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This Is My Last Post Here For A While


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[quote name='Akalyte' post='1177347' date='Jan 26 2007, 11:59 PM']
no catholic, except maybe liberal catholics uneducated in their faith, will recieve this stupid chip. Trust me. I myself will warn people about it.

but wait, does this chip prevent them from buying or selling?.....
It is good to hear from you, my friend.

I believe it will prevent us from buying and selling in the system of the beast. That is why it is important that Christians around the world adopt YHWH's economic plan before this happens. That way we can take the Anti-Christ's authority away economically in our lives.

There is a plan, and we need to study the Torah again to find it.

Economics have nothing to do with the leadership of countries, so we can dismantle that abomination to YHWH without reprisal, once we learn how to do it though. One thing I keep on thinking about is buying and selling with Gold and Silver again. After all, the printed notes in our wallets aren't money, only promises of money - which is Gold and Silver. That's part of it, I'm sure.

Remember, the Nation of Israel flourished in the land of Egypt before they were put into bondage. From 72 people, to millions in 400+ years. I would say they had a flourishing economy in the land of Egypt to have that kind of population explosion.

But it would be the ultimate test of faith. Receive the mark and live for a small time, damning your soul in the process, or don't receive and trust YHWH to provide for you.

My mind is already made up. YHWH's laws are the only authority in my life.

Some say, and I'm starting to be a believer, this system will not come any time soon, because Israel hasn't been restored yet. I believe it as well, because the current country of Israel isn't the spiritual Israel that the scriptures describe as the restored Israel. They haven't even built up the temple for sacrifices yet, and we considered them restored?

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[quote]I leave you with this.

Men after YHWH's heart say that 6-day creationism is the truth, and will stay true to it.

If Pope Benedict says, 6-day creationism is the only interpretation of YHWH, will you be ready to obey.


If the Pope teaches in an official manner a 6 day creationism, then yes I'll obey, but I think this question of the world's origin is a matter for science to figure out, and the Church teaches that the Pope is not infallible on science, but only officially infallible on faith and morals. By science I mean real science, and not false ideologies masquerading as science.

I don't think that Genesis is intending to teach us that YHWH litterly and scientifically used 6 days (24 hour periods) to create the world. Being YHWH almighty, He could have created everything in one moment, and would not have needed 6 days. If some Catholics want to accept a litteral 6 day creationism, it is up to them. To my knowledge, the Church officially does not require it, nor does she forbid it. The same goes with bodily evolution, the Church leaves it up to science to prove it, and so Catholics can accept or reject it, but if they accept it, they must accept that YHWH caused it (Theistic evolution), and they must accept that all people descended from two parents (Adam and Eve), and they must accept that our souls are created immediately by YHWH and have not evolved from lower life forms.

I think the 6 days is to be understood in a spiritual sense, like a religious lesson that YHWH is teaching us about Him being the creator of the world. He is not giving us a scientific how-to book on creation. In other words, Genesis creation account is trying to teach us that YHWH, not pagan gods, created the world, but is not trying to teach us biology/chemestry/astronomy/physics/other sciences.

In Genesis, YHWH is the creator of time, space, life, and all that rules them. In day one, YHWH creates time. In day two, YHWH creates space. In day three, YHWH creates life. In day four, YHWH creates the rulers of time. In day five, YHWH creates the rulers of space. In day six, YHWH creates the rulers of life. So, its like a religious poem that rhymes. Ancient Israel saw the world as a macro cosmic temple, and people worked during the weekdays and rested on the Sabbath, just like in the micro temple of Jerusalem, priests worked during the weekdays and rested on the Sabbath. They percieved creation in the same way, in that, YHWH works by creating the macro temple in six days and rests on the seventh day, and puts in it a man-priest, Adam, to gaurd it.

I want to make this clear: The creation account in Genesis is true and inspired by YHWH. There is no error in it. The Catholic Church teaches that all of Scripture is inspired by YHWH, and thereby without error in all that it asserts to be true. However, I do not think that Genesis creation account is asserting a scientific interpretation, but rather a religious interpretation. YHWH uses a human author to convey a religious message that He is the creator of the world, and not some pagan false god. Since there are six work days and 1 rest day in a week for Israel, YHWH inspired the writer of Genesis to write down YHWH's creation of the world in this ancient Israelite modle of the week, so that the Israelites can understand that their YHWH is the True diety and not the false dieties of the pagan nations who had their own competing creation accounts.

