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In today's world with men wearing long hair, having tatoos, and smoking up a storm, and women with short hair, wearing practically nothing, and going to bars - acting so permissive it isn't funny, I think it is a time to talk about a revival of sorts.

[quote name='Matthew 5:8']
Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.[/quote]

I think TV, worldy music like Metalica, and watching movies with graphic violence, and doesn't praise YHWH are sin before YHWH. If there is to be a massive turning to the true church, we need to institute some new holiness standards.

I've often said, YHWH is the only authority in my life. I obey human authorities, but only when they are in agreement with YHWH. Here's some things to think about, if YHWH is the authority of your life as well.

If the Lord is your authority in life, you won't want to watch TV because you won't put any evil thing before your eyes.

If the Lord is your authority in life, you won't wear pants if you are a Girl, because he considers that an abomination.

If the Lord is your authority in life, you won't cut your hair if your are a girl and will keep your hair short for a man.

Why, because all of this is Scriptural.

[quote name='Deuteronomy 22:5']
The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.[/quote]

[quote name='1 Corinthians 11:4-5']Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonoureth his head.

But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven.[/quote]

YHWH wants men to look like men, and women to look like women, and

[quote name='Psalm 101:3']
I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.[/quote]

not watch TV.

I'm not saying men living in Scotland can't wear kilts, but kilts are quite 'manly' in Scotland.

But don't you think women should look a little more femine, and men to be more manly. I know it's not PC to say such stuff, but where is being PC taking us, straight to liberal morals. In the 1920s, women started to get hair cuts, by the 1960s there was abortions and homosexuality driven by feminism.

I watch TV, but now I will not. YHWH wants me not to watch wicked things, and there is nothing more wicked than TV, with 'baywatch babes', 'big brother houses', and fear inducing tv shows, I consider them evil and not to be in my household.

However, I've never struggled with wearing dresses. LOL!

And you only have to read all the scriptures from this bible search query to understand, being drunken is not a good thing.

[url="http://www.biblegateway.com/quicksearch/?quicksearch=drunken&qs_version=9"]Drunken search topic from Biblegateway.com[/url]

What are your opinions, if you don't mind.

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I would say that depending upon their occupation, women wearing pants can be more modest.

I work at a kennel. If I wore a skirt, I would be in many odd predicaments. I think that God wants us to be practical, and women can wear pants without offending their dignity.

Having said that, I do love my skirts! :saint:

And yes, I do believe that you are speaking of what Pope John Paul II called the "Culture of Death".

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Though, as St. Augustine says, perfect abstinence can sometimes be easier than perfect moderation; it is still dangerous to attempt to impose perfect abstinence on all. The things you list can be dangerous, and done to excess they are sinful, but this does not mean everyone has to avoid all of them all the time.

When it comes to cultural dress: the cultural androngyny accompanying many of today's styles is not good, and often amounts to cross-dressing. Where you cross the line into rediculosity is when you start absolutizing the idea that a girls must always wear dresses and guys must always wear pants. cultural concepts of dress for men and women must make clear distinctions between the sexes, yes, but those distinctions are not absolute. Girl-pants ought to be clearly distinguishable such that no guy would ever wear girl pants. The style wherein guys do wear pants which are designed for girls ammounts, in my opinion, to cross dressing.

As regards alcohol: Jesus Christ drank wine. The wine He made out of water at the Wedding at Cana was judged to be very high quality wine; and in that cultural setting that meant it had a high alcohol content (the higher the alcohol content, the less likely the drink was to have bacteria). The Psalms say that a bit of wine gladdens a man's heart (showing that drinking to receive some affect of alcohol is not totally condemned in the scriptures)

With this psalm in mind, the meaning of the Sciptures one one hand condemning drunkenness and on the other hand sanctioning different types of social drinking becomes most clear in the words of St. Thomas Aquinas who said one may drink to [i]hilarity[/i] but not to [i]drunkenness[/i]. The Psalms say a bit of wine gladdens a man's heart; indicating one who drinks to the point of hilarity/joliness/merriment in social settings. Drunkenness is the evil mortal sin whereby one totally surrenders his will to an altered state.

TV can be enjoyed in moderation. stuff like TIVO and movies are better though; letting the TV decide your schedule can screw up your priorities.

Rock music has been quite destructive to our culture and should never take the place of the high music of western civilization; but it's not all absolutely evil. Again: moderation is key; your fundamental musical influence ought to be one in continuity with the culture of Western Civilization united in the common cosmology of the past.

As the rule of St. Benedict says: Ne quid nimis (Nothing to excess). That's a good axiom for life and for most things you've listed.

But there's nothing wrong with, as a personal choice to avoid the corruption of your soul, you choose to completely abstain from stuff like TV and rock music and alcohol.

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[quote name='philosobrat' post='1180986' date='Jan 30 2007, 11:17 PM']
I would say that depending upon their occupation, women wearing pants can be more modest.

I work at a kennel. If I wore a skirt, I would be in many odd predicaments. I think that God wants us to be practical, and women can wear pants without offending their dignity.

