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[quote name='FullTruth' post='1176436' date='Jan 26 2007, 12:39 AM']
Cmom, you're kidding right.

Solomon probably had hundreds of children with his heathen wives. That kind of family tree goes on for centuries, even millenium.

And the fact many people say that would go a great deal to prove why the bible calls their families the Mystery of Babylon.

How could such a families trace their roots so far back? Sounds like a mystery to me. A mystery because they have hidden it well, and so we dismiss such things, while they work in secret bringing the kingdom of their master into reality, the Kingdom of the Anti-Christ.

And I would think you'd want someone to shift that prophecy from the Roman Catholic Church to point out the real threat.

We have been studying prophecy for 2000 years remember. And it really doesn't matter what mere men do can. . All families go back to Adam and Eve, even DNA proves that.
Nations come and nations go, the Catholic Church founded by Jesus Christ remains.

[color="#CC0000"]God is in charge[/color]

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[quote name='Rony Odish' post='1176551' date='Jan 26 2007, 02:48 AM']

The passage in Samuel is referring to Israel's desire of a king who will govern them "like all the nations" (1 Sam. 8:5, 20). The kings of the nations surrounding Israel were wicked kings, and so YHWH was displeased that Israel was desiring to be like all these nations, instead of the special holy nation that YHWH wanted them to be. They weren't seeking of YHWH a "man after his own heart" (1 Sam. 13:14) like King David was.[/quote]

That is exactly what I am talking about. I don't think many of the world's leaders are men after YHWH's heart anymore. I have to suffer their holy crusades against both Christanity and Islam.

Watch the video I provided, and you will see why I consider the world leaders who are not men after YHWH's heart anymore. They are controlled by a bunch of bankers who want one-world governement, a buzz word they call the New World Order. You've all heard of it. It's bad news, period. It is the Kingdom of the Anti-Christ. So all of our nations are controlled by people who want the Kingdom fo the Anti-Christ. Would then our leaders have heart's after YHWH, and not fight what these men want. Only one leader in recent history tried to do that, and he ended up assassinated. John Fitzgerald Kennedy. He's a man after YHWH's heart. Not George W. Bush. Not Osama Bin Laden. Not Saddam Hussien. Not Steven Harper.

I've only talked to a few politicians that I would say are men after YHWH's heart, and each one I have voted for proudly.

There is nothing wrong with having a king so long as he is a holy king, a king who does the will of YHWH, a king whom YHWH will rule through, just as, how YHWH ruled through the Judges. But again, this is not what Israel was looking for, because they wanted to be not a holy nation set apart, but a nation like all the other wicked nations.

[quote name='Rony Odish' post='1176551' date='Jan 26 2007, 02:48 AM']
In our modern time, we know that we have to obey the leaders of our countries even though they may be wicked sometimes in their lives, but if they ask us to do something against the will of YHWH, then we will disobey (like for example if they ask us to abort our babies so that we keep the population down), because we would rather obey YHWH than sin. In things that don't cause us to sin, then we are to obey them because "there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God" (Rom. 13:1).[/quote]

Exactly what I am saying here. I obey YHWH and his laws and by doing so, I obey the laws of the land and the authorities in the land when they are in agreement with YHWH, but not for the sake of obeying the authorites and laws of the land but for YHWH's sake. So I obey and reject human authority at the same time.

[quote name='Rony Odish' post='1176551' date='Jan 26 2007, 02:48 AM']
I know you said that you will obey the laws of society if they are in agreement with YHWH's laws, and that's good. However, you have to figure out from the Holy Bible exactly which laws are in agreement with YHWH's laws and which ones are not. But since you are not an infallible authority, you could make a mistake and misinterpret the Bible. You might think that the Holy Spirit is guiding you to a certain interpretation, where in fact, it might just be your own spirit. If YHWH's Holy Spirit is guiding each person in an individual interpretation of the Bible, than we would expect all of these individuals, who claim that the Holy Spirit is guiding them to interpret the Bible, to all agree on what the Bible says. But, we don't see that happening, in fact, we see many contradictions in the interpretations of people who make this claim. Of course, the Holy Spirit can not be the author of this confusion, it must then mean that some people's own spirits are guiding them, and some others are probably being guided by the evil spirit who is the "father of lies" (John 8:44).

