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Nearly Seventeen... And Nearly Positive

Guest eight_days_after

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Guest eight_days_after

Hello all! I joined earlier today, and was astounded by this section! i had no idea that so many people are discerning... My diocese is in the top ten in the country for vocations entrants... but i have never seen so many people actually so positive about it! :D: its a very good thing... I no longer feel so alone.

I have been discerning for two years now... and am nearly positive that i have been called to the religious life... but im only almost seventeen... is that normal? Its not that i am not open to marraige or single life, but so many things have happened to point toward being a sister... they seem to be coming closer and closer together in time too....

also... i think that it is what i want to devote my life to... no... devote is the wrong word, I know I am meant to surrender my very being to our Heavenly Father... I know i can give up materialistic possessions, and i know I can also leave my family and friends... but there is one person that i dont know if i can leave behind... she and I have been through alot together, and she is the only best friend i have ever had... but she has already lost so much... although it wouldn't be for years yet, i dont know if she could stand to lose me too...

I dont know what im getting at... I would just ask for a moment out of your day to say a quick prayer for my discernment... I have been incredibly confused lately... also, my mother does not approve at all, so prayers for her change of heart would also be greatly appreciated. =D

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Welcome, and prayers for you and your vocation!

Things you probably will be hearing a lot here: St. Teresa of Lisieux [i]entered[/i] one of the toughtest orders at 16... so no, 17 isn't too young to know. At the same time, 75 isn't too old for some, either... all in God's time.

Second: it's very hard for some of our friends when we enter the religious life... but in the end, they gain from it, along with the rest of the world. A person fulfilling his or her vocation is a sign of God's grace for us, and a very personal oppertunity to let that grace into your life, especially for people who have had a hard time doing that in the past.

When someone first told me these things, I was like "yeah, right, but in the end my friend's behind the grille and I'm out here alone!". And I'm sure that when this particular friend of mine enters, I will feel that way for at least a short time. But that doesn't change the truth behind it. Your friend will reach the same conclusion in the end - especially if you help her, by prayer and living your vocation, whatever it turns out to be exactly.

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Guest eight_days_after

[quote name='VeniteAdoremus' post='1190956' date='Feb 10 2007, 06:08 PM']
Welcome, and prayers for you and your vocation!

Things you probably will be hearing a lot here: St. Teresa of Lisieux [i]entered[/i] one of the toughtest orders at 16... so no, 17 isn't too young to know. At the same time, 75 isn't too old for some, either... all in God's time.

Second: it's very hard for some of our friends when we enter the religious life... but in the end, they gain from it, along with the rest of the world. A person fulfilling his or her vocation is a sign of God's grace for us, and a very personal oppertunity to let that grace into your life, especially for people who have had a hard time doing that in the past.

When someone first told me these things, I was like "yeah, right, but in the end my friend's behind the grille and I'm out here alone!". And I'm sure that when this particular friend of mine enters, I will feel that way for at least a short time. But that doesn't change the truth behind it. Your friend will reach the same conclusion in the end - especially if you help her, by prayer and living your vocation, whatever it turns out to be exactly.

Thank you for your prayers! =D

hehe actually i knew that about St. Therese... i read her Story of a Soul last summer... AMAZING!!! wow it was wonderful... actually St. Catherine of Siena joined her order of penance at 15... (some sources say 16) so you are right there... i guess it just seems so odd in todays secular society.

Thank you for your advice... it makes me feel better, we actually just had a discussion about this, it was quite interesting... =P

May you walk eternally in God's footsteps!! =D

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Welcome!! That is very exciting that you think you have a vocation to the religious life. Do you have an idea what community God may be calling you to?

I'm sorry to hear about your mom; I think you'll find that there's several people on this board who are going through the same thing, myself included. Just keep praying for her! You have my prayers!

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That sounds great. Its good to see someone responding to a call like that while still in High School. There is a Chat session on this site on Sundays at 5 pm Eastern. Feel free to join us.

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:welcome: :flowers:

(Do you know about all the discernment opportunities for young women in St. Paul?)
If not, check out: www.10000vocations.org Everything happening at UST, SPS, SJV, or CS is good. :)

:priest_halo: :bishop: :pope: :love:

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Guest eight_days_after

[quote name='magnificat' post='1190985' date='Feb 10 2007, 07:08 PM']
Welcome!! That is very exciting that you think you have a vocation to the religious life. Do you have an idea what community God may be calling you to?

I'm sorry to hear about your mom; I think you'll find that there's several people on this board who are going through the same thing, myself included. Just keep praying for her! You have my prayers!

I think its exciting too! :D:

there aren't any religious sisters in my parish... the closest are about a half hour away... and they are a liberal group formed in the 60's.... i dont really want to look into them, otherwise the next closest is more than an hour away... and since my mother does not approve, i have not gone on a nun run or anything....