Having said that, I do love my skirts! :saint:

And yes, I do believe that you are speaking of what Pope John Paul II called the "Culture of Death".

I would agree with that. Kennels would be a really bad place to wear a skirt. I'm glad about what you said about your skirts. Shows the right kind of attitude. Too many women today would say, you mean I have to wear skirts, get with the times buddy. Ask yourself this, does that seem like a godly attitude?

I believe there is a special annointing from God when you do these things. As the scripture above says, those who desire and do these things are the pure in heart, and they shall see the Lord.

It's like I have said about the Prohibition stuff.

Let the drunk go one way, and the saint go another, so the drunk will see the peace and joy of the saint for following YHWH and he will join him/her.

I don't how many would be offended me saying, but I think women getting haircuts is just plain ungodly. The 'a woman should have her head covered' scripture concerns that, which is new testament. So no old testament/new testament arguements.

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[quote name='Aloysius' post='1180999' date='Jan 30 2007, 11:27 PM']
Though, as St. Augustine says, perfect abstinence can sometimes be easier than perfect moderation; it is still dangerous to attempt to impose perfect abstinence on all. The things you list can be dangerous, and done to excess they are sinful, but this does not mean everyone has to avoid all of them all the time.

When it comes to cultural dress: the cultural androngyny accompanying many of today's styles is not good, and often amounts to cross-dressing. Where you cross the line into rediculosity is when you start absolutizing the idea that a girls must always wear dresses and guys must always wear pants. cultural concepts of dress for men and women must make clear distinctions between the sexes, yes, but those distinctions are not absolute. Girl-pants ought to be clearly distinguishable such that no guy would ever wear girl pants. The style wherein guys do wear pants which are designed for girls ammounts, in my opinion, to cross dressing.

As regards alcohol: Jesus Christ drank wine. The wine He made out of water at the Wedding at Cana was judged to be very high quality wine; and in that cultural setting that meant it had a high alcohol content (the higher the alcohol content, the less likely the drink was to have bacteria). The Psalms say that a bit of wine gladdens a man's heart (showing that drinking to receive some affect of alcohol is not totally condemned in the scriptures)

With this psalm in mind, the meaning of the Sciptures one one hand condemning drunkenness and on the other hand sanctioning different types of social drinking becomes most clear in the words of St. Thomas Aquinas who said one may drink to [i]hilarity[/i] but not to [i]drunkenness[/i]. The Psalms say a bit of wine gladdens a man's heart; indicating one who drinks to the point of hilarity/joliness/merriment in social settings. Drunkenness is the evil mortal sin whereby one totally surrenders his will to an altered state.

TV can be enjoyed in moderation. stuff like TIVO and movies are better though; letting the TV decide your schedule can screw up your priorities.

Rock music has been quite destructive to our culture and should never take the place of the high music of western civilization; but it's not all absolutely evil. Again: moderation is key; your fundamental musical influence ought to be one in continuity with the culture of Western Civilization united in the common cosmology of the past.

As the rule of St. Benedict says: Ne quid nimis (Nothing to excess). That's a good axiom for life and for most things you've listed.

But there's nothing wrong with, as a personal choice to avoid the corruption of your soul, you choose to completely abstain from stuff like TV and rock music and alcohol.
Good reply.

On the music thing though. Can we be moderate with rock music or other wordly music?

You are either for Christ, or against Christ. So any music not about Yeshua is against him.

The debate on girls wearing skirts or not. I would prefer a girl who wore skirts out of a personal submission to YHWH. I wouldn't even consider a girl who wears pants, because the man is the head of the house, unless her job was such that wearing a skirt would be unpleasent and potentially dangerous. So if I told her, no more pants and we fought about it, how godly would that be?

As I stated before. I believe there is a special annointing on people who desire to be pure and live in purity in this life. I know the Lord has blessed me with a special annointing for going that far.

It feels like a warmth flowing through my body. I have seen visions, prophesied, and dreamed dreams from YHWH. I want to recommend this to everybody because it is the most peaceful feeling in the world.

You can know that the whole world is evil, and yet be at peace with it, because the world isn't your authority, but YHWH is the authority, and that warmth gives you great comfort, just like Yeshua said it would.

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What is your definition of a "haircut"? There is the Amish version of not cutting the hair at all (correct me if I am wrong, and I may be) and then there is the version where women deliberately try to look like men. I am trying to figure out if you are saying that short haircuts on women are evil (not deliberately masculine haircuts).

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[quote name='philosobrat' post='1181025' date='Jan 30 2007, 11:39 PM']
What is your definition of a "haircut"? There is the Amish version of not cutting the hair at all (correct me if I am wrong, and I may be) and then there is the version where women deliberately try to look like men. I am trying to figure out if you are saying that short haircuts on women are evil (not deliberately masculine haircuts).
Holiness doesn't really come from the outside. It comes from a desire to honour YHWH.

On the Amish, I don't how much of what they do is tradition or out of a desire to honour YHWH.

My preference would be for a girl not to have a hair cut [b]out of submission to YHWH[/b], but if they did have a hair cut and kept the hair long [b]out of submission[/b], that would be okay too. The whole point of this is not outward looks, but desire.

