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Ol' Good Clean (catholic) Fun!


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(oops, this post belongs in another thread. I have too many windows open! I'll leave it here though too :j) This is regarding the Padre Pio movie: Here is another review of it - [url="http://10kbullets.com/reviews/padre-pio-miracle-man/"]http://10kbullets.com/reviews/padre-pio-miracle-man/[/url]

Edited by Margaret Clare
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[quote name='Totus Tuus' post='1192479' date='Feb 12 2007, 11:14 AM']
I would suggest going to your pastor and asking if you can start something yourself. You know what you're looking for, and there may be other people who wish there was something similar but haven't taken the time to start it themselves. My suggestion would be to center it around the pro-life movement in your area. One fun thing is meeting on a Saturday morning to pray at an abortion mill, then going out for pizza (go dutch, of course!). You can even go to a clean movie, meet with some guys to play basketball, etc. But success with these kinds of groups often comes when the first focus is prayer (either at an abortion mill, in a church, or through Eucharistic Adoration [i]as a group[/i], to precede whatever social activity you may like to do together).

This has worked at my parish to some extent, and it's definitely worth a try. You can also just put out a call to some young adults to come to prayer events your church already has in place - whether they're weekly or monthly - and then do something fun afterwards.

Fun things aren't off-limits when you're discerning, but I know it can be difficult to have a social life due to the lack of like-minded people who want their "fun" to be clean and holy. Thankfully I've had a like-minded best friend since I was little, so we've always stuck together. But my high school friends came and went. I will pray that you find/establish something soon!

God bless,

Thank you for your kind and encouraging words... talking to the pastor is a definate start. I'll plan it out a little more and put it in writing...while taking notes from you guys :D: .

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Guest eight_days_after

[quote name='illeat' post='1191771' date='Feb 11 2007, 04:56 PM']
That's interest! I had the same impression of my Confirmation class. It's a weird feeling finding yourself alone :tumbleweed: in a room full of fellow "Catholic" kid that think you're strange for being sinerely interested in the Faith :sign: ...

*sigh* i know exactly what you mean... .... i have some amusing stories :pinch:

May you walk eternally in God's footsteps!! :D:

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[quote name='JuggleDoug' post='1192525' date='Feb 12 2007, 12:01 PM']
Don't even think about the priesthood unless you know God is calling you.

I converted about 6 years ago, so I understand the excitement and urgency

RIGHT NOW you are where God wants you so find peace in knowing that you are where you are because you have obeyed God's plans for your life (Jn 15:9-11).

Make praying and seeking out God-loving friends a priority. Be as patient with God as he is with us.

Absolutely Juggledoug... I've been thinking and praying :bigpray: very long and hard about this. I realize it can't be just a whim...it's a life-time (and beyond) commitment. That's why more than ever I need to listen for the voice of Our Lord. Thanks for sharing that Scripture verse! Now, I'm going to have to share it with somebody! :cool:

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[quote name='illeat' post='1193024' date='Feb 12 2007, 09:43 PM']
Thank you for your kind and encouraging words... talking to the pastor is a definate start. I'll plan it out a little more and put it in writing...while taking notes from you guys :D: .

Good idea. It's good to know what you're going to say and what you're looking for :)

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[quote name='illeat' post='1187653' date='Feb 7 2007, 03:22 PM']
a lot of the things I use to do for fun and socializing aren't exactly along the lines of someone checkin' out the priesthood. [/quote]

Aside from the "club scene" you mentioned in a later post, what are the fun/socializing things you used to do do you feel not along the lines of someone "chekin'" out the priesthood? If it is a sport or hobby it may not be incompatible at all.

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What I would do (and what I did do before entering the seminary) is get to know the seminarians of your diocese. They're usually a lot of fun to hang out with. We may be busy a lot of the time, but we usually have some free time to hang out and do stuff, not to mention that if they know that you're a potential seminarian they will go out of their way to get to know you and show you what seminary life is like. (It's not all books and studies you know ;) )

oremus pro invicem,


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Someone mentioned close to the beginning about finding a Catholic Underground. I went to one this past weekend, and it was the most unbelievable, amazing experience I have ever witnessed!! I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone who is seeking a closer relationship with the Lord. It was just fabulous! They just started having them in Philadelphia, and if I remember correctly, they began in New York (?). Correct me if I'm wrong, anybody!

I agree with the idea of talking to your pastor and see what you can come up with....you never know! And definitely get to know the other people who may also be discerning. You can all hang out together and kind of form a support system for each other. I got to know the girls I might be entering religious life with and we get together when we can. It's really good when anyone is going through a confusing time.....

Good luck!!

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[quote name='Norseman82' post='1193120' date='Feb 12 2007, 08:53 PM']
Aside from the "club scene" you mentioned in a later post, what are the fun/socializing things you used to do do you feel not along the lines of someone "chekin'" out the priesthood? If it is a sport or hobby it may not be incompatible at all.