[quote]Similarly, if Pope Benedict says a chip stuff that the Protestants keep on going on about is false. It is okay for Catholics to recieve this chip, because the Mark of the Beast is a tatoo on the head of the Anti-Christ. Will you be ready to disobey?[/quote]

If the Pope speaks officially on the matter either for or against the chip, then I will not disobey him, however, the Church teaches that he is only officially infallible on faith and morals. This issue of the chip does not seem to be a faith/moral issue, unless it somehow physically harms the body, and so then it becomes a moral issue and therefore rejected. Personally, I won't get one, but not because I think the chip is the Mark of the Beast. To my knowledge, I'm not aware of any official teaching as to what the Mark of the Beast is, but there are two interpretations that I have read from Catholic Bible scholars in regards the Mark.

One interpretation says that the Mark of the Beast 666 is the number of a name of a man plus his title using the Hebrew alphabet (also works in Aramaic) and that man was the pagan 1st century Roman Caesar Nero. He is considered the beast because of his vicious persecution of Christians in the first century. Here is how it would work in Aramaic:

First, let me give you the Aramaic alphabet and its number equivalent so that you can easily follow along:

Alap - 1
Beth - 2
Gamal - 3
Daleth - 4
Heh - 5
Waw - 6
Zain - 7
[u]H[/u]eth - 8
[u]T[/u]eth - 9
Yodth - 10
Kap - 20
Lamedth - 30
Mim - 40
Noon - 50
Simketh - 60
[u]A[/u]yn - 70
Peh - 80
[u]S[/u]adeh - 90
[u]Q[/u]op - 100
Resh - 200
Sheen - 300
Taw - 400

Nero Caesar in Aramaic is nrwn [u]q[/u]sr, so it is made up of these letters:

Noon - 50
Resh - 200
Waw - 6
Noon - 50

[u]Q[/u]op - 100
Simketh - 60
Resh - 200

When you add them up, you get 306 + 360 = 666

A second interpretation says that 666 refers to king Solomon because of how he betrayed YHWH in 1 Kings 11, and earlier in 1 Kings 10:14 where he received the weight of 666 talents of gold. Plus, Revelation 13:18 speaks of "wisdom" and Solomon was known for his wisdom.

I think both interpretations are ok and the passage in Revelation can refer to more than one individual in history, including a future individual. I'm not convinced that the chip is related to the 666 of Revelation, simply because any generation through out the history of christianity can claim and probably has claimed some event during their lifetime as being tied to the end times and/or the prophecies of Revelation.

Since the Pope, to my knowledge, has not said anything in regards the chip, then I'm not worried about it. For all we know, the chip company might go out of business for lack of sales, and then nobody ever hears about it again. In other words, it may just be one of those technological fads that come and go.

You can be sure that nothing evil can ever be officially taught by the Catholic Church, because the Church is protected by YHWH as was promised in the Scriptures in Matt. 16:18, 28:20, Luke 10:16, John 16:13. The Holy Spirit is the soul of the body of Yeshua, and will protect her until the end when Yeshua will come again.

YHWH bless,


Edited by Rony Odish
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[quote name='Rony Odish' post='1177613' date='Jan 27 2007, 07:24 AM']

If the Pope teaches in an official manner a 6 day creationism, then yes I'll obey, but I think this question of the world's origin is a matter for science to figure out, and the Church teaches that the Pope is not infallible on science, but only officially infallible on faith and morals. By science I mean real science, and not false ideologies masquerading as science.

I don't think that Genesis is intending to teach us that YHWH litterly and scientifically used 6 days (24 hour periods) to create the world. Being YHWH almighty, He could have created everything in one moment, and would not have needed 6 days. If some Catholics want to accept a litteral 6 day creationism, it is up to them. To my knowledge, the Church officially does not require it, nor does she forbid it. The same goes with bodily evolution, the Church leaves it up to science to prove it, and so Catholics can accept or reject it, but if they accept it, they must accept that YHWH caused it (Theistic evolution), and they must accept that all people descended from two parents (Adam and Eve), and they must accept that our souls are created immediately by YHWH and have not evolved from lower life forms.

