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Passion Of Christ Will Cause Violence Against Jews


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Some jews and other critics claim that the Passion will cause violence and anti-Semitism against Jews.

Why didn't they say the same thing about Schindler's List causing anti-german sentiments?

The media's double standard sickens me...

Another example would be how when Clinton went into Kosavo vs. Bush going into Iraq (same things were going on) - I don't want to debate this point...

The main point of the post is about the movie.

Why hasn't anyone pointed out the Schindler's list double standard?

I ask that everyone join me in sending emails to the people who say that it'll cause anti-semitism.

God Bless, Your Servant in Christ,


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I guess you'll have to post the email addy's then!

(Would these be the same "No censorship" people, who deny that movies with all sorts of violence, profanity, and sexual explicitness are corrupting our morals?) Prolly the same peeps. :rolleyes:

Pax Christi. <><

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What people forget is that Mel's movie is a portrayal of what happened according to the Gospels, so what these people are really saying is that the Gospels are anti-semitic (and I've read statements against "The Passion" that come out and say this flat out).

The Gospels are not anti-semitic. Christianity is not inherently anti-semitic (although I don't deny that there have been anti-semitic "christians"). The Gospels just say the truth and sometimes it shows the Jews in a bad light, but..

1. If its true, its true.

2. Anti-semitic? Jesus and Mary are Jews! The Gospel writers were Jews, how does that work?

3. The Old Testament constantly paints the Jews in a bad light, by these standards I suppose it's anti-semitic too.

4. The criticisms of Jews throughout the NT are usually against institutions of Judaism insofar as they resist their fulfillment in Christ, not a kind of modern day racism. That's absurd.

5. The interpretation of the Gospels that "the Jews killed Jesus" is not what the Bible teaches. The Jews had a hand in it for sure, but everyone in history did! I crucified Jesus Christ. The more important theological meaning, in my opinion, is the apostasy of the Jews, the full meaning of which is yet to be revealed, and the final outcome is still pending.

6. History is not over and the Jews are still at the heart of God's plan. Paul speaks of the apostasy of the Jews (their rejection of the Messiah) but he also speaks of a future apostasy of the gentiles and the Jews accepting Christ. Many of the Fathers speak of this too. We (Catholics) are all spiritual semites, according to Pope Pius XII. And we all recieve Jewish blood in Holy Communion.

There's a little something anyway.

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I started a thread similar to this on a non-religious forum. They don't applaud the double-standard, but since the Jewish people are the ones that have been persecuted the most in history, the users on the forum said that they should have the right to be overprotective.

Yet again, Christians have been slaughtered throughout history as well. So far, the numbers add up to around 70,000,000 total (from 33 AD to 2003 AD). So by that standard, shouldn't Christians get the same standards as Jews?

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And for crying out loud the actress playing Mary, the Mother of God, is Jewish! She said it wasn't anti-semetic.

The media is blowing this up. I doubt there are that many Jews upset, and if they are, it probably wasn't because of the movie as much as it was the media's portrayal of the movie.

I hate the media. :angry:

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I doubt there are that many Jews upset

I have one Jewish friend around here and we talk about the movie all the time. He's dying to see it. He says "they better have kneelers setup in the theater" and "I hope they incense the screen before they start". His impression is that it is mainly liberal Jews who are speaking against it, but orthodox Jews are generally cool with it. He said one Rabbi said that it was the most Jewish movie he'd ever seen or something like that.

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I have one Jewish friend around here and we talk about the movie all the time. He's dying to see it. He says "they better have kneelers setup in the theater" and "I hope they incense the screen before they start". His impression is that it is mainly liberal Jews who are speaking against it, but orthodox Jews are generally cool with it. He said one Rabbi said that it was the most Jewish movie he'd ever seen or something like that.

That's great to hear.

Yes, the media in general are scum.... I say this because they have a responsibility to give the facts, not their bias opinions... or their spins on the facts.

Here's another example that just kills me....

CFC's... remember the whole "CFC's are killing the O-zone" thing? That was something that was really blown out of proprotion....

Here's why...