Well..."hangin' out" on the block with the wrong crowd. 'Cause we were idle, trying to out do each other in making up stories of violence and other conquests. This all lead to other negative stuff. I was into the street-racing scene too (w/ all its glitter and worldly glamor)...but now I realize how vain I was :weep: ...jeez! Thank God for the Sacrament of Reconciliation :sign: ! I am so a shamed :paperbag: and I'll never go back to my old ways! That's part of the reason I disconnected from all my old friends. So, I'm starting at "square one" in my social life so to speak :dunce:

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[quote name='Zkelly' post='1193142' date='Feb 12 2007, 09:07 PM']

What I would do (and what I did do before entering the seminary) is get to know the seminarians of your diocese. They're usually a lot of fun to hang out with. We may be busy a lot of the time, but we usually have some free time to hang out and do stuff, not to mention that if they know that you're a potential seminarian they will go out of their way to get to know you and show you what seminary life is like. (It's not all books and studies you know ;) )
oremus pro invicem,


I know seminarians are very busy...but do they get a "day off" during the week :sweat: . But I like your idea Zach, I can get some insight on what I'm gettin' myself into :think: ! What seminary do you go to and what level?

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[quote name='illeat' post='1195093' date='Feb 14 2007, 04:08 PM']
I know seminarians are very busy...but do they get a "day off" during the week :sweat: . But I like your idea Zach, I can get some insight on what I'm gettin' myself into :think: ! What seminary do you go to and what level?

I'm a freshman in philosophy this year (only half a semester left to go!) Currently I'm at the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus Ohio right now, but that may change in four years. If you want to get in contact with some seminarians, call your diocese's vocation director. Even if you think you may have a calling to a religious order, diocesian seminarians will usually find time to hang out and help you "get into the life."

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[quote name='illeat' post='1195073' date='Feb 14 2007, 02:56 PM']
Well..."hangin' out" on the block with the wrong crowd. 'Cause we were idle, trying to out do each other in making up stories of violence and other conquests. This all lead to other negative stuff. I was into the street-racing scene too (w/ all its glitter and worldly glamor)...but now I realize how vain I was :weep: ...jeez! Thank God for the Sacrament of Reconciliation :sign: ! I am so a shamed :paperbag: and I'll never go back to my old ways! That's part of the reason I disconnected from all my old friends. So, I'm starting at "square one" in my social life so to speak :dunce:


REALLY good decision Illeat. :bigclap: It'll take some time, but you've done the right thing for your soul.


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[quote name='illeat' post='1195073' date='Feb 14 2007, 02:56 PM']
I was into the street-racing scene too (w/ all its glitter and worldly glamor)...but now I realize how vain I was :weep: ...jeez! [/quote]

Well, regarding the "street racing", I don't know if it involved racing for titles or what, and I don't know what level of immorality you engaged in as a result (if at all), but it could enable you to reach some of the youth in that scene.

Or, your interest in racing could lead to a ministry to the race circuit. Check out this Anglican clergyman over in England:


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[quote name='Norseman82' post='1195576' date='Feb 14 2007, 08:43 PM']
Well, regarding the "street racing", I don't know if it involved racing for titles or what, and I don't know what level of immorality you engaged in as a result (if at all), but it could enable you to reach some of the youth in that scene.

Or, your interest in racing could lead to a ministry to the race circuit. Check out this Anglican clergyman over in England:


Yeah...I mean it was illegal street racing and there were all kinds of youth and young adults that got involved in that scene...we would race for titles (as in car titles), respect, rights to certain "things", and jurisdiction. When I had my convertion experience some left the scene with me..but I could never get back in that scene even to pull people out :mellow: . But I can sure pray for 'em...especially knowing who they are ;) ... and I love that fast pastor site....hehe...now that's good stuff :cool!: .

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[quote name='illeat' post='1196301' date='Feb 15 2007, 04:52 PM']
Yeah...I mean it was illegal street racing and there were all kinds of youth and young adults that got involved in that scene...we would race for titles (as in car titles), respect, rights to certain "things", and jurisdiction. When I had my convertion experience some left the scene with me..but I could never get back in that scene even to pull people out :mellow: . But I can sure pray for 'em...especially knowing who they are ;) ... and I love that fast pastor site....hehe...now that's good stuff :cool!: .


It's really smart of you to know that about yourself -not to go back. I also think it's important that people respect your privacy about those times and refrain from person questions about it -it's not like you want to (or it's healthy to) keep living it over and over, and I think it's common courtesy on our part. :) Just my thoughts. So, I would recommend we move-on to more suggestions about some good ol clean living fun :) :lol_roll: :lol:

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