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Religions Must Conform To Canadian 'charter Values'


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Comme je pleure le sang Canadien qui coule et qui coulera toujours jusqu'au jours ou nous trouverons veriter.

On another side of things;
[quote]Constitutional lawyer Peter Lauwers said that Stein’s assumption is that all citizens will eventually conform internally to a uniform state ideology, “a brave new world in the future where we all think the same.”[/quote]

Is it just me or is this guy a complete moron? Sorry... I know, very uncharitable of me. But those of you who read 'Brave New World' probably catch my comment fairly well.

[quote name='Church Punk' post='1183691' date='Feb 3 2007, 08:59 AM']

today. They are those who have been poisoned spreading their poison to others.

The only antidode to this is that we must love them in return. Just as the early Church was persecuted and martyred we too much go through this persecution and martyrdom. Only ours isnt of physical means, but spiritual martyrdom. We must die daily to the evils that surround us in our society.

If they chose to deny any funding so be it. Perhaps it will shake things us and wake up some of the sleeping Catholics here. God is pruning his Church.

Very well said.

The church raised itself in Canada without any goverment funding. It will endure and raised again should this be taken away.

Who cares about money? Really. Is this the pint here? SFD - no. What is most obvious, is that this will not be the last step. And everyone who has a head on their shoulders knows it.

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[quote name='prose' post='1183464' date='Feb 2 2007, 08:02 PM']
Yeah, I definitely think that I am 21+ :hehe:

Sounds great!!

Pack the bags kids!! We're heading south.

We're fixin' ta hafta teach ya howta talk Texan. kids is "y'all", heading is "headin".


something never really is something, it is "about-something". lemme see iffin i can find an example:

howz this - [b][i]y'all fixin ta come down to TEXAS, and that's [color="#FF0000"]about [/color] the smartest thang y'all could do, yup!![/i][/b]

[quote name='Rod' post='1183685' date='Feb 3 2007, 06:54 AM']
We see 'Government' imposing 'their' values all around the world. The rationale is to be 'politically correct', to 'offend no one' yet in so doing we move rapidly from our root values and what 'made us' as a country 'who we are today.' Governments should stick to administering the country and leave individual values and beliefs alone.

and yet, I'm offended by their political correctness..so maybe we can all just be real.

Edited by geistesswiesenschaften
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[quote name='Church Punk' post='1183691' date='Feb 3 2007, 08:59 AM']
Just like the patient who refuses treatment. The Church is not the poison but the antidode.

These people piss me off so much, there seems to be an over abundance of this mentallity among the so called learned in Canadian universities today. They are those who have been poisoned spreading their poison to others.

The only antidode to this is that we must love them in return. Just as the early Church was persecuted and martyred we too much go through this persecution and martyrdom. Only ours isnt of physical means, but spiritual martyrdom. We must die daily to the evils that surround us in our society.

If they chose to deny any funding so be it. Perhaps it will shake things us and wake up some of the sleeping Catholics here. God is pruning his Church.

Church Punk that was well said. I totally agree with God pruning his Church. Like the olive tree though, it will grow back... also, geistesswiesenschaften, I recon you done gone and stole my ironic line about being offended by political correctness :pinch: . I think I'll stretch that line out as far as it can go... We Canadians are pretty ingenuous at times... I'll just leave it at that. Just pray for Canada. I don't think well become Commies though. I won't let that happen. I'll soon be able to vote... and if that doesn't work I can always go through the streets crying 'repent'! :lol: :saint:

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