Catholics have the benefit of the Catholic Church's Magisterim (Teaching Office of the Pope and Bishops in unity with him) which YHWH setup to help us interpret the Bible correctly when necessary in an offical manner, and in order to help us know which are YHWH's laws and which are not. YHWH's Holy Spirit rules through this Catholic Church, which is called the Body of Yeshua (Ysho' in Aramaic). This faith called Catholic Christianity is in fact a religion that YHWH setup, the religion of the New Testament which has been handed down to us from the beginning. It is the religion of the Apostles of Yeshua, for example, St. Paul says "Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of our religion" (1 Tim. 3:16, RSV).

This religion that St. Paul speaks of is the body of Yeshua, the Church, which is called by St. Paul in the previous verse (15) of the same letter as "the church of the living God, the pillar and bulwark of the truth". This is how YHWH guides His people, through the Church that He setup. This is how we know that the Holy Spirit guarantees that this body of Yeshua will not fall into error, and that there will officially be no contradictions and confusion. The Holy Spirit who is truth will guide the Church "into all the truth" (John 16:13).

Catholics await the second coming of Yeshua the King of kings who will take to Himself His beloved bride the Church, and will say to her "Come, O blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world" (Matt. 25:34), and will say to the wicked, the immoral who refuse the love of YHWH "Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels" (Matt. 25:41).

Pray to YHWH that He will help you see the truth of His body the Church, so that together we can in unity await our Yeshua. The Church of Yeshua loves you.

YHWH bless you,


That is the most loving answer to my claims yet. You show forth the love of our father who is in heaven.

YHWH bless you Rony.

I leave you with this.

Men after YHWH's heart say that 6-day creationism is the truth, and will stay true to it.

If Pope Benedict says, 6-day creationism is the only interpretation of YHWH, will you be ready to obey.

Similarly, if Pope Benedict says a chip stuff that the Protestants keep on going on about is false. It is okay for Catholics to recieve this chip, because the Mark of the Beast is a tatoo on the head of the Anti-Christ. Will you be ready to disobey?

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1176610' date='Jan 26 2007, 09:43 AM']
We have been studying prophecy for 2000 years remember. And it really doesn't matter what mere men do can. . All families go back to Adam and Eve, even DNA proves that.
Nations come and nations go, the Catholic Church founded by Jesus Christ remains.

[color="#CC0000"]God is in charge[/color]
And this is an arugement for my debate how?

That is really confusing.

Here' I am sticking up for the Catholic Church, and you're arguing me about it.

Study the men above, and watch the video. They are in control, pure and simple. The reason why they are in control is all our nations are in debt to them for the loans they take from them to operate our countries.

Since the borrower is servant to the lender, we have a bunch of evil men running the show, leading us to one-world govenment, the kingdom of their master - The Kingdom of the Anti-Christ.

Prophecy fulfilled, pure and simple.

I agree that YHWH is in charge too, because he is. Those men can do whatever they want but they have already lost. They no longer control me, so they have lost against me. I hope you watch the video above and then get interested in these families. When you study them like I have, you will realized what I am saying. We can't trust our leadership anymore, because these men are in control. The Rothschilds are worth and estimated $600 trillion. That is enough that if we liquidated all their assests, every single person in the world would have $100,000 to their name. And you don't think they are powerful enough to control the nations?

YHWH expects all the believers to separate ourselves from the world they have created and put the enemies of Yeshua under Yeshua's feet. I'm not the enemy, people like David Rockefeller and the Rothschilds are. Time to go into our prayer rooms and enter into spiritual warfare against them, while we go out and tell people these are the real enemies, so all can come together in unity to fight those sicko nut jobs by submitting our wills only to the authority of YHWH and the laws of YHWH.

