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An Invitation From Marbury

Totus Tuus

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I'm bumping this again :)

[quote name='Marbury's Website'][b]"Because He is here, we have come. Because we are here, He remains."[/b][/quote]

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Ora et Labora

WOW!!! That's sooo coolness. :cool: This is actually the first time I've seen pictures of the convent. :sweat: It looks nice! :D:

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[quote name='Ora et Labora' post='1213870' date='Mar 14 2007, 08:29 PM']WOW!!! That's sooo coolness. :cool: This is actually the first time I've seen pictures of the convent. :sweat: It looks nice! :D:[/quote]

They look wonderful. I wish I wanted to be a Dominican!! :rolleyes:

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[quote name='nunsense' post='1213889' date='Mar 14 2007, 10:50 PM']They look wonderful. I wish I wanted to be a Dominican!! :rolleyes:[/quote]

I was totally opposed to it until I came across this community.


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[quote name='Totus Tuus' post='1214012' date='Mar 15 2007, 06:00 AM']I was totally opposed to it until I came across this community.


I was so impressed by their family spirit and humility. I'm praying many will come. Being bi-racial myself --amer-asian-- I felt an attraction to their original inspiration.

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Ora et Labora

their cool people, i also have to admit. i personally find myself have the Franciscan personality like my sis, but the dominicans are definitely great people to get to know!

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Well, a big misconception is that Franciscans and Dominicans are very [i]different[/i]. They are NOT, however! The true spirit of both Orders is supposed to be very similar. Unfortunately, they have grown apart over the years. Their spirits are kindred, as they are both the "mendicant" (begging) Orders, and their founders (Sts. Francis and Dominic) were [i]friends[/i]! The Sister Servants, for example, are striving to bring back the unity which is meant to exist in the hearts of both Orders: they are really supposed to be of one heart, carrying out their unique missions in different ways, of course, but reserving the friendship and original purposes which existed when they were founded. The Dominicans have become rather starstruck with education, overly much in many cases, which has been part of the reason the Orders have grown apart. However, this impediment doesn't exist with the Marbury Dominicans. They are very simple-hearted, and although they treasure study (for the right reasons!), they don't overvalue it and allow it to be a source of pride.

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Ora et Labora

what are the colors of the benedictines, fransiscans carmelites and fransiscans? sorry, off topic. lol. i was just wondering how one can tell the differencefrom each order...i think i can point the franciscans out though. ;)

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Sr Mary Catharine OP

[quote name='Totus Tuus' post='1215139' date='Mar 17 2007, 06:36 PM']The Dominicans have become rather starstruck with education, overly much in many cases, which has been part of the reason the Orders have grown apart. However, this impediment doesn't exist with the Marbury Dominicans. They are very simple-hearted, and although they treasure study (for the right reasons!), they don't overvalue it and allow it to be a source of pride.[/quote]

I'm sorry Totus Tuus but that is a misconception about Dominicans. Dominicans have always placed an emphasis on the study of sacred truth from the very beginning. This is not an impediment. It is for preaching the Truth. St. Dominic wanted the first friars to be well educated and even went with them to the unversity in Paris with the first group.

Dominican nuns in particular have always valued study as part of their monastic observance.

Many OP Friars that I know are brilliant but very down to earth and simple. For example. Fr. Augstine DiNoia who is the under secretary of the CDF is brilliant but he'd rather talk about gardening or mocking birds! The OP friars who are snobbish about their learning are usually not that smart!

Franciscans and Dominicans have a teasing relationship. You may not know this but it is traditional for OPs to go to the OSF on the feast of St. Francis and OSF to go to the Dominicans on the feast of St. Dominic. We'll hear the friars saying, "the Franks came over last night!".

Unfortunately, there are a lot of Franciscans that have a batty theology. The 2 orders have grown apart somewhat because of different theologies (St Thomas and Duns Scotus). Neither is wrong, it's just a different "take". We have CFR's confessors and you can tell the difference from having our Brothers. It's just a different

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[quote name='Ora et Labora' post='1215182' date='Mar 17 2007, 07:04 PM']what are the colors of the benedictines, fransiscans carmelites and fransiscans? sorry, off topic. lol. i was just wondering how one can tell the differencefrom each order...i think i can point the franciscans out though. ;)[/quote]

These are the basic colors. They do vary by community.

