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I'm Going Protestant


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im an aspiring rapper and i know what ur goin through. Im not givin up tho. just keep your sights on that goal and continue to follow Gods will.

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ALL OF MY COLLABORATIONS have been done with AOL IM's messaging...


(480) 650-8680

I would still LOVE to work with you, bro...


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  electricdisk said:
Correct on this one...

Just meaning I find it a HECK of a lot easier to find protestants who are interested in using music to propogate their faith.  Therefore, to expedite the release of a CD which includes songs about God, The Angels, Jesus etc.... and a protestant is available 'immediately' over a Catholic who is 'too busy' , 'too smart' or 'uninterested' then that is the way God wants it to be. (guessing here)

If I can find a protestant who is willing  'rap about Jesus' in 30 seconds and over 30 freakin e-mails never get answered on the EXACT same topic...

Something supernatural is going on, and I am not going to second guess or fight it...

Like I said in the post.  Maybe it is God's will or something...I cannot understand why repeated e-mails to many, many phatmassers go unanswered or even acknowledged....

I normally don't post in here unless I'm working but I couldn't put this off anymore. I read your post and meditated upon it. I even e-mailed you to which I received no response either. In fact I also recall e-mailing you several times when I didn't get a response back requesting a wav format of some tracks. You did eventually respond but I didn't think anything of it when you didn't. However, since we're on a "calling out" tip then allow me to post that.

In respect to your request for an artist to voice over tracks. I clearly remember telling you that yes I thought you were talented and in fact wanted to work with you but would not be able to meet your expected deadling for the end of January when you were originally planning to release your CD.

You mentioned that you are interested in going Protestant to find artists because it's easier. By all means don't let anyone stop you. However, I do recall you saying in our eariler conversations that you had difficulty finding artists in general even after you placed ads in a newspaper and that you felt GOD's will was for you to work with Catholic artists and maybe it was a sign for you to do that since you were getting a poor response with secular artists. If you feel that you are called to make music for GOD in collaboration with Protestant artists then by all means do so. I'm not one to shun the non-Catholic Christian music scene, in fact you can ask anyone from the boards that knows me....that's what I do. I am heavily into the HHH scene and I do so because I believe in what GOD is doing in Gospel Urban Music in general (Catholic or non-Catholic but not anti-Catholic). But, brother Shawn if you are going "protestant" because you are in a hurry to release your album and you are frustrated because you can't get it out there, then allow me to gently remind you that "Christian music" should never be a "independent release" breeding ground. What I mean by that is that I am becoming extremely frustrated with artists who want to use Christian music as an avenue to release their own material, either because the independent scene is too hard to break into or the secular scene has too many people in it that any release will be lost in the shuffle if it doesn't have a gimmick. But somehow I believe that your spirit is genuine and that you really do want to make music to reach people with a message that is bigger than all of us.

In response to your points as follows:

Therefore, to expedite the release of a CD which includes songs about God, The Angels, Jesus etc.... and a protestant is available 'immediately' over a Catholic who is 'too busy' , 'too smart' or 'uninterested' then that is the way God wants it to be. (guessing here)

You mention expediate again. I will point out that we reap what we sow and the timing is GOD's and not ours. This is one of the corner stone tenants of Gospel Urban Music in terms of ministry. But in any case you mention that Catholics are "too busy" or "too smart." Now I'm not sure if that is in reference to me but allow me to answer that anyway. Yes, people are busy. We are all called to be different parts in the Body of Christ. And THAT includes what we individually are called to do. They all work together. I am not here to be YOUR artist. Fr. Stan is not here to be YOUR artist, Pontifex and dUSt are not here to be YOUR artists. They are individuals, EACH with their own callings and ministries in their respective lives. Just as YOU are not here to be ANYONE's private producer making beats on command whenever someone wants it done. You are an artist in your own respect, putting out your material, with your sound, with your vision as given to you by GOD.

AND YES. I am in school. YES that would be law school. Allow me to expound on that. I am attempting to be obedient to my call to Law so that I can put myself in a position to help artists such as yourself get a better avenue to have your music out there through Justice Entertainment.

One thing that lacks in the Gospel Urban Music Ministry is proper business sense. And this right here proves my point.

