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Ol' Good Clean (catholic) Fun!


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Hey, can I recommend a Fr. Corapi Marathon?! The Catechism series - 50 tapes! Also, many others! IMMORTAL COMBAT and etc! Watching Fr. Corapi can be so much fun! [url="http://www.fathercorapi.com"]http://www.fathercorapi.com[/url]

"Before the devil goes to bed, he checks his closet to see if Fr. Corapi is there!" - a funny seminarian .. :hehe:

Edited by Margaret Clare
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[quote name='Margaret Clare' post='1189574' date='Feb 9 2007, 10:45 AM']
Hey, can I recommend a Fr. Corapi Marathon?! The Catechism series - 50 tapes! Also, many others! IMMORTAL COMBAT and etc! Watching Fr. Corapi can be so much fun! [url="http://www.fathercorapi.com"]http://www.fathercorapi.com[/url]

"Before the devil goes to bed, he checks his closet to see if Fr. Corapi is there!" - a funny seminarian .. :hehe:

I'm down for Fr. Corapi...he's a real straight shooter (tells it the way it is). He's working on a book now...it'll be AWESOME :drool: !

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[quote name='illeat' post='1188611' date='Feb 8 2007, 10:21 PM']
You're right God didn't create us to be alone. So how do I find one of these Underground sessions or Theology on Tap?
Who are the Servidoras? And which diocese did they start a new community?
[url="http://www.servidoras.org/"]http://www.servidoras.org/[/url] :)

As for my diocese... it's very far away from yours. :)

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[quote name='VeniteAdoremus' post='1190561' date='Feb 10 2007, 03:53 AM']
[url="http://www.servidoras.org/"]http://www.servidoras.org/[/url] :)

As for my diocese... it's very far away from yours. :)

If it's in the Neitherlands, you're right! That's a long haul... Don't count on me visiting anytime soon :sweat: .

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I think this maybe a issue in the Church...keeping young adults active in the faith. I maybe wrong, but if there's nothing that encourages one to exercise their faith, then it's more likely to go into apathy. It seems that's the edge some of our Protestant brothers and sisters have in terms of conversions and nurturing of faith i.e. young adult(y.a.) ministries in "mega" churchs and y.a. programs of the Mormons :huh: .

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Guest eight_days_after

[quote name='illeat' post='1191026' date='Feb 10 2007, 07:41 PM']
I think this maybe a issue in the Church...keeping young adults active in the faith. I maybe wrong, but if there's nothing that encourages one to exercise their faith, then it's more likely to go into apathy. It seems that's the edge some of our Protestant brothers and sisters have in terms of conversions and nurturing of faith i.e. young adult(y.a.) ministries in "mega" churchs and y.a. programs of the Mormons :huh: .

In my parish...

i am sad to say that out of the 60 kids in my class getting confirmed this year... i am probly the only one who attends confirmation class willingly, without the prodding of my parents... there are several others who dont mind it, but my class (i am a junior) seems to be far from the faith... at my high school, i calculated that about 20% of the girls in my class would get pregnant before graduation... and that was using statistics obtained in ninth grade... what does that say about the percentage having sex? ... My parish tries to bring the kids in too, we have lifeteen, lifeteen masses, really cool youth ministers, and we go on practically every retreat available... and yet.... yes it is sad... but its not of the lack of things for good Catholic kids to do, its the lack of good Catholic kids to do things with... I do not think i have gone to a movie since... the last harry potter movie came out... over a year ago, and i cannot remember the last time i went out on a friday or saturday night... its just not worth it

May you walk eternally in God's footsteps!! =D

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I was a convert at 22, so I empathize. I actually was rather friendless for a year or two because it took time to meet new people and the lifestyle of my old friends was so :( . But, it was DEFINITELY worth it.

1. Volunteer at a local Catholic organization. Go to a local soup kitchen, Habitat for Humanity, a local order of religious brothers or sisters, or your parish. You will meet good young people here.

2. Do things outside. Hike, Ski, Snowboard, Bike, Walk. These are all good, clean ways to have fun. (Check Frassati)

3. Utilize the USCCB "Movie Review" section before watching a movie. I find it invaluable in safeguarding my purity. [url="http://www.usccb.org/movies/"]http://www.usccb.org/movies/[/url]

4. Call the archidocesan offices (google it if you have to) and ask about Young Adult groups in your area. They should be able to tell you about ToT and other events.