Benedictines: black
Franciscans: brown
Carmelites: brown
Dominicans: white
Augustinians: white or brown (I think. That one I'm not sure about).

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[quote name='Sr. Mary Catharine' post='1215238' date='Mar 17 2007, 09:41 PM']I'm sorry Totus Tuus but that is a misconception about Dominicans.[/quote]

Forgive me, Sister, but I received that information from a solid Dominican community.

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[quote name='Sr. Mary Catharine' post='1215238' date='Mar 17 2007, 09:41 PM']Dominicans have always placed an emphasis on the study of sacred truth from the very beginning. This is not an impediment. It is for preaching the Truth. St. Dominic wanted the first friars to be well educated and even went with them to the unversity in Paris with the first group.

Dominican nuns in particular have always valued study as part of their monastic observance.[/quote]

Yes, this is precisely what I was intending to stress, along with the point that [i]some[/i] Dominicans, from what I have learned, have allowed education to take a higher place than it should have in their lives, causing it to become a source of pride. I am aware of the great value placed on study by the Dominican Order, and am not contradicting that point :)

Many OP Friars that I know are brilliant but very down to earth and simple. [/quote]Yes! I am acquainted with some of them myself and it is amazing how much good they can do with the knowledge they have obtained through study. That is awesome and I am not contradicting that point, either. :)

Franciscans and Dominicans have a teasing relationship. You may not know this but it is traditional for OPs to go to the OSF on the feast of St. Francis and OSF to go to the Dominicans on the feast of St. Dominic. We'll hear the friars saying, "the Franks came over last night!".[/quote]
Yes, and I love the legend about Saint Francis giving Saint Dominic his belt, and St. Dominic giving St. Francis his chord! When I was at OLAM, we entertained [i]all[/i] the SMME postulants and some of the professed one evening. It was a great example of the underlying friendship of the Orders!


Unfortunately, there are a lot of Franciscans that have a batty theology.

[/quote]Yup, never said that wasn't true. :) Having been one myself I learned of those Franciscans more than a few times.

[quote]The 2 orders have grown apart somewhat because of different theologies (St Thomas and Duns Scotus). Neither is wrong, it's just a different "take". We have CFR's confessors and you can tell the difference from having our Brothers. It's just a different

I have never heard this point emphasized as a source of division, although I am aware of the fact that they have different histories in philosophy. I didn't know that they were a source of "growing apart"; I thought they were more complimentary to one another, like Thomas was to Aristotle. :)

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[quote name='Nadezhda' post='1215265' date='Mar 17 2007, 10:06 PM']Augustinians: white or brown (I think. That one I'm not sure about).[/quote]

I'm not sure about brown (I don't know either!) but I think they are generally white [i]or[/i] black. The Canons Regular that I have met wear black, and the Augustinian Canonesses in CA wear white.

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[quote name='Sr. Mary Catharine' post='1215238' date='Mar 17 2007, 10:41 PM']Many OP Friars that I know are brilliant but very down to earth and simple. For example. Fr. Augstine DiNoia who is the under secretary of the CDF is brilliant but he'd rather talk about gardening or mocking birds! The OP friars who are snobbish about their learning are usually not that smart![/quote]

As I was told, "We are not intellectuals for the sake of being intellectuals." :cool:

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[quote name='BurkeFan' post='1215443' date='Mar 18 2007, 11:34 AM']As I was told, "We are not intellectuals for the sake of being intellectuals." :cool:[/quote]

Exactly! Say, can you give us any quotes from the Dominican Constitutions on the original intent of study in a friar's life? ^_^

By the way, are you friends with any of the postulants at the Sister Servants of the Eternal Word in Birmingham? She mentioned a friend in the Easter Province :)

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