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How Does Everybody Feel About Illuminism


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[quote name='FullTruth' post='1178329' date='Jan 28 2007, 02:12 AM']
How comfortable do you feel about an organization who has a website about religion which is for members only?

[url="http://www.illuminati.org/"]http://www.illuminati.org/ [/url] - Their official website.

David Rockefeller and the Rothschilds not only are members of this religion, but are on the highest levels of it. They are the overlords of this religion.

Get ready for a new world order people, a new world order dedicated to serving the Anti-Christ.
Wow, how'd you break into our ultra top-secret Member's Only website????

As Grande Satanical Reptilian High Lizard of the Illuminati, I must order my bloodthirsty mad Albino Monks to put you death for breaking the news of our Secret Evil Plot!

Curse you, FullTruth, for revealing the Full Truth of our diabolical plans!

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[quote name='Socrates' post='1179762' date='Jan 29 2007, 08:52 PM']
Wow, how'd you break into our ultra top-secret Member's Only website????

As Grande Satanical Reptilian High Lizard of the Illuminati, I must order my bloodthirsty mad Albino Monks to put you death for breaking the news of our Secret Evil Plot!

Curse you, FullTruth, for revealing the Full Truth of our diabolical plans!
That's really mature Socrates.

I think the website is a sham too.

I only put the website out as a way for people to start to talk about these issues. Some people in this forum responded that they think there is a Illuminati plot too. Persumably, Roman Catholic.

My position is that the Illuminati fits the bill for this scripture -


If that is the case, Roman Catholics should be passionately studying them, if all the Protestant movements are Heresies - they would be the cause of them all.

On Satanical Reptilian High Lizards, I believe that when I see it. I believe in demonically possessed men doing some very evil things, but not that stuff.

Or doesn't the Roman Catholic Church believe in that stuff. . .

Edited by FullTruth
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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='FullTruth' post='1179774' date='Jan 29 2007, 09:06 PM']
That's really mature Socrates.

I think the website is a sham too.

I only put the website out as a way for people to start to talk about these issues. Some people in this forum responded that they think there is a Illuminati plot too. Persumably, Roman Catholic.

My position is that the Illuminati fits the bill for this scripture -


If that is the case, Roman Catholics should be passionately studying them, if all the Protestant movements are Heresies - they would be the cause of them all.

On Satanical Reptilian High Lizards, I believe that when I see it. I believe in demonically possessed men doing some very evil things, but not that stuff.

Or doesn't the Roman Catholic Church believe in that stuff. . .

The problem with quoting Revelation is that there are numerous times and scenarios which could fit the bill. As Jesus said, we're not supposed to worry and get caught up with trying to see and predict and all that; we're supposed to trust in Him. If we focus on Him, we will not be shaken. If we focus on the world around us, we will be.

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Father Most Commentary on Revelation [ compliments to phatcatholic :)]

Apocalypse/Revelation: Greek apocalypsis means revelation.

Early tradition was unanimous in saying this work was by John the Apostle the author of the Gospel and the three Epistles. However, in the third century some began to think it was John the Presbyter, in line with the remark of Papias about two Johns, an Apostle and a Presbyter.

The genre is at once apocalyptic and prophetic.

Interpretations proposed are almost countless. We could summarize the chief tendencies thus:

Historicist position: This finds references to later developments in Church history, e.g., the command to use the open scroll to prophesy in 10:8-11 was used by some Protestants to refer to Luther's break, using Scripture alone.

Futurist position: This takes the seven letters to the seven churches as standing for seven ages of Church history to follow. But these writers usually take everything from 4:1 on to refer to the last few years of the history of the world, recalling the prophecy in Mt 24:21 of the great tribulation. Some fanciful theories often result, with no solid support at all: mere guesses. In line with this some would take the first plague, 16:1-2 to foretell the epidemic of AIDS. Reasonable people do debate whether or not it is a divinely sent punishment. But it would be something else to say it was foretold in 16:1-2.

First century position: This is a common view today, and it sees the book as a response to first century conditions, to give consolation in the face of persecution, by predicting the final victory of the divine over the human power.

Achronological position: The events of chapters 4-20 are not events in chronological sequence but overlapping pictures of human pride and the sufferings of the Church such as it is found in any period of history In view of such diversities, it is hard to speak with confidence on individual things in the book. But we will make a few attempts:

Chapter 12: Here is the vision of the woman clothed with the sun. We are fortunate to have several Magisterium texts on this. St. Pius X (Ad diem illum. ASS 36.458-59): "No one of us does not know that that woman signifies the Virgin Mary...yet laboring from some hidden birth....ours, we who...are still to be brought forth to the perfect love of God and eternal happiness." Pius XII (Munificentissimus Deus, AAS 42.762-63) says the Fathers and Scholastic doctors "have considered the assumption of the Virgin Mother of God as signified...in that woman clothed with the sun." Paul VI (Signum magnum, May 13, 1967) said "the sacred liturgy, not without foundation," saw this as referring to the most Blessed Mary." John Paul II (Redemptoris Mater, ยง 24) says she was "the woman spoken of by the book of Genesis (3;15) at the beginning and by the Apocalypse (12:1) at the end of the history of salvation."