Ozone is created by the Sun. The sun's UV light creates the 03 bond with the oxygen that forms the ozone layer. The whole has always been there and fluctuates regularly. They've only known about the whole since 1950. If you ever had a sciene class that used UV light to disenfect your safety goggles, you can smell ozone when opening the cabnit...

One volcano let's off more CFC's directly into the atmosphere than we can do with all of our industry in 10,000 years.

30 volcanos errupt on average each year.

Therefore, every year more CFC's go into the athmosphere than we could have done in about 300,000 years.

The whole ozone scare was a big sensational scare tactic.

It really irks me when people in power (political, social, or informational) lie or fail to do real research and ask the right questions.

Now, off my soap box...

God Bless, Your Servant in Christ,


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hyperdulia again

Jews killed Jesus.

Little Mexican Catholic Grandmas killed Jesus.

Everybody's favorite Irish priest killed Jesus.

Everybody's favorite German Bishop killed Jesus.

BBuddhists killed Jesus.

Ironmonk killed Jesus.

You killed Jesus.

I killed Jesus.

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I don't know much about CFC's, but you're right about the media my friend!

What to do about the media too? It's a beast. Ah-ha! Where's Truth? I figured out the beast in Revelation! Wait.. If the media's the beast then... no.. it can't be.. Time Warner is the Whore of Babylon!


Edited by Laudate_Dominum
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After seeing the movie, it does place a lot of blame on the Jewish leaders--in fact, I'd have to say the most blame. But, it's also very clear that we are all to blame. The only one that is really blameless in the movie is Mary.

The scene with Simon of Cyrene (the Jew who helps Jesus carry his cross) is really drawn out and an important part in the film too, and it is made clear that Simon is in fact a Jew. So yes--the moview shows the Jewish leaders as responsible, but it also shows good Jewish people, and certainly makes you aware that everyone is to blame for Jesus' crucifixion. But also--it makes it clear that Jesus wanted it this way--that his suffering was completely voluntary.

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dUSt, you gotta post more about the movie and how everything went! :)


I don't want to hear anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just love surprises. And I want to be totally floored when I see the movie.

No more tidbits till Feb. 25!

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Here's a messy, cryptic post because I'm radically sleep deprived...

After seeing the movie, it does place a lot of blame on the Jewish leaders--in fact, I'd have to say the most blame. But, it's also very clear that we are all to blame.

This is why I hold that the blame on the Jews, in the leaders as representing the Jews particularly, is primarily of theological importance. A transition takes place in Salvation History, the "age of the gentiles" of which Christ speaks in Luke and of which St. Paul speaks in numerous places. It's showing that the Jews have a time of exile to endure. There is a constant theme through the Gospels and especially Luke's Gospel and Acts of the passing of the old and the establishment of the new. The temple is obsolete and destined to ruin, the institutions of the Jewish religion are in one sense cast off and in another sense fulfilled. Christ was "destined for the rise and fall of many in Israel and for a sign that will be contradicted".

He came to divide the house of Israel, to seperate a faithful remnant from those who are cast off. It is sort of analogous to Moses ascending the mountain of God and returning with the covenant Law in stone by the finger of God and finding a people in apostasy. They endured 40 years in the wilderness. Similarly Christ descends and takes on human flesh, he is the New Covenant embodied. The Jews are found to be hard of heart (primarily the leaders, the sick, crippled, etc. the anawim or faithful remnant, the Daughter of Zion is prepared for the dwelling of God in her midst), those to be cast off slay the Christ and the Covenant is broken upon them in His flesh, that His blood may be upon them and their children. The apostasy of the Jews, and indeed the great Deicide, is followed by a time of exile. But let us recall Christ's words "Jerusalem will be trampled under foot.. until the age of the gentiles is complete". The fate of God's chosen people will be revealed near the end times according to some (Church Father, and others). The Jews will reach the promised land once again and be reunited in the land of their Fathers, I'm talking about Christ's fold, Israel persists in Christ, He is the First Born Son, the Beloved of the Father. I might also assert that there is a recapitulation or a recirculation that took place in Jerusalem 2000 years ago (with regard to the Jews) but is still unfolding through history and will be completed with the Eschatological closing of the ages. ..

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