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Audio For Baptism


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here's the audio

--Sr. Joan Noreen on Baptism and the Eucharist

--Msgr. Michael Heras and Fr. David Hemann on Baptism

--Fr. Benedict Groeschel on Meeting with Christ: Baptism

--Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen on Baptism

--Fr. Robert J. Fox on Baptism and Confirmation

--Tim Staples on Baptism

There's 2 from "The Journey Home" which i know is a program with conversion testimonies, they're labeled "Baptism", i don't know if i should include them :unsure:

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hey, thanks vera! :D

i'm basically going w/ the order that the sacraments are presented in over at Catholic Answers, so the next one will be Confession. i'm glad ur excited about this. i really am too. i can't wait to get to the Eucharist, but i'm not near done w/ baptism yet. this is a highly contested sacrament also, so i want to compile as many resources as i can find. but, if u want to go ahead and start on audio for the next section, that's fine w/ me.

i'll leave it up to you.

thanks again :D.........pax christi,


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  VeraMaria said:
The Holy Eucharist is going to be great...TONS of resources!

have at it Vera!!

there's another thread where u can post ur info.

(this entry is going to be HUGE!)

pax christi,


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