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Church Sex Abuse Scandals


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[quote name='Anomaly' post='1186172' date='Feb 6 2007, 08:50 AM']
Am I a burr under your saddle? LOL

I guess I'm doing the same thing someone like goldenchild or another non-"R" catholic does here, post their opinion. Sorry if you don't like it and if it is so challenging you wish I'd just go away so you won't have to deal with it. Put me on ignore like so many others have.

If you weren't so sophmoricly accepting of 'whatever' the RC Church 'professes', you would have gotten the point of the blog and my posts. Instead, all you see is "red" if somebody has the audacity to criticize 'your' RC Church. The recurent theme (you call it repetetitive) of my posts is the inconsistency of what the RC Church 'says' it teaches and what it's priests, bishops, and cardinals run around and "teach" by word and action.

You claim the Church has 'always taught against the evils of homosexuality'. I would agree that seems to be what the printing in the Catechism says. But what about how the Church teaches in "[u][b]action[/b][/u]"?. You have the problem of "pink palace seminaries" that is well known and chronicled in many books, articles, and blogs from faithful RCatholics. Visit a few RCatholic parishes or gathering of priests and you'd find more testosterone at a PowderPuff Girls festival. When the RCatholic Church attempts to 'teach' according to it's historical abhorence of homosexuality, the RChurch had to first water down the document and it was still met with widespread dissension, disgust, disobedience, and condemnation from priests and bishops.

The RCChurch is practically consistent in very few things. People with short memory and/or poor analytical skills follow along with the percieved 'status quo' because after all, 'it is the Princes of the Church or the Ordained Pastor who is speaking, and they must be obeyed'. Besides, everyone 'knows' the RC Church is constant and infallible in matters of faith and morals.

The RC Church is probably infallible in fundamental principles in matters of faith. I accept that by faith and practical thought. Effectively transmitting that Charism to all matters of faith and morals via priests and bishops acting as the Ordinary Magisterium is a tortured stretch in logic and effectively minimizes crtical thought from the average lay person. THAT is the root of the problems within the RC Church. When understanding of Natural Law (common sense) is so offended and contradicted, people object. It is then when lay driven dissension challenges every aspect of an Institutional Church, even Principles that shouldn't be challenged like woman priests and gay marriage.

Sure, other Religions and Institutions have problems with sex scandals. People are human and imperfect. The difference is whether these other organizations have let fundamental errors and contradictions to their principles become woven into the fabric of their bureacracy. What would have been isolated instances of human frailty, has become tremendous scandals that have destroyed countless lives and destroyed the faith of thousands others.

The RCChurch bureacracy overreached it's authority and rights for obedience and could not discipline or control what it's priests and bishops run around and do. This created another huge scandal. Just like in Luther's day when the bishops and priests were abusing their power and authority and the Central RC Church was reluctant to correct an obvious problem, these sexual scandasl will be the fuse that lights the bomb again.

Luther wasn't 100% wrong because bishops and priests were NOT behaving in accordance with RC Church principles. But because the RC Church would not correct the problem and instead spent more effort quashing justified dissension, the RC Church opened the door to the Protestant Rebellion. Not until that catastrophe did the RC Church act to reform itself. :smokey:
There's nothing challenging about your posts - they're more annoying like a small child who endlessly whines and carries on and repeats the same questions even after they have been answered countless times.

Once more you have provided nothing of substance - not a single quote of Church doctrine or other authoritative source - just more childish insults and sophomoric remarks about "powderpuff girls" and such.

The only point you've ever proven here is that Catholic clergy can and do sin. No Catholic has ever claimed that clergy cannot sin, so that is hardly breaking news. God takes away nobody's free will (which by nature includes the ability to choose sin). This does not excuse sin in anyway, but is completely unrelated to the teaching authority of the Magisterium. But I'm repeating myself and others here.

And personally, I've known plenty of good, holy, and, yes, manly priests.

But since you continue to provide no substantial arguments, only childish provocation, I will take your advice and put you on "ignore," which is where you shall remain until I receive some indication that you have actually posted something of substance.

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[quote]Cmoterofpirl writes: Sin is perpetrated by satanic influence in EVERY faith and creed. No one is exempt from sin.[/quote][quote]Fulltruth writes: Satan has his warriors everywhere, in every denomination so people won't trust the word of YHWH and the power behind it.[/quote]
[quote]MrCatholicCat writes: Being a people of truth we ought to not adhere to those whimsical statements of people no matter how poetic they are for even the serpent could seduce the woman into taking the fruit, disobeying God’s command.[/quote]

This isn’t a practical reason as much as it is a faithful excuse. Faithfully blaming Satan for this happening could just be parallel with the grounds to faithfully blaming God for not putting a preemptive stop to it. Religious leaders or members who perpetrate such acts have a choice in their actions I am presuming the children who they abuse do not. Also “the Devil made me do it” does not substantially hold up in a court of law.

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[quote]And personally, I've known plenty of good, holy, and, yes, manly priests.[/quote]

Actually if you really support those guys, you wouldnt excuse the nonsense the evil Lavender Mafia bishops are putting them through.

I believe that some good guys with good intentions become priests...but it isnt them that get the promotions. The dross rises to the top in Rome.

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