I think the 6 days is to be understood in a spiritual sense, like a religious lesson that YHWH is teaching us about Him being the creator of the world. He is not giving us a scientific how-to book on creation. In other words, Genesis creation account is trying to teach us that YHWH, not pagan gods, created the world, but is not trying to teach us biology/chemestry/astronomy/physics/other sciences.

In Genesis, YHWH is the creator of time, space, life, and all that rules them. In day one, YHWH creates time. In day two, YHWH creates space. In day three, YHWH creates life. In day four, YHWH creates the rulers of time. In day five, YHWH creates the rulers of space. In day six, YHWH creates the rulers of life. So, its like a religious poem that rhymes. Ancient Israel saw the world as a macro cosmic temple, and people worked during the weekdays and rested on the Sabbath, just like in the micro temple of Jerusalem, priests worked during the weekdays and rested on the Sabbath. They percieved creation in the same way, in that, YHWH works by creating the macro temple in six days and rests on the seventh day, and puts in it a man-priest, Adam, to gaurd it.

I want to make this clear: The creation account in Genesis is true and inspired by YHWH. There is no error in it. The Catholic Church teaches that all of Scripture is inspired by YHWH, and thereby without error in all that it asserts to be true. However, I do not think that Genesis creation account is asserting a scientific interpretation, but rather a religious interpretation. YHWH uses human authors to convey a religious message that He is the creator of the world, and not some pagan false god. Since there are six work days and 1 rest day in a week for Israel, YHWH inspired the writer of Genesis to write down YHWH's creation of the world in this ancient Israelite modle of the week, so that the Israelites can understand that their YHWH is the True diety and not the false dieties of the pagan nations who had their own competing creation accounts.
If the Pope speaks officially on the matter either for or against the chip, then I will not disobey him, however, the Church teaches that he is only officially infallible on faith and morals. This issue of the chip does not seem to be a faith/moral issue, unless it somehow physically harms the body, and so then it becomes a moral issue and therefore rejected. Personally, I won't get one, but not because I think the chip is the Mark of the Beast. To my knowledge, I'm not aware of any official teaching as to what the Mark of the Beast is, but there are two interpretations that I have read from Catholic Bible scholars in regards the Mark.

One interpretation says that the Mark of the Beast 666 is the number of a name of a man plus his title using the Hebrew alphabet (also works in Aramaic) and that man was the pagan 1st century Roman Caesar Nero. He is considered the beast because of his vicious persecution of Christians in the first century. Here is how it would work in Aramaic:

First, let me give you the Aramaic alphabet and its number equivalent so that you can easily follow along:

Alap - 1
Beth - 2
Gamal - 3
Daleth - 4
Heh - 5
Waw - 6
Zain - 7
[u]H[/u]eth - 8
[u]T[/u]eth - 9
Yodth - 10
Kap - 20
Lamedth - 30
Mim - 40
Noon - 50
Simketh - 60
[u]A[/u]yn - 70
Peh - 80
[u]S[/u]adeh - 90
[u]Q[/u]op - 100
Resh - 200
Sheen - 300
Taw - 400

Nero Caesar in Aramaic is nrwn [u]q[/u]sr, so it is made up of these letters:

Noon - 50
Resh - 200
Waw - 6
Noon - 50

[u]Q[/u]op - 100
Simketh - 60
Resh - 200

When you add them up, you get 306 + 360 = 666
A second interpretation says that 666 refers to king Solomon because of how he betrayed YHWH in 1 Kings 11, and earlier in 1 Kings 10:14 where he received the weight of 666 talents of gold. Plus, Revelation 13:18 speaks of "wisdom" and Solomon was known for his wisdom.

I think both interpretations are ok and the passage in Revelation can refer to more than one individual in history, including a future individual. I'm not convinced that the chip is related to the 666 of Revelation, simply because any generation through out the history of christianity can claim and probably has claimed some event during their lifetime as being tied to the end times and/or the prophecies of Revelation.

Since the Pope, to my knowledge, has not said anything in regards the chip, then I'm not worried about it. For all we know, the chip company might go out of business for lack of sales, and then nobody ever hears about it again. In other words, it may just be one of those technological fads that come and go.

