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Sending More Troops


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OK So I'm a little conservtive! I don't beleive in this War in Iraq, and I don't wanna take any more soldiers from their family to fight this evil. But yet, I feel so very sorry for those heros already over there- whose job would be made easier with this deployment.

So I, along this nation is at a dilema. Do we a)let our boys and girls already there continue to fight it out or b) do we aid them, but in so doing, putting more in harm's way.

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your mistake is that you think that 20,000 additional troops are new troops. The bulk of the 20,000 are troops that were supposed to come home in a few months but have been ordered to stay much longer.

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Thy Geekdom Come

Call them all home. I no longer believe in this war. At this point, it does not seem that the US has a reasonable chance of success (not because our opponents are better, but because they don't follow the rules of engagement), which means that it's not just to engage in it.

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' post='1168897' date='Jan 18 2007, 07:58 AM']

But would you please stop calling them "boys and girls"? It's really rather silly-- unless you're 80.

The majority are in the their teens and early 20's.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='catholicinsd' post='1168931' date='Jan 18 2007, 10:38 AM']
The majority are in the their teens and early 20's.

How old are you? It's considered rude to call older people "boys and girls," especially when they've seen war first hand. They deserve more respect, IMHO.

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[quote name='catholicinsd' post='1168931' date='Jan 18 2007, 09:38 AM']
The majority are in the their teens and early 20's.

and 100% of them are men and women and deserving of respect

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[quote name='Raphael' post='1168933' date='Jan 18 2007, 09:45 AM']
How old are you? It's considered rude to call older people "boys and girls," especially when they've seen war first hand. They deserve more respect, IMHO.

But they are also members of my young generation

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you pick the silliest things to be bullheaded about

boys and girls implies that they're children, which they are not. They are adults, by any standard. Men and Women. Don't insult them by implying that they are anything less.

now how about admitting that you're being ridiculous and get back to the point of your argument?

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you need to talk to some of these soldiers. Talk to someone who served some time in Iraq. They're choosing to put themselves in harms way. Thats why they're heros. Not because they're [i]put[/i] in harms way, but because they're choosing to join, knowing they will be serving time during a war.

and we can win this war, as much as I thought we were going to win it in the first place. I dont think we'll stop the continuous insurgents and violence, but we're helping the Iraqis take control of their country again.

Talk to some of the soldiers. These aren't reluctant, drafted citizens. These are men and women willing and ready to serve.

Another thing, they're not storming the beach at Normandy. Being over in Iraq is not a death sentence. One of my army friends keep telling me that our death toll, although unfortunate and tragic to have one in the first place, is very low compared to past engagements.

Its unfortunate that we're in this war, but thats because war is unfortunate...

Edited by Didymus
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I think he was just using a phrase like you'd see in an old black and white movie-theatre WWI news reel... with that narrator guy goin "Our boys are off to war..." ya know... maybe his addition of girls made it not sound so antiquarian and thus made it sound disrespectful.

in any event, our goal of strengthening the Iraqui government to police themselves is not all that farfetched. the first measure for victory in Iraq was to topple Saddam Hussein. that was Mission Accomplished: victory in the war in Iraq. Now the measure for victory is setting up a new government that can police itself. We never went to war against Iranian-based insurgents. We went to war with Hussein's Iraq, and we won, and then the Iranian-based insurgents declared war on us and spurred the populace into near civil war. We can leave the Iraqui government strong enough to deal with the insurgency. We strengthen governments to do such things all the time... think of how we strengthened Israel for goodness sake. Of course it takes longer to help them come up out of nothing and get on their feet.

so yeah, more troops is necessary. even if it is just additional terms of the same troops, they can secure Iraq long enough to get the government in power.

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I can't say I like the war, I don't like any war. Maybe my ex-hippie uncle is rubbing off on me. ;)
I know conflict is inevitable and necessary in some occasions, though. Since I have spoken to very few people who have been there, I don't feel I'm qualified to really have an opinion on this. Instead, I will continue to pray that Bush will make the right decisions. And I'll leave the opinions to those better informed than I am. :)

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[quote name='Aloysius' post='1168995' date='Jan 18 2007, 11:48 AM']
I think he was just using a phrase like you'd see in an old black and white movie-theatre WWI news reel... with that narrator guy goin "Our boys are off to war..." ya know... [/quote]


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[quote name='catholicinsd' post='1168861' date='Jan 18 2007, 01:09 AM']
OK So I'm a little conservtive! I don't beleive in this War in Iraq, and I don't wanna take any more soldiers from their family to fight this evil. But yet, I feel so very sorry for those heros already over there- whose job would be made easier with this deployment.

So I, along this nation is at a dilema. Do we a)let our boys and girls already there continue to fight it out or b) do we aid them, but in so doing, putting more in harm's way.
Why not?

i'd rather be in Iraq than United States...to tell you the truth.

[quote name='catholicinsd' post='1168861' date='Jan 18 2007, 01:09 AM']

But yet, I feel so very sorry for those heros already over there- whose job would be made easier with this deployment.

So I, along this nation is at a dilema. Do we a)let our boys and girls already there continue to fight it out or b) do we aid them, but in so doing, putting more in harm's way.
i see what you're saying here.

but i swore to die for this country it is not just my "job" it is my duty.

this is coming from a single Airman though.

every Airman/Soldier/Sailor/Marine would have a different attitude.

i don't have a family of my own... no spouse no kids.


[quote name='catholicinsd' post='1168956' date='Jan 18 2007, 10:47 AM']
But they are also members of my young generation
but i don't think i'm a little boy though.

[quote name='Didymus' post='1168975' date='Jan 18 2007, 11:22 AM']
you need to talk to some of these soldiers. Talk to someone who served some time in Iraq. They're choosing to put themselves in harms way. Thats why they're heros. Not because they're [i]put[/i] in harms way, but because they're choosing to join, knowing they will be serving time during a war.

and we can win this war, as much as I thought we were going to win it in the first place. I dont think we'll stop the continuous insurgents and violence, but we're helping the Iraqis take control of their country again.

Talk to some of the soldiers. These aren't reluctant, drafted citizens. These are men and women willing and ready to serve.

Another thing, they're not storming the beach at Normandy. Being over in Iraq is not a death sentence. One of my army friends keep telling me that our death toll, although unfortunate and tragic to have one in the first place, is very low compared to past engagements.

Its unfortunate that we're in this war, but thats because war is unfortunate...

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