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Date Yourself


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When I read this topic and I saw "Date Yourself" I thought this was new Idea from that "Courtship" idiot talking about how you can be chaste if you date yourself and I was all set to come onto this thread and be annoyed by all that mumbo jumbo about "if you just court rather than Date you'll be perfectly happy and chaste and God will Love you" . . . I'm so glad its completely different.

by the way, one of my favorite shows as a kid were The Munchichi's . . . or however you spell that . . . and the Hanna Barbara saturday morning cartoons . . .

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I completely forgot about Fraggle Rock! I loved that show SOOO much! And the snorks too!

A trip down memory lane...ahhh, i miss my childhood.

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  Carrie said:
I completely forgot about Fraggle Rock! I loved that show SOOO much! And the snorks too!

A trip down memory lane...ahhh, i miss my childhood.


Loved Fraggle Rock.

The Doozers were cool!

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  FaithFinder said:
Hmmm I remember some of my favorites being....

Care Bears

Thunder Cats (I always wanted to be a thunder kit) ;)

GI Joes


Muppet Babies

and the all time favorite......


Funny that you say Fraggle Rock. I was starting this topic today when my 18 year old employee walked in and showed me her tone on her cell phone. It was the theme song to Fraggle Rock.

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The cartoon version of "Star Trek".

And "Run Joe Run".

And even though it wasn't a Saturday morning cartoon, remember this tune?

Believe it or not

I'm walking on air

Never thought I could feel so free-ee-ee

Flyin' away on a wing and a prayer

Who could it be?

Believe it or not

It's just me!

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Greatest American Hero! What a great show ...

Although now I'm going to have that song stuck in my head for the next week.

Edited by Sojourner
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  Sojourner said:
Although now I'm going to have that song stuck in my head for the next week.

At least you don't have the "Dispensa's Castle of Toys" jingle stuck in your head for over a month!!!

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oh my goodness (don't blasphemy) I cant believe I forgot about the snorks and the smurfs!

I'll admit it, I always wanted to be the lone smurfette :rolleyes:

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  socalscout said:
Funny that you say Fraggle Rock. I was starting this topic today when my 18 year old employee walked in and showed me her tone on her cell phone. It was the theme song to Fraggle Rock.

Fraggle Rock certainly did! :lol:

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Transformers is probably my all time favorite cartoon. In recent years there have been several new series of Transformers but they all stink in comparison to the original. Those series are the ones on which the toys in the stores are based.

I find it interesting to rewatch old cartoons I watched when growing up and see how good they really were. Most were really cheesy and were not very enjoyable to watch as an adult but a few are. I still enjoy watching Transformers but I can't hardly stand others like Smurph's and Scooby-doo.

While Lauren and I were traveling over the holidays we started a conversation about Smurph's and how we had forgotten just how rediculous they were at using the word Smurph for everything. It was the universal word that could mean anything and be any part of speech. We decided it would be funny if you replaced cuss words with Smurph. Try it out. It is really funny. :D

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