Edited by FullTruth
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don't have time to read the whole thread, but one comment on the original post:

If it isn't a "way of life," then it isn't real religion.
My religion and my way of life are inseparable.

There's this new thing going on where people redefine religion and then slam it. Religion has always meant the way you relate to and worship God (or gods). It's etymologically based in the concept of binding, of tying together, of unifying. Well, now everybody wants to redefine it as something like "external forms and traditions extraneous to your relationship and worship of God." Then they start putting it down. I cry foul. If you have a relationship with God, if God affects your life in any way whatsoever, if you ever undertake the worship of God, then you, my friend, have a religion. And I should certainly hope that it is a way of life.

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1176468' date='Jan 26 2007, 01:07 AM']
All well and good but how? Without a Head to decide when the two sides will not, how can the body work?


It is good of you to think good of Catholics :saint:
I can accept the authority of the Pope, because I accept the authority of YHWH. YHWH put the pope here for a reason.

Right now, he says we should be praying for missionaries in Africa.

Have you heard of Darfur, and the ethnic cleansing going on there. I am for praying for missionaires of Christ to go into that country and bring peace and prosperity there.

I will obey everything that the Pope asks us to do, as long as he doesn't ask something that would be against YHWH. Who knows, he might never ask. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for now.

I'm not against Catholics, I'm against sicko nut jobs like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, who control the UN to create treaties that force homosexuality, abortion, and pornography and this idea of global citizens into our lives.

It's funny though. Satan tries to imitate YHWH. YHWH has shown me, if you are to follow him, we must renounce patoritism, for if our love of our countries isn't like hate compared to our love of YHWH, then we shall not inherit the Kingdom. That's scriptural if you want to know.

Yeshua says our love for family, but extending it to love of country wouldn't be such a hard thing to reason out as well.

Satan wants to do the same. He wants us to renounce patoritism, so that we will bow down to a one-world government of sin he controls. He has always tried to be like YHWH, and imitate YHWH. And just as Yeshua said if our love for our family is like hate compared to our love for YHWH, we wouldn't take part in the Kingdom.

Satan is also attacking the family. In the society he wants, family should be of no importance either. Funny how Satan takes his ques from YHWH. Tries to imitate him in every way to show he should is like YHWH.

[quote name='beatty07' post='1176770' date='Jan 26 2007, 01:02 PM']
don't have time to read the whole thread, but one comment on the original post:

If it isn't a "way of life," then it isn't real religion.
My religion and my way of life are inseparable.

There's this new thing going on where people redefine religion and then slam it. Religion has always meant the way you relate to and worship God (or gods). It's etymologically based in the concept of binding, of tying together, of unifying. Well, now everybody wants to redefine it as something like "external forms and traditions extraneous to your relationship and worship of God." Then they start putting it down. I cry foul. If you have a relationship with God, if God affects your life in any way whatsoever, if you ever undertake the worship of God, then you, my friend, have a religion. And I should certainly hope that it is a way of life.
I love the definition, but definitions are ideals that reality rarely meets up with.

We can agree that Popes have been wrong in the past. We have unholy wars like the Crusades and the Spanish Inquistion. Popes said that Mary Magdalen was a prostitute, and then other Popes say that she wasn't and they were in error. Popes said the world is flat, and that the Earth was in the center of the Universe, and imprision men for showing us scientific truth. Popes are human, and can be in error.

I've often joked about this.

It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in: Isaiah 40:22.

I guess the Pope at the time should have read this scripture before he said the world was flat and not round.

Popes can be wrong, because Popes are human. They are not YHWH. They can interpret the Bible wrong.

I don't look for that anymore, but the fruits of the spirit.

Pope Benedict seems like a good man, and a man after YHWH's heart. I will observe what he says, until he says something that is against YHWH.

Good men can make mistakes, but evil men will not admit the mistakes they make.

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We can agree that Popes have been wrong in the past. We have unholy wars like the Crusades and the Spanish Inquistion. Popes said that Mary Magdalen was a prostitute, and then other Popes say that she wasn't and they were in error. Popes said the world is flat, and that the Earth was in the center of the Universe, and imprision men for showing us scientific truth. Popes are human, and can be in error.
I guess the Pope at the time should have read this scripture before he said the world was flat and not round.

