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SMME On The Today Show!


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[quote name='Piobaire' post='1183112' date='Feb 2 2007, 02:08 PM']
It was supposed to be on yesterday but was bumped for some spoiled kid thing :huh: soooo they are hoping for next week sometime!

That was really bratty of them, don't you think?

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It was on this morning.

You can go to their [b][url="http://www.sistersofmary.org/category.php?id=36"]news page[/url] [/b]and click the link to watch it online.

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It was pretty cool, although the boom of vocations isn't really happening as widely as they made it seem. We can always pray for that, of course!

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Sr Mary Catharine OP

[quote name='HeavenlyCalling' post='1185472' date='Feb 5 2007, 02:23 PM']
It was pretty cool, although the boom of vocations isn't really happening as widely as they made it seem. We can always pray for that, of course!

I disagree. It IS happening although not in the numbers that the SMME experience. Other congregations and orders are so well known or high profiled. But I would say that as a whole, most religious communities are experience a new interest that is not like it was before.

When I was discerning as a teenager (way back in the '80's) I knew NO ONE who was also considering a vocation. And I went to a very traditional small catholic school. Now, when I talk to young women, almost everyone of them knows at least 2 others who are discerning a vocation.

Since I became novice mistress/vocation directress 2 1/2 years ago we've experienced a very noticeable increase in vocation interest. God willing we hope to have 2 enter early this year and 4 for aspirancy. That's a lot for us!

I think it's a wonderful done story!

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[quote name='Sr. Mary Catharine' post='1185511' date='Feb 5 2007, 12:19 PM']
I disagree. It IS happening although not in the numbers that the SMME experience. Other congregations and orders are so well known or high profiled. But I would say that as a whole, most religious communities are experience a new interest that is not like it was before.

When I was discerning as a teenager (way back in the '80's) I knew NO ONE who was also considering a vocation. And I went to a very traditional small catholic school. Now, when I talk to young women, almost everyone of them knows at least 2 others who are discerning a vocation.

Since I became novice mistress/vocation directress 2 1/2 years ago we've experienced a very noticeable increase in vocation interest. God willing we hope to have 2 enter early this year and 4 for aspirancy. That's a lot for us!

I think it's a wonderful done story!

I agree with Sr Mary Catherine. I think that more women today are considering religious life than there were over the past twenty years. I think that the Internet has made it possible for more people to communicate about these things, and for young women to get the information they need to make a discernment about the right order for them.

I have been in communication with orders that I would never have known about before the Internet. I can visit their websites and then contact them and find out more.

I do think that communities that need vocations need to seriously look at their websites, but the initial contact for many of us, is through those sites. The ones that have "good" sites, with a lot of information are more likely to get contact from aspirants (IMO). I know that if a community website has a "good feel" to me, I am more likely to be attracted to that particular community, than if I just see a contact name and address on the Vocations or IRL websites.

The video of the SMME sisters was a fantastic vocational tool - and I wouldn't be at all surprised if there was a sudden increase in interest just from young women watching that video, either on the Today show or online at the NBSC website. It was great!

I recently did a search online for videos of sisters, and there are a few out there that are relaly good - shome showing entrances and professions (Passionists have two online).

So, praise God for the Internet, and for the increase in vocations to the sisterhood!

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i take it the dsmme were on today - on the today show? ugh...it smells of elderberries being a hospital lol

[quote name='Sr. Mary Catharine' post='1185511' date='Feb 5 2007, 04:19 PM']
Since I became novice mistress/vocation directress 2 1/2 years ago we've experienced a very noticeable increase in vocation interest. God willing we hope to have 2 enter early this year and 4 for aspirancy. That's a lot for us!


sorry a double post here,

hehe, shes been novice mistress/vocation director for more lke 15 years!!!! You do it soooooooooo "professionally" Sister, if you recall i was amazed when you told me how long you have been the "superior of the novitiate" :D: :D:

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I watched it online and thought it was very well done. I e-mailed the today show to let them now how much I appreciate the piece and would like to see more things like that on as well. I think it might be a good idea of others e-mailed the show and let them know as well.

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[quote name='shortnun' post='1191867' date='Feb 11 2007, 06:41 PM']
Just got an email that they're supposed to be on the NBC nightly news. TURN YOUR TV ON NOW!!!
Ooops, same one that they showed earlier on the Today Show, and what is linked on the "news" section of their website.

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Pretty cool video! I liked how they cut back and forth between the soccer game and prayers in the chapel. :) It's great that the secular media is starting to take notice.

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