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Big Problum For My Friend

Pontifite 7 of 10

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Pontifite 7 of 10

Okey, this is about my friend who is 15 years old and she has a problum.
Her whole family is converting into Catholic Christions but her mom dosn't seem to understand sonething, the church is against birth control.
And once my friend hits her period her mom is going to make her take birth control because she dosen't trust her or something (I don't get it either).

Is this O.K-ed by the church? Is she held responcible for something by taking it? Her mom is going to make her.

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Mere et pere tu honoreras.

Life you shall respect.

Talk about being caught between hell and a hot place! (sorry about that, I get that way sometimes)

She needs to respect the wishes of her mother, but she must respect the wishes of the Lord first. If she does everything within reason to resist taking birth control, and her mother forces her to it; I for one would not claim this girl as guilty; but her resistance has to be sincere.

Make certain the mother knows the potention effects of birth control (expecially the pill which can be specifically destructive to young woman). I would suggest a condom as a compromise - she keeps a condom on her at all times 'just in case', and then it is on her never to be in a situation where she would be tempted to use it. That way her body is free, her will is clean, and hopefully the mother respects her daughter enough to accept this compromise.

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Her mother does not really understand the teachings of the Church on this one. Perhaps if you can talk to your friend and help her realize the Chruchs teaching on this matter, you and your friends family will see what the consquences are and bring it out into the light.

There are many websites to help you. I suggest that you point her to some material by Christopher West.


Here is his website.

Get the see it, learn it, live it. Prayers for your friend at this time.

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Birgitta Noel

I just want to point out that regardless of the other issues of the side effects/risks of the pill and honoring one's parents (which I don't think applies here) that there is nothing inherently immoral in taking birth control if one is abstinent. If she is not having sex she is not contracepting and thus not contradicting Church teaching.

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Birgitta Noel

[quote name='thedude' post='1193099' date='Feb 12 2007, 10:39 PM']
When obeying parents means disobeying God's Law, there is no obligation to obey the parents.

But again, I don't see how she's disobeying God's law. There was no indication that the girl is having or intends to have sex. :idontknow:

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[quote name='The Little Way' post='1193121' date='Feb 12 2007, 11:53 PM']
But again, I don't see how she's disobeying God's law. There was no indication that the girl is having or intends to have sex. :idontknow:

She would be if she to the pills... right? I think thats the point.

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Birgitta Noel

[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1193132' date='Feb 12 2007, 11:03 PM']
She would be if she to the pills... right? I think thats the point.

no, the sin is a sin of contraception. One cannot contracept, even by taking the pill, if they are not having sex. There is nothing to contracept.

Simply taking a pill that can be contraceptive is not a sin. Taking a pill that is contraceptive and having sex which then makes the pill a contraceptive is a sin.

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Artificial birth control either physical or chemical is condemned by the Church and considered grave matter, thus can be mortal sin under proper conditions. It is wrongful for we are commanded to go out and multiply thus hindering this simple command makes it wrongful, not to mention all the other scriptural and tradition biases. In fact it was not until the mid nineteen hundreds (1900’s) that the Anglicans (first of any claiming to be Christian) said that it was permissible under “SOME” circumstances. Now it seems only Catholics hold true to the truth that artificial contraceptive is wrongful.

[url="http://www.catholic.com/library/Birth_Control.asp"]http://www.catholic.com/library/Birth_Control.asp[/url] (really good article)

If medicine is absolutely required that has a contraceptive affect it is understood that it be [u]permissible [/u] ([b][u]advise of a Priest should be sought[/u][/b]) but the person must refrain from sexual relations. Although since the person in question in this topic is under age and not married, then there should be no sexual relations at all. Easily said this appears to be the parents commanding the child to do something sinful which the child has no obligation what so ever to obey but rather to do the opposite.

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Birgitta Noel

[quote name='Mr.CatholicCat' post='1193164' date='Feb 12 2007, 11:13 PM']
Easily said this appears to be the parents commanding the child to do something sinful which the child has no obligation what so ever to obey but rather to do the opposite.

Ok, once again, I do not understand why the Pham thinks that the parents are commanding her to do something sinful? Their command might be sinful (because of the dangers involved and their understanding (or lack of) of Church teaching), but the girl simply taking the pill is not committing any sin whatsoever unless she is having sex.

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[quote name='The Little Way' post='1193140' date='Feb 13 2007, 12:06 AM']
no, the sin is a sin of contraception. One cannot contracept, even by taking the pill, if they are not having sex. There is nothing to contracept.

Simply taking a pill that can be contraceptive is not a sin. Taking a pill that is contraceptive and having sex which then makes the pill a contraceptive is a sin.

Well maybe, but to put someone in jail for something they didn't do is also not a sin on part of the prisoner. Now, in somewhat the same sense it could be said the same is kinda true, the girl is being seen as a sinner, being forced against her will to take something she does not need.

To take the pills would be to omit a lie. She has not sinned in fornication, but she is being accused of that, if she takes the pills, she will lose some sort of innocents. And I'm pretty sure the Church commends the use of "the pill." I don't believe it matters what the use is for... I could be wrong but I do not think so...

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