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FullTruth aka "GoodNewsJournalist"

Urib2007 aka Uribe




They all belong to the same site, they know which one I'm refering too, they all have the same purpose in posting here, spam spam spam.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 9:33 pm Post subject: Let's All Promote John Conner Together Reply with quote
Hi, Guys!

I'm sure many of you have or are promoting John Conner in one way or another, but to those who aren't should begin doing so. John's an excellent example of exposing the New World Order and preaching the Word of God.
Here are some ways that we should start promoting him. If any of you have ideas, feel free to let us know.

1) Buy The Resistance Manifesto and give it to your friends and family. It's a gift that keeps on giving. Honestly that is a much better present than a gift certificate. I'm already going to order a bunch of copies for my friends and family.

2) Make some "www.theresistancemanifesto.com" stickers and post them wherever you live. I had already been doing that with infowars.com, but it's time to promote the RESISTANCE. Let's wake up our cities! Then whenever anyone logs on, they'll get information on John's videos and his new radio show.

[b]3) Start infiltrating other forums and posting John's website and while we're at it, we can post 9/11 Truth Movement facts.[/b]

I'm going to take some pictures of the places I've put the stickers and post them on here. Let's get the word out. Let's expose the elite![/quote]


PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 5:05 am Post subject: Reply with quote
Good News Journalist,
That Phat Mass forum has indeed been bombarded with decent and educational posts from yours truly.
I can tell that mother of pirl lady doesn't like me, but we must inform the masses.
Thanks for introducing me to that site.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 2:00 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
I know.

I believe her to be a Satanic Infiltrator, or a Satanist.

Honestly, saying some who desires to be Holy enough to take the Internet out of his PC is engaging in the sin of pride. Either she is ignorant, or she's delibertly fighting me. And there would only one who would say such about desiring holiness in one's life[/quote].

Now doesn't it make sense why there always given each other high fives?

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I saw that one coming....
I almost said something about them always coming in groups, but didn't really ahve any evidence or anything....

good job uncovering that! maybe mods'll do something about it.....they really are pretty annoying....

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Thy Geekdom Come

Fair's fair...supply a link for proof or this thread's closed.

All conspiracy theories must have proof. ;)

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Truthseeker777 maybe aka truthseeker...

All the names I gave have membership at theresistancemanifesto.com you may have to do a site search of that site using google as I did, for each user name.

FullTruth is no doubt GoodNewsJournalist


As you may remember he posted the same thread here...


the above is a google search of the site, it should have his profile, then all you have to do is replace GoodNewsJournalist in the search with say Opened_Eyes

ps I did not post the links because it is a anti-catholic site, and I know that is forbidden... But for proof its needed...

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1180055' date='Jan 30 2007, 01:33 AM']
FullTruth aka "GoodNewsJournalist"

Urib2007 aka Uribe




They all belong to the same site, they know which one I'm refering too, they all have the same purpose in posting here, spam spam spam.

Now doesn't it make sense why there always given each other high fives?

What's the big deal? Don't you guys do the same sort of thing with FBC? Same principle, different topics.

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I'm not with FBC, I do believe FBC lets people know their together, and at lest I would think they tell the truth when asked if they have a relation to one another.

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cmother is my favorite. :sadder:

And the debate board is looking pretty bad thanks to those guys.
I don't want the conspiracy people to be left without reproofs. And they mean well in their own way. But if they keep up the one-dimensional weird stuff, then maybe they should be booted. :idontknow:

On another note, I'm personally glad that this board is so open to dialogue with dissenters. :)
My very short stinit at catholicforum.com had too many threads locked (basic threads, not conspiracy stuff), when there was more to be said. This board is the best. :)

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[quote name='Paddington' post='1180120' date='Jan 30 2007, 02:49 AM']
cmother is my favorite. :sadder:

This board is the best. :)

You know it!

