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What Would You Call Me?


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i was originally a mennonite but when we moved we started going to the nearest church, the united church, and very occasionally the anglican church. personally im not entirely sure what the differences between ANY of the churchs(presbeterian, lutheran, anglican, catholic, etc) are other than some of the practises within the catholic church. when people ask me whether im religious, i just answer that i am a christian, that i believe in god. what exactly are the differences in faith between some of these, i dont need to know political stance.

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If you are a member of the Jewish faith, your religion was founded by Abraham about 4,000 years ago.
If you are a Hindu, your religion was developed in India around 1,500 B.C.

If you are a Buddhist, your religion split from Hinduism, and was founded by Buddha, Prince Siddhartha Gautama of India, about 500 B.C.

If you are Catholic, Jesus Christ began your religion in the year 33.

If you are Islamic, Mohammed started your religion in what is now Saudi Arabia around 600 A.D.

If you are Eastern Orthodox, your sect separated from Catholicism around the year 1000.

If you are a Lutheran, your religion was founded my Martin Luther, an ex-Monk of the Catholic Church, in 1517.

If you belong to the Church of England (Anglican), your religion was founded by King Henry VIII in the year 1534 because the pope would not grant him a divorce with the right to remarry.

If you are a Presbyterian, your religion was founded when John Knox brought the teachings of John Calvin to Scotland in the year 1560.

If you are a Unitarian, your religious group developed in Europe in the 1500's

If you are a Congregationalist, your religion branched off from Puritanism in the early 1600's in England.

If you are a Baptist, you owe the tenets of your religion to John Smyth, who launched it in Amsterdam in 1607.

If you are a Methodist, your religion was founded by John and Charles Wesley in England in 1744.

If you are an Episcopalian, your religion was brought over from England, to the American colonies and formed a separate religion founded by Samuel Seabury in 1789.

If you are a Mormon (Latter-Day Saints), Joseph Smith started your church in Palmyra, N.Y., NOT Salt Lake City, which would have been my guess. The year was 1830.

If you worship with the Salvation Army (yes, it's a religious group, not just an organization that collects money in kettles on Christmas and serves dinners to the homeless), your sect began with William Booth in London in 1865.

If you are a Christian Scientist, you look to 1879 as the year your religion was founded by Mary Baker Eddy.

If you are a Jehovah's Witness, your religion was founded by Charles Taze Russell in Pennsylvania in the 1870's.

If you are a Pentecostal, your religion was started in the United States in 1901.

If you are an agnostic, you profess an uncertainty or a skepticism about the existence of God or a Higher Being.

If you are an atheist, you do not believe in the existence of God or any other higher power.

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[quote]If you are a Buddhist, your religion split from Hinduism, and was founded by Buddha, Prince Siddhartha Gautama of India, about 500 B.C.

If you are Catholic, Jesus Christ began your religion in the year 33. [/quote]

I like these two the most...

[quote]I would call you a dearly beloved Child of God [/quote]

quite the "grand title" for him, I do say.

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[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' post='1168987' date='Jan 18 2007, 10:38 AM']
I would call you a dearly beloved Child of God :saint:
yaaaay! :D:

[quote name='GloriaIesusChristi' post='1169005' date='Jan 18 2007, 10:58 AM']
I like these two the most...
quite the "grand title" for him, I do say.

and just what are you implying by that? eh? :annoyed: :P:

[quote name='catholimaniac' post='1169102' date='Jan 18 2007, 12:43 PM']
How would you feel about bible thumping Jesus freak?

And I mean that in the best way possible. :D:

well, i suppose...not. :) i dont think i have ever thumped a bible in my life! in fact i doubt whether many of my friends know that i am christian at all :(

ya, and good job CMom! that was great! i was wondering what with all these "burn the protestant bibles" and such in recent threads

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' post='1169177' date='Jan 18 2007, 03:49 PM']

I was wondering what with all these "burn the protestant bibles" and such in recent threads
always check the status listed when you see something like that. Most times you will find they "don rep the church". :)

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' post='1169177' date='Jan 18 2007, 01:49 PM']
yaaaay! :D:
and just what are you implying by that? eh? :annoyed: :P:
well, i suppose...not. :) i dont think i have ever thumped a bible in my life! in fact i doubt whether many of my friends know that i am christian at all :(
ya, and good job CMom! that was great! i was wondering what with all these "burn the protestant bibles" and such in recent threads

Pope St. Pius X declared in his Catechism that Protestant Bibles are to be burned, and I will obey him in that.

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[quote name='StThomasMore' post='1169841' date='Jan 19 2007, 12:42 AM']
Pope St. Pius X declared in his Catechism that Protestant Bibles are to be burned, and I will obey him in that.
see what I mean?

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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

I would describe your religion as Christian-protestant.

P.S-If a saint says to burn protestant bibles, it is good enough for me.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1169853' date='Jan 18 2007, 10:47 PM']
see what I mean?

yup good eye!
and then again two in a row!

Edited by Jesus_lol
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[quote]If a saint says to burn protestant bibles, it is good enough for me.[/quote]

Even saints are wrong sometimes - and they are the first to admit it. Without that level of humility they wouldn't be saints. Being a Pope or a saint does not mean that you are always right, as we are constantly trying to explain to certain Protestants.

"Where they burn books, they will in the end burn human beings." - Heinrich Heine.

Edited by Cathoholic Anonymous
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[quote name='StThomasMore' post='1169841' date='Jan 19 2007, 12:42 AM']
Pope St. Pius X declared in his Catechism that Protestant Bibles are to be burned, and I will obey him in that.
[/quote]May we have your source, please? Was he condemning the RSV or (for example) Tyndale's faulty translation? We (Catholics) all know that Protestant Bibles are incomplete. But the RSV is so well translated that we have the RSV-CE.


P.S. The RSV wasn't published until 1946/1952, but you see my point (I hope).

Blessed Father Damien, pray for us!

Edited by Katholikos
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[quote name='Katholikos' post='1171282' date='Jan 20 2007, 09:59 AM']
May we have your source, please? Was he condemning the RSV or (for example) Tyndale's faulty translation? We (Catholics) all know that Protestant Bibles are incomplete. But the RSV is so well translated that we have the RSV-CE.


P.S. The RSV wasn't published until 1946/1952, but you see my point (I hope).

Blessed Father Damien, pray for us!

[quote name='The Catechism of St. Pius X']32 Q. What should a Christian do who has been given a Bible by a Protestant or by an agent of the Protestants?
A. A Christian to whom a Bible has been offered by a Protestant or an agent of the Protestants should reject it with disgust, because it is forbidden by the Church. If it was accepted by inadvertence, it must be burnt as soon as possible or handed in to the Parish Priest.

33 Q. Why does the Church forbid Protestant Bibles?
A. The Church forbids Protestant Bibles because, either they have been altered and contain errors, or not having her approbation and footnotes explaining the obscure meanings, they may be harmful to the Faith. It is for that same reason that the Church even forbids translations of the Holy Scriptures already approved by her which have been reprinted without the footnotes approved by her.[/quote]

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