5. Look for local Catholic organizations. Like the Frassati Society: [url="http://www.frassati.org/"]http://www.frassati.org/[/url]
Regnum Christi: [url="http://www.regnumchristi.org/"]http://www.regnumchristi.org/[/url]
Opus Dei: [url="http://www.opusdei.org/"]http://www.opusdei.org/[/url]

6. Once you meet people, don't be afraid of the "good clean fun" of playing cards, a board game, going bowling, or the like at somebody's house. Give people a chance even if they don't seem "cool" at first. Christ didn't hang out with people because they were "cool" in the eyes of the world.

7. Develop a hobby. Whether it's wood-working, painting, drawing, pottery, restoring an old car or boat, gardening, etc. This too is good clean fun. Take a class to get started or buy a book.

8. Last, but definitely not least, make a Holy Hour (in front of the Blessed Sacrament) once a week or more and pay a visit whenever you feel tempted to unholy "fun". Pray the Rosary. Read spiritual books (GK Chesterton and anything by JPII are good).

When I converted, I spent many a "date night with Jesus" aka just me and the big guy doing some of the things I listed above. In retrospect, this was an invaluable opportunity full of many graces and blessings. This time is a real blessing for you- be thankful.

Finally, I'm really encouraged by your search for holiness. Thanks for the post.

*Oh, and make sure to spend time with your family doing some of the things above (assuming they are not constantly living in or encouraging serious sin). This is a real opportunity to learn from and grow closer to them as well since you'll have more time on your hands.

Edited by Veritas
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Since you enjoyed "Fishers of Men", you will probably like this online video as well:


Click on "NEW: The Saint Paul Seminary Video" in the right-hand column.

Another word of advice, make sure the seminary you're looking at is solid. If so, go to a few of their events (ask the rector about what is open to you). They should have prayer times and probably some intramural sports, too. This is a great way to meet some solid guys.

Other good movies: The Count of Monte Cristo
Les Miserable
The Incredibles (yes, the animated flick)
March of the Penguins
Chariots of Fire
Lord of the Rings
Mother Teresa (Petrie Sisters Production) This is an AWESOME Bio. Make sure to get the original from the 1980's not the "Legend" remake. [url="http://www.motherteresafilm.com/"]http://www.motherteresafilm.com/[/url]
The Prince of Egypt (yes it's a disney)
Anything with Cary Grant is pretty harmless and fun

Edited by Veritas
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[quote name='eight_days_after' post='1191034' date='Feb 10 2007, 05:52 PM']
In my parish...

i am sad to say that out of the 60 kids in my class getting confirmed this year... i am probly the only one who attends confirmation class willingly, without the prodding of my parents... there are several others who dont mind it, but my class (i am a junior) seems to be far from the faith... at my high school, i calculated that about 20% of the girls in my class would get pregnant before graduation... and that was using statistics obtained in ninth grade... what does that say about the percentage having sex? ... My parish tries to bring the kids in too, we have lifeteen, lifeteen masses, really cool youth ministers, and we go on practically every retreat available... and yet.... yes it is sad... but its not of the lack of things for good Catholic kids to do, its the lack of good Catholic kids to do things with... I do not think i have gone to a movie since... the last harry potter movie came out... over a year ago, and i cannot remember the last time i went out on a friday or saturday night... its just not worth it

May you walk eternally in God's footsteps!! =D

That's interest! I had the same impression of my Confirmation class. It's a weird feeling finding yourself alone :tumbleweed: in a room full of fellow "Catholic" kid that think you're strange for being sinerely interested in the Faith :sign: ...

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[quote name='Veritas' post='1191566' date='Feb 11 2007, 10:57 AM']

Since you enjoyed "Fishers of Men", you will probably like this online video as well:


Click on "NEW: The Saint Paul Seminary Video" in the right-hand column.