You can be sure that nothing evil can ever be officially taught by the Catholic Church, because the Church is protected by YHWH as was promised in the Scriptures in Matt. 16:18, 28:20, Luke 10:16, John 16:13. The Holy Spirit is the soul of the body of Yeshua, and will protect her until the end when Yeshua will come again.

YHWH bless,


woah! outstanding post!

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='FullTruth' post='1177322' date='Jan 26 2007, 11:47 PM']
When the chips that contain that code are used to buy and sell and everybody is forced to have one implanted into them - they meet the very definition of the Mark of the Beast.

And on bar codes.

They are the Mark of the Beast too, because most items you buy must be bought by being scanned into a bar scanner.

So we can not buy and sell anymore without the Mark of the Beast. It's already here, and it is cleverly disguised so the masses will not realize and the masses buy into the system to glorifies the god of this world.
Cleverly disguised? That's exactly the problem. God will not hold people guilty for something if they didn't know they were doing it. The anti-Christ will deceive people, that much is certain, but it will be clear enough that he is opposed to God that those who know God will know better than to join with him. If no one can tell that they are buying into it, then no one is guilty of it.

[quote]On your sarastic remark, It's not the number that damns, it's buying into the system. And once one learns the system, we can avoid being damned. Don't get chipped and allow a computer to be the economic authority in your life. YHWH should be your only authority for everything, pure and simple.[/quote]

I don't plan on having a chip placed in me. However, that's simply because it's a violation of my privacy, not because I have a conspiracy theory that this corporation or that is the beast. Please read my previous comments to you on conspiracy theories. They really aren't healthy.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='homeschoolmom' post='1177780' date='Jan 27 2007, 01:51 PM']
And buying a can of soup with a barcode on it is not actually clearly choosing satan over God...
Unless it's Cream of Broccoli.

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[quote name='Raphael' post='1177805' date='Jan 27 2007, 02:20 PM']
Unless it's Cream of Broccoli.
Cream of broccoli is good :annoyed:

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1177834' date='Jan 27 2007, 03:06 PM']
Cream of broccoli is good :annoyed:
If you make it without broccoli, maybe.

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[quote name='Rony Odish' post='1177613' date='Jan 27 2007, 08:24 AM']

If the Pope teaches in an official manner a 6 day creationism, then yes I'll obey, but I think this question of the world's origin is a matter for science to figure out, and the Church teaches that the Pope is not infallible on science, but only officially infallible on faith and morals. By science I mean real science, and not false ideologies masquerading as science.

I don't think that Genesis is intending to teach us that YHWH litterly and scientifically used 6 days (24 hour periods) to create the world. Being YHWH almighty, He could have created everything in one moment, and would not have needed 6 days. If some Catholics want to accept a litteral 6 day creationism, it is up to them. To my knowledge, the Church officially does not require it, nor does she forbid it. The same goes with bodily evolution, the Church leaves it up to science to prove it, and so Catholics can accept or reject it, but if they accept it, they must accept that YHWH caused it (Theistic evolution), and they must accept that all people descended from two parents (Adam and Eve), and they must accept that our souls are created immediately by YHWH and have not evolved from lower life forms.

I think the 6 days is to be understood in a spiritual sense, like a religious lesson that YHWH is teaching us about Him being the creator of the world. He is not giving us a scientific how-to book on creation. In other words, Genesis creation account is trying to teach us that YHWH, not pagan gods, created the world, but is not trying to teach us biology/chemestry/astronomy/physics/other sciences.

In Genesis, YHWH is the creator of time, space, life, and all that rules them. In day one, YHWH creates time. In day two, YHWH creates space. In day three, YHWH creates life. In day four, YHWH creates the rulers of time. In day five, YHWH creates the rulers of space. In day six, YHWH creates the rulers of life. So, its like a religious poem that rhymes. Ancient Israel saw the world as a macro cosmic temple, and people worked during the weekdays and rested on the Sabbath, just like in the micro temple of Jerusalem, priests worked during the weekdays and rested on the Sabbath. They percieved creation in the same way, in that, YHWH works by creating the macro temple in six days and rests on the seventh day, and puts in it a man-priest, Adam, to gaurd it.

