that Journalist Jerome Corsi has received the first documents pertaining to a FOIA request asking for full disclosure of the SPP office in its activities towards creating a Pan American Union.

According to a report by World Net Daily , the documents reveal that the Bush administration is running a "shadow government" without congressional oversight in conjunction with Canada and Mexico under the guise of a program "to increase security and to enhance prosperity among the three countries through greater cooperation."


Corsi asserts that a wide range of US administrative law is being re-written in stealth under this program to "integrate" and "harmonize" with administrative law in Mexico and Canada.

The documents contain references to upwards of 13 working groups within an entire organized infrastructure that has drawn from officials within most areas of administrative government including U.S. departments of State, Homeland Security, Commerce, Treasury, Agriculture, Transportation, Energy, Health and Human Services, and the office of the U.S. Trade Representative.

Corsi also reported that at a recent high-level confab in Banff, an assistant U.S. secretary of state, Thomas A. Shannon , chaired a panel that featured a presentation by Prof. Robert Pastor, author of a book promoting the development of a North American union as a regional government and the adoption of the amero as a common monetary currency to replace the dollar and the peso.

According to reports , last Friday at the SPP meeting, Pastor declared that a "very small group" of conservatives is unfairly accusing him of being at the center of a "vast conspiracy" to implement the idea of a "North American Union" by "stealth." He called the charges "absurd."

Yet at the same meeting Pastor acknowledged that he is pushing for a "North American Community", that he believes the U.S. Government doesn't want to enforce its immigration laws, and that the solution is not a fence or increased border security except in some isolated high-crime areas along the border, and it's not to punish companies for hiring illegal aliens, since identity documents can be too easily forged. He said the solution is a national biometric and fraud-proof identification card that identifies national origin and legal status.

Cliff Kincaid of The Post Chronicle also reported:

One speaker, Stephen Zamora of the University of Houston Law School, denounced the idea of a wall separating Mexico and the U.S., in order to control illegal immigration, asking, "What does citizenship mean anymore?" He expressed pleasant surprise when a Mexican in the audience said she had dual citizenship in Mexico and the U.S. Later, he said he was just as concerned about people living in Mexico as people living in the U.S.
Another speaker, Tom Farer, Dean of the Graduate School of International Studies at the University of Denver, made a point of saying that his representative in Congress, Tom Tancredo (R-Col.), a staunch advocate of U.S. border security, was a backward thinker. Tancredo could be seen "dragging his knuckles along the ground," Farer said, trying to crack a joke.

The open plan to merge the US with Mexico and Canada and create a Pan American Union has long been a Globalist brainchild but its very real and prescient implementation on behalf of the Council on Foreign Relations is now finally being reported on by mainstream news outlets, most notably by Lou Dobbs of CNN who has described the ploy as "utterly mad".

The Union is the globalist cabal's meal ticket towards raping an entire continent of its resources and sovereign capabilities. Strengthening the borders is not on the Agenda here, the American Union is all about DISSOLVING the borders.

The framework on which the American Union is being pegged is the Trans-Texas Corridor Super Highway, a four football-fields-wide leviathan that stretches from southern Mexico through the US up to Montreal Canada. Toll roads are to be placed upon existing roads in Security Prosperity Partnership agreements that bypasses Congress, agreements between the bureaucracies of the US and Mexican governments, to raise capital to build the Super highway that will go South of Texas and into Mexico.

SPP documents reveal that out of 85 interstate highways, 83 of them are slated to go under this agreement and toll roads are going down on them already. The money from this operation with further fund the dismantling of US sovereignty by seizing the infrastructure at it's very heart in a bloodless coup.

They are not just in name merging the agencies and the laws and the regulations, they are physically getting rid of the borders by buying off and lobbying the politicians at the state level, who then hand the roads over to international bodies and their subsidiary companies.

At the end of January we reported on the revelation that one of the foreign toll road conglomerates, Macquarie, has agreed to buy dozens of newspapers in Texas and Oklahoma that have up until now been harsh critics of the Trans Texas Corridor superhighway. This indicates a clear example of influence peddling pointing to racketeering, and a desperate lunge to silence dissent against the sellout of American infrastructure and the North American Union.

The US is now being used as the primary tool of globalist corporate fascism and the world is wrongly blaming the people of America for all the ills that they perceive the US to be responsible for.

Coupled with Bush's blanket amnesty program , the Pan American Union is the final jigsaw piece for the total dismantling of America as we know it.

Last month it was also revealed that the US government has been SECRETLY paving the way for the funneling of billions of Social Security funds to illegal Mexican immigrants. As a result of lawsuits, the U.S. government released the actual U.S.-Mexico Social Security Totalization Agreement , an understanding signed between the Bush administration and the Mexican government in 2004.

Social Security , roads, military, intelligence gathering, regulations, federal agencies - all within the US, Canada and Mexico are being merged into one system at the cost of national sovereignty and the common law. What we were is being replaced with the new - no liberty, no due process, no freedom, no families, forced drugging, no jobs of any significance, no control of your own destiny - in short, total control of our lives.[/quote]
I really dislike Peter "I won't allow a merger" McKay, and Prime Minster Stephen "I'm just in it for the power" Harper. I've always hated the Neo-cons since they took charge of the country.

They make me sick to my stomach.

I'm not much for nationalism, because the nations are but dung compared to my love for the Christ, but the creatiion of this is ungodly.

Time to get God involved in this process by asking him to curse these individuals for their sins against him.

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