I dont think i would be cloistered... although it is a beautiful life... i think i need to be a direct influence in people's lives,... i would want to work with children/teenagers, the elderly, and anyone struggling with their faith... also to counsel those who struggle.... i would also want to be able to give back the gifts God has given me...

thank you so much for your prayers, it means alot to know i am not alone

May you walk eternally in God's footsteps!! =D

[quote name='Staretz' post='1191008' date='Feb 10 2007, 07:24 PM']
That sounds great. Its good to see someone responding to a call like that while still in High School. There is a Chat session on this site on Sundays at 5 pm Eastern. Feel free to join us.

yes... it is truely a struggle to keep it in sight, i have basically thrown off all standards of high school, and buried myself in my studies, and in my faith...

I would love to join the chat.... unfortunately, I play flute at the lifeteen mass sunday evenings... at 5:30, i must be there at 4:00 my time... which happens to be 5pm eastern time....

May you walk eternally in God's footsteps!! =D

[quote name='Veritas' post='1191017' date='Feb 10 2007, 07:34 PM']

:welcome: :flowers:
(Do you know about all the discernment opportunities for young women in St. Paul?)
If not, check out: www.10000vocations.org Everything happening at UST, SPS, SJV, or CS is good. :)
:priest_halo: :bishop: :pope: :love:

I have looked into that site... but i live 3 hours away from st. paul... and i said.. my mother does not approve

thank you though! i shall just keep praying =P

hehe.. i noticed several of us Minnesotans on here... i think its spiffy =D

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[quote name='eight_days_after' post='1191020' date='Feb 10 2007, 07:41 PM']
I think its exciting too! :D:

there aren't any religious sisters in my parish... the closest are about a half hour away... and they are a liberal group formed in the 60's.... i dont really want to look into them, otherwise the next closest is more than an hour away... and since my mother does not approve, i have not gone on a nun run or anything....

I dont think i would be cloistered... although it is a beautiful life... i think i need to be a direct influence in people's lives,... i would want to work with children/teenagers, the elderly, and anyone struggling with their faith... also to counsel those who struggle.... i would also want to be able to give back the gifts God has given me...

thank you so much for your prayers, it means alot to know i am not alone

May you walk eternally in God's footsteps!! =D
yes... it is truely a struggle to keep it in sight, i have basically thrown off all standards of high school, and buried myself in my studies, and in my faith...

I would love to join the chat.... unfortunately, I play flute at the lifeteen mass sunday evenings... at 5:30, i must be there at 4:00 my time... which happens to be 5pm eastern time....

May you walk eternally in God's footsteps!! =D
I have looked into that site... but i live 3 hours away from st. paul... and i said.. my mother does not approve

thank you though! i shall just keep praying =P

hehe.. i noticed several of us Minnesotans on here... i think its spiffy =D


It WILL all work out somehow :) :bigpray:

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Guest eight_days_after

i know =D

thank you for your prayers!!

i really like that praying smilie by the way

May you walk eternally in God's footsteps!! =D

Edited by eight_days_after
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hey missy! Welcome to PM! It is so good to hear that you are another discerner here! I will keep you and your mum in my prayers.

Also, although the chat starts at 5pm Eastern time, you can still drop by later....Since there usually people still hanging around


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Guest eight_days_after

[quote name='Marieteresa' post='1191123' date='Feb 10 2007, 09:21 PM']
hey missy! Welcome to PM! It is so good to hear that you are another discerner here! I will keep you and your mum in my prayers.

Also, although the chat starts at 5pm Eastern time, you can still drop by later....Since there usually people still hanging around


lol i normally dont get home til... 8 eastern.... =D

will anyone still be on then? is it just in Phat Chat?

thank you for your prayers!

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Welcome, how wonderful at almost 17 tosee such Zeal, may The Holy Spirit truly guide you as you open your heart and mind more and more to Gods love and beautiful plans for you....!

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Praised be Jesus Christ! Hi!! That's wonderful that Christ is calling you!!! You're off to a great start! That is a great age to be hearing the call, 16. You're off to a fantastic start, and nearly positive! :j Thank you for sharing here. :)

Some awesome active orders that come to mind: [url="http://www.sistersofmary.org/"]http://www.sistersofmary.org/[/url] - [url="http://www.carmelitedcj.org/"]http://www.carmelitedcj.org/[/url] - [url="http://www.sistersofreparation.org/"]http://www.sistersofreparation.org/[/url] - [url="http://franciscansisterscfr.com/"]http://franciscansisterscfr.com/[/url] - [url="http://www.marymediatrix.com/rel_life/sisters.shtml"]http://www.marymediatrix.com/rel_life/sisters.shtml[/url] and sooo many others .. you'll here of them here in Vocation Station! :)

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God bless you dear, for your openness to this way of life. There are so many good active orders out there. Take your time and start to get to know some of them. Margaret Clare mentioned some really terrific ones--may I add a couple more for you to think about?
Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity
Salesian Sisters
Felician Sisters
Daughters of St. Mary of Providence
Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma
(All right, so that was more than a couple :blush: )

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Guest phatdaddy
8DA, to the Phamily. God bless you in your discernment journey. Be patient with your Mom. Pray that she be granted the grace to understand what you are being called to. It's not easy for us parents either and it only with the grace of God that we are able to willingly cooperate in the offering of our Children. But I will say this, the joy of being a parent of a priest or religious is indescribable. All in His time. Jesus I trust in thee.
Mr. Ray
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