I want to make this clear: The creation account in Genesis is true and inspired by YHWH. There is no error in it. The Catholic Church teaches that all of Scripture is inspired by YHWH, and thereby without error in all that it asserts to be true. However, I do not think that Genesis creation account is asserting a scientific interpretation, but rather a religious interpretation. YHWH uses a human author to convey a religious message that He is the creator of the world, and not some pagan false god. Since there are six work days and 1 rest day in a week for Israel, YHWH inspired the writer of Genesis to write down YHWH's creation of the world in this ancient Israelite modle of the week, so that the Israelites can understand that their YHWH is the True diety and not the false dieties of the pagan nations who had their own competing creation accounts.
If the Pope speaks officially on the matter either for or against the chip, then I will not disobey him, however, the Church teaches that he is only officially infallible on faith and morals. This issue of the chip does not seem to be a faith/moral issue, unless it somehow physically harms the body, and so then it becomes a moral issue and therefore rejected. Personally, I won't get one, but not because I think the chip is the Mark of the Beast. To my knowledge, I'm not aware of any official teaching as to what the Mark of the Beast is, but there are two interpretations that I have read from Catholic Bible scholars in regards the Mark.

One interpretation says that the Mark of the Beast 666 is the number of a name of a man plus his title using the Hebrew alphabet (also works in Aramaic) and that man was the pagan 1st century Roman Caesar Nero. He is considered the beast because of his vicious persecution of Christians in the first century. Here is how it would work in Aramaic:

First, let me give you the Aramaic alphabet and its number equivalent so that you can easily follow along:

Alap - 1
Beth - 2
Gamal - 3
Daleth - 4
Heh - 5
Waw - 6
Zain - 7
[u]H[/u]eth - 8
[u]T[/u]eth - 9
Yodth - 10
Kap - 20
Lamedth - 30
Mim - 40
Noon - 50
Simketh - 60
[u]A[/u]yn - 70
Peh - 80
[u]S[/u]adeh - 90
[u]Q[/u]op - 100
Resh - 200
Sheen - 300
Taw - 400

Nero Caesar in Aramaic is nrwn [u]q[/u]sr, so it is made up of these letters:

Noon - 50
Resh - 200
Waw - 6
Noon - 50

[u]Q[/u]op - 100
Simketh - 60
Resh - 200

When you add them up, you get 306 + 360 = 666
A second interpretation says that 666 refers to king Solomon because of how he betrayed YHWH in 1 Kings 11, and earlier in 1 Kings 10:14 where he received the weight of 666 talents of gold. Plus, Revelation 13:18 speaks of "wisdom" and Solomon was known for his wisdom.

I think both interpretations are ok and the passage in Revelation can refer to more than one individual in history, including a future individual. I'm not convinced that the chip is related to the 666 of Revelation, simply because any generation through out the history of christianity can claim and probably has claimed some event during their lifetime as being tied to the end times and/or the prophecies of Revelation.

Since the Pope, to my knowledge, has not said anything in regards the chip, then I'm not worried about it. For all we know, the chip company might go out of business for lack of sales, and then nobody ever hears about it again. In other words, it may just be one of those technological fads that come and go.

You can be sure that nothing evil can ever be officially taught by the Catholic Church, because the Church is protected by YHWH as was promised in the Scriptures in Matt. 16:18, 28:20, Luke 10:16, John 16:13. The Holy Spirit is the soul of the body of Yeshua, and will protect her until the end when Yeshua will come again.

YHWH bless,


Never heard that one before.

Could be.

And I didn't say that the system damns you if you don't realize it. The Lord says he winks at sin that we don't understand.

The Mystery of Babylon has to have killed both the saints and the prophets. So it must exist both in the old and new testament. I find it really unusal that People like Rockefeller and Rothschild produce books where their bloodlines go back to King David. That means they are claiming their family line was in Israel both in the old testament and new testament.

I think it was their families who commissioned the Gnostic Gospels, and they are the ones who pay people like Dan Brown to write about the Priory of Zion, because it promotes them. There will be one of them, who will come out and say he is the Messiah - claiming to be of the bloodline of David. That is a very strong possiblity, because that is what those sicko nut jobs believe.

Let me say this, I'm not against any church, or any denomination. I just don't want all this denominational infighting.

A good friend of mine said the ultimate mind control device is - "My religion is the right religion because, input your truth here."