Another word of advice, make sure the seminary you're looking at is solid. If so, go to a few of their events (ask the rector about what is open to you). They should have prayer times and probably some intramural sports, too. This is a great way to meet some solid guys.
Other good movies: The Count of Monte Cristo
Les Miserable
The Incredibles (yes, the animated flick)
March of the Penguins
Chariots of Fire
Lord of the Rings
Mother Teresa (Petrie Sisters Production) This is an AWESOME Bio. Make sure to get the original from the 1980's not the "Legend" remake. [url="http://www.motherteresafilm.com/"]http://www.motherteresafilm.com/[/url]
The Prince of Egypt (yes it's a disney)
Anything with Cary Grant is pretty harmless and fun

Wow! Thanks for the 411 Veritas! Sounds like you are speaking from first-hand-experience... I think I'm just going to print-out of your posts as a to-do list. Are you discerning or in a religious community?

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Ok. I was apart of what's called Newman Ministries!! that's a group where College aged kids can gather together and make things based off of their needs and wants based off of their faith. So if there are any nearby colleges then I would suggest in looking at those colleges because most every college public and private alike have a Newman Center.

Second movie wise: I would go to:

[url="http://www.usccb.org/movies/topten/topten2005.shtml"]Top Ten movies from 1965-2005[/url]

This one also looks good it has a lot of movies to choose from.

[url="http://www.americancatholic.org/Movies/indexletter.asp?Index=All"]Catholic movie Review[/url]

So look them over and see which ones would interest you.

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[quote name='God_loves_all_of_you!' post='1192437' date='Feb 12 2007, 10:45 AM']
Ok. I was apart of what's called Newman Ministries!! that's a group where College aged kids can gather together and make things based off of their needs and wants based off of their faith. So if there are any nearby colleges then I would suggest in looking at those colleges because most every college public and private alike have a Newman Center.

Second movie wise: I would go to:

[url="http://www.usccb.org/movies/topten/topten2005.shtml"]Top Ten movies from 1965-2005[/url]

This one also looks good it has a lot of movies to choose from.

[url="http://www.americancatholic.org/Movies/indexletter.asp?Index=All"]Catholic movie Review[/url]

So look them over and see which ones would interest you.

Nice! The Newman Center looks very active in y.a. ministry :thumbsup: ! Funny I never heard of them before... I got a link...mmm....http://www.thenewmancenter.net/
I like the top 10 movie listing! I looked up the top 10 movies in the year I was born... that was fun! Thanks 'God_loves_all_of_you! :D:

Edited by illeat
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[quote name='illeat' post='1187862' date='Feb 7 2007, 08:22 PM']
I checked out the youth groups...but I'm 25 and feel out of place. I think I'm looking for like a college level "youth" group :cool: . I feel so isolated :pinch: . Maybe thats my calling...to start a young adult catholic group! :idontknow:
I would suggest going to your pastor and asking if you can start something yourself. You know what you're looking for, and there may be other people who wish there was something similar but haven't taken the time to start it themselves. My suggestion would be to center it around the pro-life movement in your area. One fun thing is meeting on a Saturday morning to pray at an abortion mill, then going out for pizza (go dutch, of course!). You can even go to a clean movie, meet with some guys to play basketball, etc. But success with these kinds of groups often comes when the first focus is prayer (either at an abortion mill, in a church, or through Eucharistic Adoration [i]as a group[/i], to precede whatever social activity you may like to do together).

This has worked at my parish to some extent, and it's definitely worth a try. You can also just put out a call to some young adults to come to prayer events your church already has in place - whether they're weekly or monthly - and then do something fun afterwards.

Fun things aren't off-limits when you're discerning, but I know it can be difficult to have a social life due to the lack of like-minded people who want their "fun" to be clean and holy. Thankfully I've had a like-minded best friend since I was little, so we've always stuck together. But my high school friends came and went. I will pray that you find/establish something soon!

God bless,

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[i][url="http://www.ignatius.com/ViewProduct.aspx?SID=1&Product_ID=2856&SKU=PPMM-M&Category_ID=32"]Padre Pio: Miracle Man[/url][/i] is pretty awesome .. Okay I edited this huge post and am going to put a link here instead to the thread I started of this in Open Mic - [url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=64497"]Padre Pio: Miracle Man[/url]

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Guest JuggleDoug

Don't even think about the priesthood unless you know God is calling you.

I converted about 6 years ago, so I understand the excitement and urgency

RIGHT NOW you are where God wants you so find peace in knowing that you are where you are because you have obeyed God's plans for your life (Jn 15:9-11).

Make praying and seeking out God-loving friends a priority. Be as patient with God as he is with us.

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