[color="#3333FF"]No we cannot agree that the Popes have been wrong in the past. Popes cannot be wrong on faith or morals. THe Catholic Crusades were not bad things. The Spanish Inquisition was not what you probably think it was. THe identity of St. Mary Magdelen has never been resolved, she could or could not have been a prostitute, what she became was a saint. Galileo was not in prison, and it wasn't cause he said te world was round [ that was common knowledge] he wanted to edit Genesis.[/color]
[color="#3366FF"]The Pope is not a scientist and didn't say the world was flat. [/color]

Popes can be wrong, because Popes are human. They are not YHWH. They can interpret the Bible wrong.

[color="#3333FF"]Popes are not wrong when they speak on faith or morals.[/color]

I don't look for that anymore, but the fruits of the spirit.

Pope Benedict seems like a good man, and a man after YHWH's heart. I will observe what he says, until he says something that is against YHWH.

[color="#3333FF"]Remember the Bible is a Catholic book, and came from the Church.[/color]

Good men can make mistakes, but evil men will not admit the mistakes they make.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1176857' date='Jan 26 2007, 03:41 PM']
We can agree that Popes have been wrong in the past. We have unholy wars like the Crusades and the Spanish Inquistion. Popes said that Mary Magdalen was a prostitute, and then other Popes say that she wasn't and they were in error. Popes said the world is flat, and that the Earth was in the center of the Universe, and imprision men for showing us scientific truth. Popes are human, and can be in error.
I guess the Pope at the time should have read this scripture before he said the world was flat and not round.

[color="#3333FF"]No we cannot agree that the Popes have been wrong in the past. Popes cannot be wrong on faith or morals. THe Catholic Crusades were not bad things. The Spanish Inquisition was not what you probably think it was. THe identity of St. Mary Magdelen has never been resolved, she could or could not have been a prostitute, what she became was a saint. Galileo was not in prison, and it wasn't cause he said te world was round [ that was common knowledge] he wanted to edit Genesis.[/color]

[color="#3366FF"]The Pope is not a scientist and didn't say the world was flat. [/color]

Popes can be wrong, because Popes are human. They are not YHWH. They can interpret the Bible wrong.

[color="#3333FF"]Popes are not wrong when they speak on faith or morals.[/color]

[color="#999999"]I pray that you are right. Everybody should pray for him, for every human being battles with the flesh. Nothing is guarenteed.[/color]

I don't look for that anymore, but the fruits of the spirit.

Pope Benedict seems like a good man, and a man after YHWH's heart. I will observe what he says, until he says something that is against YHWH.

[color="#3333FF"]Remember the Bible is a Catholic book, and came from the Church.[/color]

[color="#999999"]Yes I will. Thank you for preserving the truth for the generations, though through translations and omissions, it has been corrupted to keep us from all truth. Praise YHWH that he has the spirit that can fill in the gaps.[/color]

Good men can make mistakes, but evil men will not admit the mistakes they make.
I admire your faith cmom.

I hope that the Pope does not falter, for your and every catholic's sake. It would be ruin for you if he has not a heart for YHWH, and cause you to sin.

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[quote]Popes said the world is flat.[/quote]Just FYI, that's not actually true. Quoting the Wiki ([url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flat_Earth"]link[/url]):[quote]By the time of Pliny the Elder in the 1st century, however, the Earth's spherical shape was generally acknowledged among the learned in the western world. Around then Ptolemy derived his maps from a curved globe and developed the system of latitude, longitude, and climes. His writings remained the basis of European astronomy throughout the Middle Ages, although Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (ca. 3rd to 7th centuries) saw occasional arguments in favor of a flat Earth.

The modern misconception that people of the Middle Ages believed that the Earth was flat first entered the popular imagination in the nineteenth century, thanks largely to the publication of Washington Irving's fantasy The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus in 1828.[/quote]

Edit: Kinda confused by the colored text...not easy to see which text is quoted and which is the poster's.