Nothing happens over night. It took the Isrealites 40 years to get to the promise land. And I'm sure they were frustrated along the way as well. In terms of being uninterested? So if that point was addressed at me, so be it. Yes you've e-mailed people, but what did you expect? I also write, do reviews, make contacts etc in the hopes of bettering our position of bringing music to those who really need to hear it. I see that we have something in common, a burning passion to do what GOD wants us to do. Please don't take this the wrong way, I say it in love, but the artists on Phatmass also have other callings. inDEED is engaged, dUSt is married and working full time to feed the child he has and the one on the way plus a side web site design business PLUS maintaining Phatmass plus putting up with me pushing him constantly to get PR kits out and asking for apporval on congsignment agreements etc. Just is trying to find a job so he can be a provider, and the list goes on. Yes people are busy. But I don't see why you would take that personally. Finger pointing regarding the artists is fine, allow me to point out though that compassion and patience are virtues for a reason as well.

You keep mentioning that maybe it was GOD's will. And if that is the case then I'm not going to be one who disagrees with you. But I also want people who read this post not to get twisted the teachings of CHRIST. He says to pick up the cross and follow Him. He also asks us to walk out in faith. My older sister would always scold me and say "if you never get out of the boat, how will you ever walk on water?!" And so for those who might be easily frustrated in following Christ please don't think that every obstacle that comes in the way is GOD saying don't do it or go back. I just don't want people to be mislead in that respect.

Fab welcomed you to the business, and I'll do the same. This is the reality of it. Fab covered a LOT of great points but one more point I'd like to add. One of the things that separates Gospel Urban Music and the secular scene is not just the lyrics but the ideal that behind it there is a sense of unity of commUNITY (i took that from FEED) and that being said. My suggestion would be to build relationships and not just put ads out asking for artists. We are ONE body with ONE head in CHRIST. The stronger the ties between us the stronger that will reflect in the music. Talk to people, touch base with people...not as a business proposition or to solicit material but make connections.

That being said, I wish you all the best in whatever you decide. My offer is still open if you need help making some of those connections.

In Christ,


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electricdisk, perhaps its a good thing that so many protestants are available to you, maybe they'll hear the Truth is your projecct and a fire will be enkindled in them to seek the Church for their salvation. but i hope you can get more catholic support. If i can, I'd like to help in any way possible.

I'll keep you and the project in my prayers. :)

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  • 1 month later...

[quote name='FabdaEclectic' date='Jan 23 2004, 08:04 AM'] Let me say this to you in love, my friend.....

Welcome to real life homey....This is the norm. Trust me. After 15 years in this industry, I know. Many of us, from myself to Fiti Futuristic to Pontifex (Ambassador D) to Cross Movement to John Rueben - we've ALL been through it.

EMAIL IS NOT THE BEST WAY TO DO THIS. When I get emails like that, I delete em. I read the first line...DELETE.....NOT INTERESTED. If you want my help, CALL ME. Don't PM me, don't IM me, don't email me. I seldom return emails - only to select individuals. pick up the phone and show me that you mean business. Noone's going to be courteous and send you an email reply. It doesn't work that way.

Feel me?

Pick up the phone and call each one of those contacts. BUG THEM....Call radio people...Call distributors.... DO shows and [b]ESTABLISH YOUR NAME.[/b]...I don't know you and neither do many of those others. I myself wouldn't put in my time and effort for someone I neither know or know well enough to trust.

This is what we call "paying your dues". To me, it sounds like you're taking the easy route and getting upset that people aren't jumping to be on your project.

no no no. That's not how it works.

If you're going to give up this quickly, you might want to think about a different avenue of ministry, because this NEVER gets better. The only thing you must do is HARD WORK and hope that ONE of those people you email has connections.

Again, I say this gruff but in love. Noone took the time to tell me how it is, point blank. I've spent 15 years spinning my wheels and JUST NOW am I starting to get paid and recognized for my work. Take it from an expert....listen to what I'm telling you and do it.

Bro, there's no need to reply and say "but I do that!!". I love ya in the Lord bro, but if you were, you'd be doing something with it by now. Keep pressing in and keep doing the leg work. It'll pay off.

Fab [/quote]
yo Fab!

i tried calling you today.. got your number (dont know if its right though)
some dude picked up and said "sorry wrong number" when i asked for "hey is Fab there"...lol

me and Dj 86 were talking..
let's work something out... holla back at me ASAP
cell: 312-307-1942

is ur #: 239-707-7952??

call me or email me maydbyGOD@aol.com
either way is fine..
God bless

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I have very mixed feelings about this, but I'm tipping my hat in your direction anyway. Good luck out there.

Edited by nikkan_hanil
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