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Mel Gibson And Schism

Bruce S

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As for Mel Gibson saying or not saying stuff against Rome, he was quoted as calling Rome "a wolf in sheep's clothing" in several sources. EWTN News Online even quoted it.

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Well, Fr Pontifex and I had the privilege of attending a screening of "The Passion of the Christ" on Tuesday. Mel Gibson was there, and was interviewed by the Protestant pastor that hosted the screening after the movie.

First let me say this. After seeing the movie, Mel's devotion to Mary and the Real Presence is obvious. You will not walk away from this movie without feeling a deeper love for our mother, and the sacrifice of the holy mass. One example is the part where Jesus is on the cross. As he is being crucified, the movie flashes back to the last supper, where Jesus says "this is my body" and "this is my blood". The imagery and techniques he uses with the film makes it clear that the last supper was Jesus anticipating the final sacrifice on the cross--the movie makes a point of showing water being poured over the hands of Jesus before the last supper, and over the hands of Pontius Pilate right before he orders that Christ be crucified--exactly in the same way that a priest has his hands cleansed before the consecration of the Eucharist. It's a powerful film.

During the interview, Mel made some interesting comments. Keep in mind that the audience was about 4000 Protestant pastors (there were only about 4 or 5 Catholic priests there, and me, hahaha). He made some comments about how important it was to not only read the Bible, but history. He also said that the film was based largely on the gospels, but also on many outside sources, including visionaries (referring to Ven. Anne Catherine Emmerich). When the Protestant pastor who was interviewing Mel said that after watching the movie, the next time his church had "communion service", he didn't look at the bread and juice the same. Mel didn't respond, and from his expression, it seemed like he was doing everything in his power to bite his tongue. He didn't seem very comfortable, and I even had a few people sitting around me whisper stuff like "what's wrong with him"? I could tell that he didn't want to say something that might alien the 4000+ Protestants pastors in attendance.

Anyway--Fr Pontifex might have more to say, but from my perspective, despite Mel's opinions of the state of the Church today, his love for the Catholic faith is apparent--his love for Mary is obvious--and his love of the true sacrifice that takes place in the mass is crystal clear--and will be to anyone who knows anything about Catholicism after watching this movie.

God bless.

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  Dave said:
As for Mel Gibson saying or not saying stuff against Rome, he was quoted as calling Rome "a wolf in sheep's clothing" in several sources. EWTN News Online even quoted it.

I'd like to see that. Do you have a link?

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Thanks for the great info dUSt... Never look at my bread and juice the same, eh? Poor Mel, I don't know if I would have been able to bite my tongue on that one. :)

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Oh... Another interesting and exciting note... Mel did hint that there were a lot of other great Biblical and religious stories to tell--and seemed to be implying that this might be where the rest of his work may be heading...

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Oh... Another interesting and exciting note... Mel did hint that there were a lot of other great Biblical and religious stories to tell--and seemed to be implying that this might be where the rest of his work may be heading...

Aww man! That's been my prayer! If my prayers are answered he'll become a full-time, hardcore Catholic movie guy helping to bring on the new evangelization.

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Here's a link I found that has arial pictures of Mel's chapel he's having built:


It's not impossible that it might some day become part of the local diocese--is it? After all, I've heard that Mel has talked to Scott Hahn, and has gradually been softening his "ultraconservative" views. I would guess that him working with James Caveizal (very devout Catholic) has helped this too.

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hyperdulia again

Mel Gibson..oy...I've been posting about this for months...The movie's great from what I've seen in the trailers... but I haven't seenanything to sugest that Mel isn't a Sed and his father a Sed of the worst kind...He wouldn't even qualify for Church Militant or Church Faithful at phatmass...

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  dUSt said:
Here's a link I found that has arial pictures of Mel's chapel he's having built:


It's not impossible that it might some day become part of the local diocese--is it? After all, I've heard that Mel has talked to Scott Hahn, and has gradually been softening his "ultraconservative" views. I would guess that him working with James Caveizal (very devout Catholic) has helped this too.

Thanks for the updates Dust, I sooo cant wait to see it. I feel alot better now knowing that he has a great love for Our Lady and the Body and Blood of Jesus.

By looking at the pictures of his Church he's building, it looks like a nice Church, but does anyone have any information on if a Bishop approved its building? If not, then its no different than a protestant church and not in union with Rome.

Im sure his hearts in it, no doubt about it. But just because you dont believe our Holy Father is a real Pope doesnt make it true.

Lets hope Scott Hahn and James Caveizal can talk some sense into him on this.

Thanks again Dust. Keep the stories coming as you think of them. The more we hear about this movie the more stoked we become in wanting to see it.

God Bless

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There was also a HUGE Legionnairies of Christ presence on set from what I've been told, and I heard that they influenced him greatly as well.

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  thicke said:
I'd like to see that. Do you have a link?

Afraid not. :( It was so long ago that it's surely not there anymore. Sorry. :sadder:

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