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Witchcraft Thing


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this is in questions and answers too, sorry, but it didnt get answered yet

ok, so yesterday i remembered something that happened years ago. some of my classmates asked to borrow some colored pencils then used them to do some sort of talk to dead thing. i already confessed cooperation by lending them the pencils, and im pretty sure i didnt want them back or threw them away when they were done. it was a while ago though, however, so my memory is not super clear and i am a pretty paranoid person. so i got the colored pencils in my house and sorted out any that i thought might have been involved and am going to burn them or something. even though knowing myself i would have thrown the involved ones away or let my classmate keep them. am i just really paranoid? what should i do? i wouldn't want something bad to happen to my family or something.

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Did you have any knowledge of what they would do with the pencils if you gave them? Would you have supported their action had you known? If you answered no to these questions then I don't really think you should beat yourself up over it. If you were in the kitchen making dinner with another person and they asked to borrow a knife, and then used it to kill someone (I know, crazy scenario :) ) would you feel responsible for taking part in this murder? Maybe I'm off on this, but if you have no knowledge of what would take place, and would not have supported it have you known, and definitely did not take part in the ritual itself, then I'd say you're probably fine. And since you already confessed it anyways, no worry.

As for throwing out the objects used that I'm not so sure on. I don't know what the protocol is for something like that.

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I agree with goldenchild. You bear no responsibility for what they did...and neither do your pencils.

It could, however, be a sin to waste perfectly good pencils by burning them unnecessarily. As Catholics we must look after every resource we have. (I've been reading St Francis of Assisi lately. Can you tell?)

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[quote name='goldenchild17' post='1187812' date='Feb 7 2007, 07:06 PM']
Did you have any knowledge of what they would do with the pencils if you gave them? Would you have supported their action had you known? If you answered no to these questions then I don't really think you should beat yourself up over it. If you were in the kitchen making dinner with another person and they asked to borrow a knife, and then used it to kill someone (I know, crazy scenario :) ) would you feel responsible for taking part in this murder? Maybe I'm off on this, but if you have no knowledge of what would take place, and would not have supported it have you known, and definitely did not take part in the ritual itself, then I'd say you're probably fine. And since you already confessed it anyways, no worry.

As for throwing out the objects used that I'm not so sure on. I don't know what the protocol is for something like that.

I agree with this post. However, I can see how you feel about not wanting to have anything to do with the objects used. I can imagine if some of the people I know at school (a couple are wiccan or practice witchcraft) used my colored pencils i would probably burn them or something....I don't think it's necessary, i would just want to purify my possessions as much as possible. I would probably wash my hands for a long time too :rolleyes: but it's not necessary. Doesn't even really do anything except make yourself feel better....which IS important. But it's an amoral choice, as far as i can see.

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[quote name='aalpha1989' post='1187821' date='Feb 7 2007, 06:21 PM']
I agree with this post. However, I can see how you feel about not wanting to have anything to do with the objects used. I can imagine if some of the people I know at school (a couple are wiccan or practice witchcraft) used my colored pencils i would probably burn them or something....I don't think it's necessary, i would just want to purify my possessions as much as possible. I would probably wash my hands for a long time too :rolleyes: but it's not necessary. Doesn't even really do anything except make yourself feel better....which IS important. But it's an amoral choice, as far as i can see.

hey thanks, i really appreciate it :)
i thought people might not answer, and yes i do wash my hands hahah at least u can relate
but as i said, i already confessed this, but i think i was a bit guilty because i saw them while they were doing it and didnt stop it
also, i saw this supposedly Catholic thing on the web and it said something about burning stuff, maybe you guys can check it out:http://www.catholicculture.org/docs/doc_view.cfm?recnum=5299

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Well, I would personally burn anything that was used in a wiccan ceremony of any sort. If you aren't sure, I would burn them anyways.

I think though that you need to be very careful about your views. It isn't a matter of superstition. You aren't getting rid of them because you fear that you have been cursed or your family could be harmed by a curse or anything. That sort of thing has no power over Christians. God is much stronger than any pagan ritual.

The reason I would burn them is that I would be uncomfortable with the idea that they are representative of evil. Not because they are in themselves evil.

