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Nearly Seventeen... And Nearly Positive

Guest eight_days_after

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the lords sheep

17 is definitely not too young. My cousin entered an order just about 2 months after she turned 18, so she had already finished all of her application stuff at 17.
I will pray for your mother, and let me assure you that I understand. As far as visiting orders, is there anyone who would drive you? A youth minister? A friend who would go with you? You would probably still need your mother's permission, although.....
Prayers for you and your vocation!

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Welcome! :)

Your story sounds like many others that have wandered through here. Do not feel alone. God will work it all out for you and that I'm sure you know. My prayers are with you, my sister in Christ, as we journey on this road towards Christ.

May the Lord shower you with His blessings. :)

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Guest eight_days_after

thank you all for the sites =D

i spent some time today looking into them.... the Sisters in Michagan appealed to me somewhat... but i dont know...

again... the prayers are greatly appreciated! especially for my mother... i think i know what my path is to be... but i would prefer to do it with my familys support... unfortunately, i am the only one that feels the need to go to church =(

May you walk eternally in God's footsteps!! =D

[quote name='the lords sheep' post='1191646' date='Feb 11 2007, 02:07 PM']
17 is definitely not too young. My cousin entered an order just about 2 months after she turned 18, so she had already finished all of her application stuff at 17.
I will pray for your mother, and let me assure you that I understand. As far as visiting orders, is there anyone who would drive you? A youth minister? A friend who would go with you? You would probably still need your mother's permission, although.....
Prayers for you and your vocation!

I do have my license... but she doesnt even understand why i like going to retreats like steubenville... she thinks i was brainwashed at my first one... =( .... it changed my life, but i was not forced to change....

thank you for your help everyone... it is greatly appreciated!!! i feel special :topsy:

May you walk eternally in God's footsteps!! :D:

Edited by eight_days_after
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:P: :P: welcome to the phamily.....I am sure that you will get much help from us all as you disecern. I will pray for you and your Mum. :bigpray: God bless and LOL
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I was nearly positive at the age of seven, so if you think you're weird, I must be insane :P:

Saint Therese had already [i]entered[/i] at the age of fifteen :)

I found my first community when I was sixteen, and was accepted at seventeen. SO don't worry, you're not weird at all.

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Guest eight_days_after

[quote name='Totus Tuus' post='1192493' date='Feb 12 2007, 01:26 PM']
I was nearly positive at the age of seven, so if you think you're weird, I must be insane :P:

Saint Therese had already [i]entered[/i] at the age of fifteen :)

I found my first community when I was sixteen, and was accepted at seventeen. SO don't worry, you're not weird at all.

hehe... when i was little, i would put a towel on my head and pretend to be a sister! i didnt meet my first nun until i was 15 though... i think i actually started it from the devotion i had toward our Blessed Mother... and later on from watching The Sound of Music one to many times :topsy:

May you walk eternally in God's footsteps!! :D:

oh... question... how old are you now? are you still in the same community?

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:welcome: 17 is old enough to know your heart. I knew at 18 and that was the year I was baptized. You'll get alot of support here. Blessings on your journey. :)
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[quote name='eight_days_after' post='1192737' date='Feb 12 2007, 06:17 PM']
hehe... when i was little, i would put a towel on my head and pretend to be a sister! i didnt meet my first nun until i was 15 though... i think i actually started it from the devotion i had toward our Blessed Mother... and later on from watching The Sound of Music one to many times :topsy:

May you walk eternally in God's footsteps!! :D:

oh... question... how old are you now? are you still in the same community?

The Sound of Music is great :D:

I'm nineteen now. I'm not in the same community anymore; I was there for ten months. But I am discerning with other communities again :)

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Welcome!! I think it's wonderful you are open to our lords will and the possibility of a religious vocation and 17 is not too young to discern, as for your friend, it will be difficult but in time she will warm up to this, so just stay close to our lord and partake of the sacraments frequently, and leave it all in his hands, I will be keeping you in my prayers!!

Edited by TeresaAvila
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Guest eight_days_after

[quote name='Staretz' post='1194666' date='Feb 14 2007, 09:52 AM']
I know of cases where the family disapproves if she is an only child. is that the case in your case?

I have an older brother... I dont think this would be the case... I mean, it might, but... idk, if they had wanted lots of grandkids why would they have stopped at two children?

I think she wants me to make lots of money and be very successful.... she keeps pushing me towards careers that make the big bucks... right now its pharmacy, ... i find pharmacy extremely intreging... but im not sure if i can see myself being a pharmacist for the rest of my life, as i can see myself being a sister... unfortunately, the vow of poverty kinda negates any hope for the "big bucks" :idontknow:

May you walk eternally in God's footsteps!! :D:

[quote name='TeresaAvila' post='1194673' date='Feb 14 2007, 10:03 AM']
Welcome!! I think it's wonderful you are open to our lords will and the possibility of a religious vocation and 17 is not too young to discern, as for your friend, it will be difficult but in time she will warm up to this, so just stay close to our lord and partake of the sacraments frequently, and leave it all in his hands, I will be keeping you in my prayers!!

thank you!! I am trying my hardest to do as you say.... =D

May you walk eternally in God's footsteps!! :D:

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the lords sheep

If pharmacy is interesting to you, and that's what you want to pursue, there is nothing wrong with that. In fact, were you to enter, you may be of great value to your community in their apostalate. Being a pharmacist could help any community that works with the sick or the elderly, and also any community that has foreign missions. Just a thought...
God Bless you on your journey!

ps- a few of my other favorite orders (that I haven't seen mentioned above)
[url="http://www.sistersoflife.org"]Sisters of Life[/url] they work with pro-life ministry and have a special charism to protect and enhance the dignity of all life. They have a special apostalate to run a home for mothers, and they also do some youth work in this diocese.
[url="http://www.ssvmusa.org"]Sisters of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara[/url] they are a missionary order that works in many different apostalates, depending on what the church needs in the specific area where they are serving. Their charism focuses on making Jesus, the Word Incarnate, known and loved in all areas of the world through JPII's call to new evangelization.

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