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I Need Your Prayers


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Please, I ask you to pray from me.

I really do want to join the Roman Catholic Faith, but I have been going to a Oneness Pentecostal Church for so long.

Please pray for me.

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I will DEFINITLELY pray for you. It was a pentecostal church that brought me back to Christ, but the Truth of the Catholic Church that brought me back to my faith.

I understand what you are going through, and I will pray for you tonight with my youth group.

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[quote name='prose' post='1180810' date='Jan 30 2007, 08:24 PM']
I will DEFINITLELY pray for you. It was a pentecostal church that brought me back to Christ, but the Truth of the Catholic Church that brought me back to my faith.

I understand what you are going through, and I will pray for you tonight with my youth group.
Thank you Prose.

May Christ bless you.

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' post='1180844' date='Jan 30 2007, 08:49 PM']
Thank you homeschoolmom.

[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1180845' date='Jan 30 2007, 08:51 PM']
Prayers :)
Thank you cmom.

[quote name='Kosh' post='1180847' date='Jan 30 2007, 08:57 PM']
Huzzah for you FullTruth! I'll keep you in my prayers. :)
Thank you Kosh.

I hope you all don't mind if I still go on about the UN and the other things I see going on in the world.

They are dangerous to the Body of Christ.

There are other dangers in the world today -

For one thing, I don't watch TV anymore, period. Too wordly from my point of view.

And I think any catholic who listens to Metalica because one of their band members is Catholic is too liberal for my tastes as well. That music is Satanic, and we need to come against it in the liberating name of Yeshua.

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You have my prayers, FullTruth.

"Seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you."


May God fill you with his peace.

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One step at a time. Becoming Catholic is a long process. If you begin, perhaps you'll be given the faith by the end. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) began last week with a welcoming dinner for inquirers at my parish. No pressure, no questions. Just an introduction to the Faith. Inquirers will study until Easter 2008. That's a long time to decide whether or not they want to join the Church. Call your local Catholic Church and ask about their schedule.

If you decide it's not for you, that's okay. I know Catholics that went through RCIA three times before they were ready. And it's okay to say "no." But think of the advantages of knowing Catholicism if you want to continue posting on Catholic boards!
You'd be much more effective.

So try it. We'll be praying for you.

Peace be with you, Jay

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You are already blessed for having made the decision. Now follow through with he actions. There is a lot of support here as well as 'out there' for you. You need never be alone in your journey.

God Bless You

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I am praying for you, Full Truth. :sign: Read the Beatitudes. They promise much to people who are sincere in what they seek.

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Prayers for FullTruth


Holy Unto the Lord

St. Nimatullah Hardini, pray for us


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Have you contacted your local parish for information? RCIA is a lengthy process. It is fulfilling and teaches you soooooo much about the Faith. If you are sincerely interested, you can join an RCIA program and ten if you decide by the end that it is not for you, you can simply decide not to join the Church.

But be active in your faith. take those steps.

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