We gather, the image refers to the Blessed Virgin and to the Church. This is a well known Hebrew pattern, in which an individual stands for and embodies a group. B. J. Le Frois, in a dissertation presented to the Pontifical Biblical Institute of Rome in 1954 suggested that if this is a prophecy of the end time, it could mean that then the Church will take on a specially Marian character, in a sort of Age of Mary. St. Louis De Montfort (True Devotion ยงยง 51-59) foretold such an age.

Chapter 13: This chapter gives a picture of two beasts coming out of the sea and the earth. It is possible that they stand for two aspects of the Antichrist, and say that in the last age when the Antichrist appears, he will gain power over the earth, and prevent anyone from buying or selling without credentials from him. Interestingly, the New Age Movement according to Constance Cumbey, Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, (Huntington House, Shreveport, 2d ed.1983) seems to plan to carry out precisely this scenario. As to the number 666, it is surely symbolic. Greek and Hebrew reuse the letters of the alphabet for numbers. In that way, the number could stand for Nero. According to some, the title of Christ who slays the Beast has the value of 777 - so, if we take something away from the perfect number at all points, it will stand for all evil.

Chapter 20: If read superficially,it seems to foretell two resurrections. First the just would rise, and reign with Christ on earth for 1000 years. Then the others would rise. Taken crudely this would be millenarianism (from Latin mille, 1000, or Chiliasm, from Greek chilioi, 1000). A fair number of the early writers held some form of this view: 1) Gross and extreme form: Life would be coarse unrestrained sensual pleasure. Eusebius (3.28) says Cerinthus, late 1st century, held this, and some others; 2) Moderate Form: Material and sensual but not extreme or immoral pleasures. Eusebius (3.39) says Papias held this; 3) Mild Form: A period of spiritual joys. Held by Tertullian (Against Marcion 3 24), St. Irenaeus (Against Heresies 5.32), St. Justin (Dialogue 80-81), and a few others. St. Augustine once held it, gave it up (Sermo 259.2). There were many opponents. The Church never accepted the view. St. Augustine (City of God 20.7) said the first resurrection was that from sin, the reign on earth meant people were not slaves of their vices, the second resurrection would be physical, for all. The 1000 years stands for all the time from the ascension to the parousia.

21:1-5: God will wipe away all tears from every eye, and will say: "Behold, I make all things new"!

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Alright guys, we now know where the secret illuminati headquarters is!:

245-M Mount Hermon Rd, Ste 137
Scotts Valley, CA

check it out:

you'd think such a powerful organization would have a more impressive secret headquarters. maybe there's a secret bunker underground.

Ooo.. a phone number!

they have operators! unfortunately, none were available when I called. probably too busy controlling the world behind the scenes, I suppose.

and an email!:

looks like the secret's out.

and, holy cow, what's this? the selfsame owner of the OFFICIAL Illuminati Website also happens to own the political satire site:

as well as some other quite inappropriate sites


hey Fulltruth, you'd better watch out! Informing on the illuminati can be very dangerous to your health!


lol... you should really send a message to the whitehouse telling them all about the illuminati secrets you've uncovered.

so anyway, in conclusion: this site is owned by a satirist and is laughing himself to sleep every night because of his brilliant joke toying with conspiracy theorists.

but to answer the question: IF the illuminati exists myself as well as all faithful Catholics would be absolutely opposed to them.

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It has one of two origins: The Illuminatus! trilogy or Steve Jackson Games. I don't recall that usage in anything on Weishaupt.

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This thwed is scawing me. :shock: I want my mommy.

Hey maybe I'll write a book, "The Illuminati Code" complete with albino monks. Hey he copied so why can't I?

Edited by thessalonian
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[quote name='Aloysius' post='1180153' date='Jan 30 2007, 02:32 AM']
Alright guys, we now know where the secret illuminati headquarters is!:

245-M Mount Hermon Rd, Ste 137
Scotts Valley, CA

check it out:

you'd think such a powerful organization would have a more impressive secret headquarters. maybe there's a secret bunker underground.

Ooo.. a phone number!

they have operators! unfortunately, none were available when I called. probably too busy controlling the world behind the scenes, I suppose.

and an email!:

looks like the secret's out.

and, holy cow, what's this? the selfsame owner of the OFFICIAL Illuminati Website also happens to own the political satire site:

as well as some other quite inappropriate sites


hey Fulltruth, you'd better watch out! Informing on the illuminati can be very dangerous to your health!


lol... you should really send a message to the whitehouse telling them all about the illuminati secrets you've uncovered.

so anyway, in conclusion: this site is owned by a satirist and is laughing himself to sleep every night because of his brilliant joke toying with conspiracy theorists.

but to answer the question: IF the illuminati exists myself as well as all faithful Catholics would be absolutely opposed to them.

If you get through to that number, could you maybe ask for the password for the site?


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