Catholics say - Apostolic History. The Apostles gave us the truth, and we hold that truth and pass it along to other generations.
Protestants say - We are saved by faith. Scripture that the Apostles gave us say we are saved by faith.
Modalists say - Because Yeshua means YHWH our righteousness, so Yeshua is YHWH the father, the son, and the holy ghost.
Arians say - Yeshua never said he was God, therefore he is not God.
Unitarians will say the same.
Muslims will say - John 1:1 says the Word is divine, therefore Yeshua was a divinely spoken into existance human being and ther eis no trinity.
Judiasm says - Yeshua didn't meet all the prophecies while he was on the earth, so he is not the Messiah.

So we all think we know the truth, because that is what we are taught. Our way is the truth, and everybody else is wrong in the Christian world.

I'm not talking about relatavism either, because relativism would say, Bhuddist live godly lives, and so do hindus, and taoists, and all other religions, including Free Masonry.

Little know fact about Free Masonry. They are the descendants of the Knights Templar and Gnostics. Read the teachings and you will see for yourself. They have the audacity to say that Satan is just as strong as YHWH. Sounds Christian to me.

I'm talking about sitting down and seeing what we can have in common, and that is we all have the same enemy, Satan.

I know that what I am saying is really out there. But remember, the Bible says that Satan has blinded the minds of men. So is it possible that he has blinded us from sicko nut jobs like David Rockefeller, and the Rothschilds and other bloodlines of the Illuminati to slowly bring the kingdom of their master into our world. And right now, we have economically aligned ourselves with that Kingdom. But it is not too late. We can tare down the economic system they have created, and follow a more godly economic system. The bible says we are to obey the laws of the land and our leaders. It doesn't say we can't reform our economic system.

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Something for you all to think about, when it comes to Masonic Temples and Masonry.

[url="http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2748614967389038944"]The Light Behind Masonry - Bill Schnoebelen[/url]

Bill Schnoebelen is a former Mason, and so when he talks about masons and what they want, you should take notice.

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Thy Geekdom Come

FT, there is one truth. Jesus Christ came to reveal it. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Jesus Christ founded a Church and placed it in the hands of His stewards, the Apostles. The Apostles appointed successors, according to the command of God, and charged them to guard the deposit. They have done so. If you believe that there is one truth and that the Church Jesus instituted holds that truth (as the Bible says), then you must also believe that that Church would never fall (as Jesus promised). Therefore, someone out there has the full truth. Now, since we know that the Church has the full truth and that the Church will never fall, it makes sense that whatever Church has the entire apostolic succession intact is the one guided by the Holy Spirit. Only the Orthodox and the Catholics have apostolic succession, but the Catholics have complete apostolic succession because we have the pope, the successor of Peter, the head of the Apostles.

It is confusing, indeed, that there are so many viewpoints, but Our Lord has promised that His Church would remain faithful and it has. Since we have the truth, it is not wrong for us to say that we have the truth. We want all people to come to that truth.

[quote name='FullTruth' post='1177884' date='Jan 27 2007, 03:49 PM']
Something for you all to think about, when it comes to Masonic Temples and Masonry.

[url="http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2748614967389038944"]The Light Behind Masonry - Bill Schnoebelen[/url]

Bill Schnoebelen is a former Mason, and so when he talks about masons and what they want, you should take notice.
The Catholic Church is 100% against Masonry.

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[quote name='Raphael' post='1177892' date='Jan 27 2007, 03:55 PM']
FT, there is one truth. Jesus Christ came to reveal it. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Jesus Christ founded a Church and placed it in the hands of His stewards, the Apostles. The Apostles appointed successors, according to the command of God, and charged them to guard the deposit. They have done so. If you believe that there is one truth and that the Church Jesus instituted holds that truth (as the Bible says), then you must also believe that that Church would never fall (as Jesus promised). Therefore, someone out there has the full truth. Now, since we know that the Church has the full truth and that the Church will never fall, it makes sense that whatever Church has the entire apostolic succession intact is the one guided by the Holy Spirit. Only the Orthodox and the Catholics have apostolic succession, but the Catholics have complete apostolic succession because we have the pope, the successor of Peter, the head of the Apostles.