I would definitely say women with short haircuts are rebellious to YHWH, either in ignorance, or willfully. For instance, if you said it is godly for women to have long hair, and the first thing a girl with short hair does is say you are behind the times, you can see a rebellious spirit in her. She's not submissive to YHWH, and living for herself.

My preferance is because the fact I have gone so far to live in purity in this life because I want YHWH alone to be my authority in life, I have dreamed dreams, saw visions, and prophesied. This annointing YHWH has given me is like a warmth flowing through my entire body, and it brings great peace and comfort into my life. You can live in an ungodly world and be at peace in it, because this great annointing tells you this world has no authority over you. It is the great comforter, the Holy Ghost, that Yeshua prophesied about.

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[quote name='FullTruth' post='1180946' date='Jan 30 2007, 09:35 PM']
In today's world with men wearing long hair, having tatoos, and smoking up a storm, and women with short hair, wearing practically nothing, and going to bars - acting so permissive it isn't funny, I think it is a time to talk about a revival of sorts.
I think TV, worldy music like Metalica, and watching movies with graphic violence, and doesn't praise YHWH are sin before YHWH. If there is to be a massive turning to the true church, we need to institute some new holiness standards.


What does hair have to do with anything? I think most images of jesus show him having long hair, is that wrong? And leave metallica out of this, you dont know what you are talking about ;)

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[quote name='Fixxxer' post='1181074' date='Jan 31 2007, 12:03 AM']
What does hair have to do with anything? I think most images of jesus show him having long hair, is that wrong? And leave metallica out of this, you dont know what you are talking about ;)
There are no descriptions of Jesus anywhere in the bible.

All paintings and pictures of Jesus were painted long after his death.

Jesus, being a Jew, probably had curly hair, and he definitely wasn't Caucasian as you have seen so many times in your life.

Someone once did a portrait of Jesus and combined all of the colours of the races of men, because he wanted to show that Jesus was multi-national. Guess what happened, the protrait looked like an olive-skin Jew. I don't want the church to be a Caucasian only club. . .

And if you want to listen to Metalica, that's your choice. I don't. I recommend you listening to Michael W. Smith, Steven Curtis Chapman, and MercyMe.

[quote name='Extra ecclesiam nulla salus' post='1181063' date='Jan 30 2007, 11:58 PM']
Why was Metallica specifically mentioned as Bad music? :lol:

Because Satan has a special annointing on their music, that's why. I don't say that lightly, I only say it because YHWH has revealed that to me. So I say, repent.

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[quote name='FullTruth' post='1181089' date='Jan 30 2007, 11:12 PM']

Because Satan has a special annointing on their music, that's why. I don't say that lightly, I only say it because YHWH has revealed that to me. So I say, repent.

Prove that to me

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[quote name='Fixxxer' post='1181130' date='Jan 31 2007, 12:30 AM']
Prove that to me

[quote name=' Luke 11:28']But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it.

And when the people were gathered thick together, he began to say, This is an evil generation: they seek a sign; and there shall no sign be given it, but the sign of Jonas the prophet.

For as Jonas was a sign unto the Ninevites, so shall also the Son of man be to this generation.[/quote]

I give you no other proof other than I believe in the Christ, and he rose from the dead.

I do not entertain those who seek signs, and for me to prove the things of the spirit. I say repent and make your way holy before the Lord and you will see what I am saying is true.

Fixxer, I want to thank you. You just testified of what I have been saying to others in this post. Holiness is a desire, and you lack it.

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Their music may not praise God but its certainly not against it. How you worded it you make it sound like anything that dosent praise God is evil. I think you need to open your eyes and not be so freaking closed minded.

If the Lord is your authority in life, you won't cut your hair if your are a girl and will keep your hair short for a man.

Why does that have to be? My grandma does not have long hair and never really has. Is she evil? Is Father Stan Fortuna evil for having long hair? are they against God?

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[quote name='FullTruth' post='1180946' date='Jan 30 2007, 09:35 PM']
If the Lord is your authority in life, you won't want to watch TV because you won't put any evil thing before your eyes.

If the Lord is your authority in life, you won't wear pants if you are a Girl, because he considers that an abomination.

If the Lord is your authority in life, you won't cut your hair if your are a girl and will keep your hair short for a man.


To the first one, I agree in many ways! There are many things on tv that won't help us to advance in holiness. However, I often watch the programing offered on EWTN (a Catholic network). They have speakers and teachers on there. Also, you can watch the Holy Mass and the Sisters praying the rosary. I think this type of programing does help me to advance in holiness

To the second one, I agree with much of this as well! However, I do think that it is ok, and necessary for women to wear pants in certain occasions. When I was in eighth grade, I realized that I just felt better about myself when I wore a skirt. So, now that is pretty much all I wear. However, I will don a pair of jeans when mowing the grass. ;)

To the last one, I think it is a good thing for women to keep their hair cut longer out of modesty. Also, I think it is important in this society to emphasize the diference between men and women (there is a difference!!!). Longer hair on women helps to do this. However, in no way does that mean that a woman with short hair cannot be holy nor does it mean that she is disobediant to God.


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