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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1179331' date='Jan 29 2007, 09:44 AM']
Start with written proof from the Masons that these people are masons and satanic or delete the list :)

Hmmm.... You obviously do care if you are willing to always comment on my posts. Think about it, if you didn't care about them, you wouldn't comment on them. :-)
You'd simply ignore them.

I understand you must monitor them for "inappropriate" comments, but you did ask for proof and since I can't get written proof from them, I felt it appropriate that I post where I got the information from.

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Thy Geekdom Come

Urib, I asked you to provide proof from authoritative sources (Wikipedia is not an authoritative source, as it can be edited by anyone) for each and every name on your list. You will have one more shot before I delete it.

Don't misunderstand me; Masonry is a work of Satan and the Catholic Church condemns it, but we don't go around calling people masons without proof.

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[quote name='Raphael' post='1179443' date='Jan 29 2007, 01:18 PM']
Urib, I asked you to provide proof from authoritative sources (Wikipedia is not an authoritative source, as it can be edited by anyone) for each and every name on your list. You will have one more shot before I delete it.

Don't misunderstand me; Masonry is a work of Satan and the Catholic Church condemns it, but we don't go around calling people masons without proof.

Dude, chill out man. First of all, I did provide proof from their own books. What more do you want?
Michael Richards is an outspoken 33 degree Freemason. It's not something new. He's openly talked about it. If you google each and everyone of the names on the list, you'll see that they are all indeed Freemasons. I know it would be too time consuming to do so, but I didn't just make up those people.

I'm sure many people reading my posts do believe what I say, but they choose not to defend my posts at all. I've studied media law and am quite aware of the term libel.
I have nothing to be ashamed of whatsoever because my claims are 100% true.

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[quote name='Urib2007' post='1179481' date='Jan 29 2007, 04:42 PM']
Dude, chill out man. First of all, I did provide proof from their own books. What more do you want?
Michael Richards is an outspoken 33 degree Freemason. It's not something new. He's openly talked about it. If you google each and everyone of the names on the list, you'll see that they are all indeed Freemasons. I know it would be too time consuming to do so, but I didn't just make up those people.

I'm sure many people reading my posts do believe what I say, but they choose not to defend my posts at all. I've studied media law and am quite aware of the term libel.
I have nothing to be ashamed of whatsoever because my claims are 100% true.
If someone agreed they would defend your post, pmmers are not shy on the debate board. You have offered no proof except for Mr Richards.

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Even Dave Thomas, the founder of Wendy's, was a Freemason.

"There is no doubt in my mind that Masonry is the cornerstone of America."
[b]Dave Thomas Founder of Wendy's International[/b]

"To me, Freemasonry is one form of dedication to God and service to humanity." [b]Norman Vincent Peale Minister and Author[/b]

"Freemasonry embraces the highest moral laws and will bear the test of any system of ethics or philosophy ever promulgated for the uplift of man."
[b]Douglas MacArthur General of the Army[/b]

"The Masonic Fraternity is one of the most helpful mediating and conserving organizations among men, and I have never wavered from that childhood impression, but it has stood steadfastly with me through the busy, vast hurrying years."
[b]George W. Truett
Southern Baptist Leader[/b]

"We represent a fraternity which believes in justice and truth and honorable action in your community...men who are endeavoring to be better citizens...[and] to make a great country greater. This is the only institution in the world where we can meet on the level all sorts of people who want to live rightly."
[b]Harry S. Truman President of the United States[/b]

* * *

Many of the world's most respected men-including business, miliary, intellectual, political, and religious leaders-have been or are Masons.

Eddy Arnold - Roy Acuff - Edwin E. "Buzz" Aldrin - Gene Autry - Daniel C. Beard - Francis J. Bellamy - Irving Berlin - Simon Bol¡var - Walter Boomer - Gutzon Borglum - Ernest Borgnine - Omar Bradley - James Buchanan - Arleigh Burke - Richard E. Byrd - B. H. Carroll - Mark Clark - William Clark Dewitt Clinton - Ty Cobb - W. T. Connor - Jack Dempsey - James Doolittle - Arthur Conan Doyle - "Duke" Ellington - Henry Ford - Gerald Ford - Benjamin Franklin - Clark Gable - James Garfield - Arthur Godfrey - Wolfgang von Goethe - Barry Goldwater - Samuel Gompers - John Hancock - Warren Harding - Jesse Helms - Sam Houston - Burl Ives - Andrew Jackson - Andrew Johnson - John Paul Jones - Benito Juarez - Rudyard Kipling - Marquis de Lafayette - J. B. Lawrence - John Lejeune - Charles Lindbergh - John Marshall - George Marshall - Thurgood Marshall - Jos‚ Mart¡ - Charles Mayo - Douglas MacArthur - Abner McCall - William McKinley - James Monroe - Wolfgang Mozart - Louis D. Newton - Norman Vincent Peale - J. C. Penney - John Pershing - James Polk - Paul Revere - Herbert Reynolds - Roy Rogers - Will Rogers - Franklin D. Roosevelt - Theodore Roosevelt - Thomas S. Roy - L. R. Scarborough - Jean Sibelius - "Red" Skelton - John Phillip Sousa - William Howard Taft - Danny Thomas - Lowell Thomas - Strom Thurmond - George W. Truett - Harry S. Truman - Joseph Warren - John Wanamaker - George Washington - John Wayne

[url="http://www.scottishrite.org/web/SRpublications/facts.htm"]Scottish Rite Website[/url]

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I didn't read this whole thread b/c I don't have time, but B16 gave a non-Catholic the Eucharist when he was a cardinal, so there must be an exception (the non-catholic was the leader of the taize prayer movement)

Wow. I flipped back. My comment was just about receiving the Eucharist.

This thread was TOTALLY hijacked!!

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