It is confusing, indeed, that there are so many viewpoints, but Our Lord has promised that His Church would remain faithful and it has. Since we have the truth, it is not wrong for us to say that we have the truth. We want all people to come to that truth.
The Catholic Church is 100% against Masonry.

Everybody should be against Masonry, because this is the real enemy.

I want you to comment on this scripture.

And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.

Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years. Revelation 20:4-6.

So all we have to do is not recieve the mark of the beast, and we get beheaded for our witness of Christ, than can not Modalists, Arians, Protestants, Catholics, Unitarians, Jews and Islam be a priest of YHWH and Yeshua.

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Isa. 35:8, 54:13-17 - this prophecy refers to the Church as the Holy Way where sons will be taught by God and they will not err. The Church has been given the gift of infallibility when teaching about faith and morals, where her sons are taught directly by God and will not err. This gift of infallibility means that the Church is prevented from teaching error by the power of the Holy Spirit (it does not mean that Church leaders do not sin!)

Acts 9:2; 22:4; 24:14,22 - the early Church is identified as the "Way" prophesied in Isaiah 35:8 where geniuses will not err therein.

Condemnations of freemasonry by the Popes:

The papal pronouncements relating to Freemasonry are as follows:

Clement XII, In Eminenti, 28 April 1738

This constitution was the first public written attack by the papacy against Masonry. In In Eminenti the principal objections to Freemasonry given were: that it was open to men of all religions; that there were oaths taken; that Masons denied clerical authority, and that Masons met in secret.4 Pope Clement forbade Masonic membership by Catholics and directed the "Inquisitors of Heretical Depravity" to take action against Catholics who became Masons or assisted Freemasonry in any way. He ordered excommunication as punishment for those who defied his ban.

Benedict XIV, Providas, 18 May 1751

This constitution confirmed In Eminenti and condemned Freemasonry on the grounds of its naturalism, demand for oaths, secrecy, religious indifferentism, possible threat to the church and state. It specifically forbids Roman Catholics from seeking membership in any Masonic group.5

Pius VII, Ecclesiam A Jesu Christo, 13 September 1821

The constitution Ecclesiam specifies excommunication for Freemasons and gives as reason for the censure the oath bound secrecy of the society and their conspiracies against the church and state. It also links Freemasonry with the Society of the Carbonari, known as the "Charcoal Burners", who at that time were active in Italy and were believed to be a revolutionary group.6

Leo XII, Quo Gravioria Mala, 13 March 1825

This constitution restated the Roman Catholic Church's objection to Freemasonry as a secret society, with oath-bound secrecy, which conspires against church and state.7

Pius VIII, Traditi Humilitati, 24 May 1829

This encyclical is considered by some Roman Catholic authorities to be an anti-Masonic polemic.8 It warned against a secret society whose "cunning purpose is to...lead the students along the path of Baal." It called for Catholics to "...eradicate those secret societies of factious men who, completely opposed to God and to princes, are wholly dedicated to bringing about the fall of the Church, the destruction of kingdoms, and disorder in the whole world."9 It also makes reference to the anti-Masonic pronouncements of previous popes.

Litteris Altero, 25 March 1830

This apostolic letter reiterated earlier papal condemnations of Freemasonry. It specifically condemns the influence of Freemasonry in education.10

Gregory XVI, Mirari Vos, 15 August 1832

This was an encyclical on liberalism and religious indifferentism. Religious indifferentism is defined as "... the fraud of the wicked who claim that it is possible to obtain the eternal salvation of the soul by the profession of any kind of religion, as long as morality is maintained." This encyclical does not mention Masonry, but religious indifferentism is one of the charges often leveled against Freemasonry in papal pronouncements.11 Some Roman Catholic authorities identify this pronouncement as anti-Masonic.12

Pius IX, Qui Pluribus, 9 November 1846

This encyclical calls for Roman Catholics to fight against heresy. It decries those who put human reason above faith, and who believe in human progress. Strangely, it also attacks secret "sects" and "crafty" Bible societies who "force on people of all kinds, even the uneducated, gifts of the Bible." This encyclical also calls "perverse" religious indifferentism.13 While not mentioning Masonry directly, it criticizes those it does not identify for those same faults that the previous papal pronouncements imputed to Freemasonry, and is regarded as an anti-Masonic pronouncement by some Catholic sources.