You have been absolved. Nothing evil in this situation has power over you because God has more power than anything. So don't let yourself think otherwise. Faith in God overcomes all.

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Under normal circumstances one ought to be very cautious and wary of those things non-Catholic, non-Christian, or demonic in nature. We ought to remember that making the sign of the cross repels and curbs the powers of the fallen angels around us and that we are to pray to be protected from them. Asking the powerful protection of our God, our Blessed Lord, our Heavenly Queen, Saint Michael the Archangel, the Saints, the Angels, and namely our Guardian Angel to assist us. Keeping those things around us such as crosses, crucifixes, holy water, blessed objects, statuary, and so on to not only assist us in attaining actual graces but also requesting special spiritual protection from God by simply having such a visible symbol accessible.

In this case I think there may be a little bit of scrupulosity involved but if there is reason to believe that something you have was used in demonic activity either destroying it (namely burning) if it is easily replaced seems reasonable. Although, I think simply throwing some holy water over it, making the sign of the cross, and asking Saint Michael the Archangel to exorcise it would be enough for all intentions and purposes; you could even ask a Priest to say a minor exorcism prayer over it.

But we ought not be afraid or overshadowed by such evils that exist all around us, for not only pencils can be a place of demonic possession or influence. [b]We therefore should always denounce Satan and the fallen angels accepting Almighty God with His Holy Church[/b]. [b][u]Almighty God will always prevail over evil and darkness[/u][/b]. With all the aids and helpers we have, we have no reason to be afraid. But at the same time we should be careful just as we are to avoid occasions of sin or temptation.

Although, I doubt this has any sin involved because mortal sin requires one had sufficient reflection, knowledge of the wrong, and consent of will. Because one reports that one did not know what would be done with them until it was finished it is fair to say that one did not have knowledge of the wrong or sufficient reflection. Although, one objectively did consent to an evil even though not aware but still at best this would be either a minor venial sin that can be expiated through contrition and invoking of actual grace. Saying a good act of contrition and maybe a rosary seems reasonable if one is so moved.

Edited by Mr.CatholicCat
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We have to take 'on trust' that the things we buy are indeed pure, unhandled. However we in all honesty do not know if the things we are purchasing were used, were cursed or anything else prior to us having them. Therefore if you had no knowledge and did not concent to the use of these pencils then I feel you are being somewhat paranoid.

I do however agree that clothes especially and personal items do 'carry' an imprint with them of events - good and bad and that even innocently bringing these into your house can bring with them unwanted things.

In Mexico in particular the priest blessed our house twice a year - coming and sprinkling Holy Water all over each room in the house and the yard. Some went as far as having the priest do this to their closets, store rooms and car. Therefore casting out the devil. I have often prayed in each room for the Lord to cast out demons when I have moved into a new apartment, especially if there is no local priest.

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I found having the house blessed REALLY does make a difference. It is not just psychological. The house takes on a new feel. The twice a year thing is because we unwittingly as well as our visitors bring with them 'bad' things from the outside world which sometimes latch on to our homes. I also have a crusafix or rosary in EVERY room.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1188356' date='Feb 8 2007, 11:45 AM']
I had to have my house blessed, the previous inhabitants refused to leave.

I hope you don't mean ghosts... They don't exists. Demons on the other hand... get them out!

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there's no such thing as magic. your pencils aren't tainted. don't give the atheists and liberals ammunition with something like this.

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The concern has nothing to do with “magic” but rather has to deal with demonic influence and possession of the said pencils thus becoming an endangerment of the spiritual life of the person who is around them. For while some people do propose “magic” in reality it is the invoking of the fallen angels if they are aware of this or not, therefore we as Catholics are forbidden to believe or to participate in such. This is why we renounce and condemn such as idolatry and superstition.

Atheists couldn’t keep their own heads above water in a real discussion or debate, the only thing they have going for them is that people for some reason automatically give them the high ground in the debate.

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[quote]demonic influence and possession[/quote]

This is a legitimate concern and one that you should take action on. Get some Holy Water from the Church and keep it in your house, you can use it to sprinkle on 'suspect' items and recite a prayer at the same time.

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