Edited by Mateo el Feo
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[quote name='FullTruth' post='1176874' date='Jan 26 2007, 03:56 PM']
I admire your faith cmom.

I hope that the Pope does not falter, for your and every catholic's sake. It would be ruin for you if he has not a heart for YHWH, and cause you to sin.
The Pope cannot make one sin. No one can make you sin. Sin is a personal choice, just like hell.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1176907' date='Jan 26 2007, 04:23 PM']
The Pope cannot make one sin. No one can make you sin. Sin is a personal choice, just like hell.

Good, I am glad we can agree.

Authority should be trusted only as far as what YHWH says.

I pose this question to you cmom.

If Pope Benedict said the whole Verichip thing the Protestants keep complaining about is false, and catholics can take the chip because the Mark of the Beast is a 666 tatooed in the head of the Anti-Christ, I hope you say to him, you are wrong and I will not believe.

This is a possiblity, and I only leave this as a possiblity to warn you.

EVERY BAR CODE AND RFID CHIP has an embeded 666 in them, so they are the Mark and System of the Beast.

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[quote name='FullTruth' post='1176920' date='Jan 26 2007, 04:35 PM']
Good, I am glad we can agree.

Authority should be trusted only as far as what YHWH says.

I pose this question to you cmom.

If Pope Benedict said the whole Verichip thing the Protestants keep complaining about is false, and catholics can take the chip because the Mark of the Beast is a 666 tatooed in the head of the Anti-Christ, I hope you say to him, you are wrong and I will not believe.

This is a possiblity, and I only leave this as a possiblity to warn you.

EVERY BAR CODE AND RFID CHIP has an embeded 666 in them, so they are the Mark and System of the Beast.
As far as i can tell, that is not faith or morals, so we are fine.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='FullTruth' post='1176920' date='Jan 26 2007, 04:35 PM']
EVERY BAR CODE AND RFID CHIP has an embeded 666 in them, so they are the Mark and System of the Beast.
My Bible has the number 666 in it...several times, in fact. Is it damned?

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[quote name='Raphael' post='1176996' date='Jan 26 2007, 05:20 PM']
My Bible has the number 666 in it...several times, in fact. Is it damned?

When the chips that contain that code are used to buy and sell and everybody is forced to have one implanted into them - they meet the very definition of the Mark of the Beast.

And on bar codes.

They are the Mark of the Beast too, because most items you buy must be bought by being scanned into a bar scanner.

So we can not buy and sell anymore without the Mark of the Beast. It's already here, and it is cleverly disguised so the masses will not realize and the masses buy into the system to glorifies the god of this world.

On your sarastic remark, It's not the number that damns, it's buying into the system. And once one learns the system, we can avoid being damned. Don't get chipped and allow a computer to be the economic authority in your life. YHWH should be your only authority for everything, pure and simple.

I won't get chipped. That's it, that's all.

And guess what, the chip has already been developed.

[url="http://www.verichipcorp.com/"]VeriChip Corporation official site.[/url]

[quote name='Revelation 13:15-18']And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

[b]And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.[/b]

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.[/quote]

Currently, Bar Codes are needed to buy and sell - and every Bar Code has 666 in it. Therefore, it is wisdom that tells me that this is the economic system of the beast.

The RFID chips that have been developed and await distribution, which has the same code built into them, which will be used to buy and sell - both these things are the exact definition of the economic system of the beast.

So, you can either be a mocker, or give heed to my warning because if you don't you will be decieved by the God of this world and take the mark and beaver dam your soul.

I am here to warn everybody of that eventuality, so some will realize and save themselves from this ontoward generation. YHWH wins, but I don't want to see souls decieved by authorites and then they will beaver dam their souls because the authorties they trust decieved them.

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no catholic, except maybe liberal catholics uneducated in their faith, will recieve this stupid chip. Trust me. I myself will warn people about it.

but wait, does this chip prevent them from buying or selling?.....

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