Quibus Quantisque Malis, 20 April 1849

This pronouncement is referred to by some authorities as anti-Masonic,14 but is unavailable in English translation.

Quanta Cura, 8 December 1864

This is an Encyclical condemning "current errors", including naturalism. It calls liberty of conscience and worship the "liberty of perdition". It attacks communism and socialism directly, but does not mention Freemasonry.15 Quanta Cura is referred to by some authorities as an encyclical dealing with Freemasonry.16 An attack on naturalism is usually understood to be an attack on Freemasonry.

Multiplices Inter, 25 September 1865

This is an address made by Pope Pius IX condemning Freemasonry and other secret societies. In it, he accuses Masonic associations of conspiracy against the church, God and civil society. He further attributes revolutions and uprisings to Masonic activities, and denounces secret oaths, clandestine meetings and Masonic penalties.17

Apostolicae Sedis Moderatoni, 12 October 1869

This is a constitution relating to Canon Law. It clarifies the procedure regarding censure in Canon Law, changes some Canons and establishes a new list of censures.18 Some authorities state the document relates to Freemasonry,19 but it is unavailable in English translation.

Etsi Multa, 21 November 1873

In the encyclical Etsi Multa, Pope Pius condemned Masonry by stating that Masonic groups were among the "sects" from which "....the synagogue of Satan is formed ...."20

Leo XIII, Etsi Nos, 15 February 1882

This papal encyclical speaks about the conditions then prevalent in Italy and refers to a "pernicious sect" at war with Jesus Christ, which sect he blames for civil unrest in Italy.21 Some Roman Catholic authorities identify this as a reference to Freemasonry.22

Humanum Genus, 20 April 1884

The encyclical Humanum Genus is considered to contain one of the most vicious attacks on Freemasonry of any papal pronouncements. It states that "A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor a bad tree produce good fruit...the Masonic sect produces fruits that are pernicious and of the bitterest savor." It goes on to say that Freemasonry's goal is the destruction of the Roman Catholic Church, and that Freemasonry and the Roman Catholic Church are adversaries. Pope Leo further stated that many Freemasons are unaware of the ultimate goals of Freemasonry and should not be considered partners in the criminal acts perpetrated by Freemasonry. He also condemns the naturalism of Freemasonry, by which is meant the belief that "human nature and human reason ought in all things to be mistress and guide...they allow no dogma of religion or truth which cannot be understood by the human intelligence, nor any teacher who ought to be believed by reason of his authority."23 It is interesting to note that Brother Albert Pike stated that this encyclical was a "...declaration of war, and the signal for a crusade, against the rights of man...."24

Officio Sanctissimo, 22 December 1887

This is an encyclical epistle concerning Bavaria and includes a warning against Freemasonry. It states that Freemasonry is a "contagion", and is a "sect of darkness".25

Dall'Alto Dell'Apostolico Seggio, 15 October 1890

This encyclical, also known as Ab Apostolici, dealt with Freemasonry in Italy. It condemned the contemporary course of public affairs in Italy as the realization of the "Masonic programme". This alleged "programme" was said to involve a "deadly hatred of the Church", the abolition of religious instruction in schools and the absolute independence of civil society from clerical influence.26

Inimica Vis, 18 December 1892

This encyclical epistle to the bishops of Italy addresses Freemasonry in Italy. It reiterates the urgent necessity of combating the ends of Freemasonry, and entreats the bishops to work to convert victims of Freemasonry. It complains that some Roman Catholic clergy are entering into or cooperating with Freemasonry.27

Custodi di Qualla Fede, 18 December 1892

This is an encyclical epistle to the people of Italy attacking Freemasonry. It tells how to work against Freemasonry in ways such as guarding Catholic homes against infiltration, setting up Catholic schools and mutual aid societies, and establishing a Catholic press. It contains virulent criticism of Freemasonry.28

Praeclara, 20 June 1894

Praeclara is an apostolic letter to the rulers and nations of the world which calls for union with the church of Rome, and which warns against Freemasonry.29

Annum Ingressi, 18 March 1902

Annum Ingressi is an apostolic epistle to the bishops of the world reviewing the 25 years of his pontificate. It also urges resistance to Freemasonry.30

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