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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1176245' date='Jan 25 2007, 10:25 PM']
we are not stupid :)

Youu need to remove the link from your second post anticatholic links are not permitted.

The video?

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[quote name='Opened_Eyes' post='1176196' date='Jan 25 2007, 09:58 PM']
[b][u]The Catholic Church[/u] made up "Christ Mass" to assimilate Jesus to the pagan sun god that was always "reincarnated" each December 25th on the winter solstice in astrology! "Tammuz" was this pagan sun-god also known as "Baal." God showed this to Ezekiel in Ezekiel 8 that they were worshiping this pagan sun god in Israel and he said it is an Abomination![/b]

Now why would the Church adopt a pagan holiday worshipped in ancient babylon? Did it even reach Rome? Was the cult of Tammuz even around at that time? Doesn't make sense to me :huh:

Dec 25th had nothing to do with the "unconquerable sun" until Aurlean made it a holiday in 274 AD. Why don't you find out how Christians calculated Dec 25th to be the Nativity of our Lord... it has nothing to do with appeasing pagans, I can assure you:


You also said:

[quote]There is no such thing as "Good Friday." Good Friday discredits Jesus and makes it appear that he lied when he said he would be "three days and three nights in the heart of the earth." Good Friday puts him in the heart of the earth only 1 day, not 3.[/quote]

The phrase "One day and one night" is Hebrew idiom that means "one day" even if the whole 24 hours didn't pass. It's sort of like me starting a painting on Friday-evening and saying on Sunday-morning, "I've been working on this painting for three days!" It's not something to be taken as three literal 24-hour blocks. I know you'll say I'm lying but this is proven true in other parts of scripture: Genesis 42: 17-18 and 1 Samuel 30: 12-13

You see, this goes to show how easily one can be fooled by text alone. We are modern readers trying to understand ancient texts. We have to keep in mind the cultural understanding of phrases and words. Imagine if someone from the year 4,000 AD finds a note I wrote that says, "Whats up?" Heh, perhaps they'll think I was literally asking "What is up in the sky/ceiling/etc" but any modern person would know I'm actually asking "How are you doing." What if someone found a letter that says "Mike was paralyzed because of the accident and kicked the bucket three days later" hmm... how can Mike "kick the bucket" if he's paralyzed? Isn't that a contradiction? Of course not. "Kicking the bucket" is an English idiom for "dying."

You only run into problems such as these when you interpret Scripture isolated from it's time and place. Fortunately for us who have been blessed with Catholicism, we have Scripture, Tradition, and the Magesterium.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1176265' date='Jan 25 2007, 10:35 PM']
yeppers :D:

I don't see the edit button, can you remove it?

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[quote name='Opened_Eyes' post='1176232' date='Jan 25 2007, 10:22 PM']
That's my website, how did you know about it?

We've dispatched a highly trained albino monk to observe your internet activities. We know everything. ;)

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[quote name='Opened_Eyes' post='1176268' date='Jan 25 2007, 10:38 PM']
I don't see the edit button, can you remove it?
Only if I remove some pics as well, it says there are way too many, so the second section has to go. No clue why.

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[quote name='mortify' post='1176269' date='Jan 25 2007, 10:39 PM']
We've dispatched a highly trained albino monk to observe your internet activities. We know everything. ;)

:shock: Dude shhh dont blow Monks cover completely

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1176274' date='Jan 25 2007, 10:43 PM']
Only if I remove some pics as well, it says there are way too many, so the second section has to go. No clue why.

You might as well delete the whole thread then, without the pics it wont make sence.

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[quote name='Opened_Eyes' post='1176278' date='Jan 25 2007, 10:48 PM']
You might as well delete the whole thread then, without the pics it wont make sence.
You can posts pics but not all in one thread. You know of course, we have seen all this stuff before and its easily refuted :D:

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1176279' date='Jan 25 2007, 10:55 PM']
Well Akalyte has very good retorts... So I do not wish for the thread to be deleted...

He copied and pasted from Catholic websites.


Edited by Opened_Eyes
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[quote name='Opened_Eyes' post='1176287' date='Jan 25 2007, 09:59 PM']
He copied and pasted from Catholic websites.

I saw like ten different sites with the same info you posted, pics and all. :blink:

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[quote name='Opened_Eyes' post='1176287' date='Jan 25 2007, 10:59 PM']
He copied and pasted from Catholic websites.

Good even still... Truth is Truth, yours is not...

Edited by KnightofChrist
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[quote name='Opened_Eyes' post='1176287' date='Jan 25 2007, 10:59 PM']
He copied and pasted from Catholic websites.
and were did you copy and paste from ? your photolink account?

Of course we cut and paste, we have seen those pics on many occasions already.
Do you think your arguments are original?

How about asking us some real questions: like how we pray, or how faith relates to economic questions, or what we believe and teach instead of coming trying to teach us about our religion and relationship with God?

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