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1180104' date='Jan 30 2007, 02:08 AM']
I'm not with FBC, I do believe FBC lets people know their together, and at lest I would think they tell the truth when asked if they have a relation to one another.
ok. I don't see any difference just because one group is open about it though. I'm sure if you pushed urib and them hard enough they'd admit what they were doing too. This board does it, but when other boards do it all of a sudden it becomes some crazy fringe group that's just out to annoy people? Sounds like a bit of a double standard.

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Urib had his chance to reveal the truth, yet chose not to. I do not believe there is a double standard, FBC doesnt go around spamming other sites do they? They are not rude are they? No. My understanding is that yes they go to other sites, but they talk with others and explain the truth about the Church to those that do not know the truth.

And when they to talk with others they are not rude. They do not call others Satanist.

Honesty is a big deal, charity is a big deal FBC seems to understand this, our new friends do not seem to understand that.

[quote name='Paddington' post='1180137' date='Jan 30 2007, 03:21 AM']
What is FBC? If I may ask.

Fuzzy Bunny Crusade
"the FBC is an organized effort by phatmass to explain and defend the faith on protestant forums. there are four groups right now. each one has a group leader that is in charge of the strategic approach of the group, for answering questions from his group members, and for maintaining charity. each group also has a prayer warrior that prays unceasingly for the group to which he is assigned. in the past we had floaters who would go from forum to forum and help out wherever they are needed, but i think i'm going to get rid of them. finally, we have a "chapel" in the FBC board where prayer warriors and group members can post prayers for their group."




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different tactics. Same principle. This thread is calling them out for existing as a group, not calling out their individual comments of rudeness. From what I can tell (and maybe they have changed) the FBC doesn't go to a site and declare who they are for all to see. I believe some members of the FBC have admitted that the group exists there if pressed to tell. But I don't think they share this information before being there for quite awhile. Maybe it's changed since I left it, but I don't imagine that it has. I don't suspect that anyone here has asked Urib or any of the alleged members to declare themselves as a group, so why would they?

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[quote name='goldenchild17' post='1180140' date='Jan 30 2007, 03:30 AM']
different tactics. Same principle. This thread is calling them out for existing as a group, not calling out their individual comments of rudeness. [/quote]

You are mistaken, I made this thread, and I know why I did. It was because they spam us, are rude to us, and Urib was not factual to me in his statement that he had no relation to Opened_Eyes.

[quote name='goldenchild17' post='1180140' date='Jan 30 2007, 03:30 AM']From what I can tell (and maybe they have changed) the FBC doesn't go to a site and declare who they are for all to see. I believe some members of the FBC have admitted that the group exists there if pressed to tell. But I don't think they share this information before being there for quite awhile. Maybe it's changed since I left it, but I don't imagine that it has. I don't suspect that anyone here has asked Urib or any of the alleged members to declare themselves as a group, so why would they?

Well let someone in FBC actually tell us the difference between the two. I believe I recall phatmassers questioning if they were all the same person, or some kind of group. Another chance to reveal the truth, they chose not too. Anyhow doesn't matter. I've posted my findings, exposed the group (cuz of they're spam, rudeness, and unfactual statements), I have every right. Also I have not called for the groups removal. Just pointing out facts.

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actually, I do believe the policy since the re-vamping of the FBC was to announce who they were. also, I do believe they respect the wishes of other boards if they are asked to stop. they do not initiate by going and making many topics about Catholic subjects, but instead go and join pre-existing discussions providing the Catholic position (I think, after a bit of time, they might start starting their own topics as well, but not a saturation)

but either way, we cannot fault them for trying to spread their message by going as a group to another phorum.

but it is our policy not to let them as a group overwhelm the entire debate board with conspiracy topics, and I do intend to merge their topics if they continue to make five threads a day all about the same stuff; and then hijack other people's topics to discuss conspiracys as well. I can appreciate that they see conspiracies in all world events, but a thread about communion to non-Catholics was converted into a thread about who's a mason and who's not. such attempts to saturate our board with their agenda will not be tolerated, and we are not hypocrites: the FBC does not saturate other boards with our agenda either.

so we're not gonna ban them just cause they all came from the same place, but the Debate Phorum is not, nor will it ever be allowed to become, the All About World Conspiracies Forum.

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