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New Pictures From Olam! ;)


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Don´t know if somebody already posted the link - but... :D: :D: :D: :D: :D: :D: :D:


:drool: :D:

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[quote name='Jennirom' post='1166798' date='Jan 16 2007, 12:49 PM']
:P: :P: ANOTHER SISTER AT OLAM...... Sister Andrea looked radiant !!! :) :)


They have so many entrances! I don't mean to be insensitive, but I wonder if many sisters leave... It seems that they must or their community would keep growing, and I thought I understood that they have capped the number of sisters? I also keep hearing that they aren't taking more, but then, they do?! Thanks for info. Thanks for pics.

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No, she's an Extern sister ^_^

[quote name='Veritas' post='1166836' date='Jan 16 2007, 01:21 PM']

They have so many entrances! I don't mean to be insensitive, but I wonder if many sisters leave... It seems that they must or their community would keep growing, and I thought I understood that they have capped the number of sisters? I also keep hearing that they aren't taking more, but then, they do?! Thanks for info. Thanks for pics.

Sister Andrea was accepted in August (or July or September... sorry I can't remember what month it was), so after her acceptance OLAM declared it was full :) She waited until January to enter.

Comparatively, a lot of Externs do leave. Not too many cloistered sister leave. In my opinion it would be easier for girls if they went directly into the cloister (since that is where formation is the strongest, and the relationship between the extern sister and the superior cannot be as strong since the superior is in the cloister). However, they would not really have enough Externs unless they took them as postulants. Ideally, to me, it would be best for initial formation to take place in the cloister and then let the sister and community together decide that she is being called to go out as an Extern. That's what most communities with Externs do. I can tell you from firsthand experience that it is very difficult when you don't have the opportunity to develop a real strong relationship with your superior as a postulant, like the cloistered postulants can. But God bless them for what they can do :) It is good that they have the Canonical year during the period of novitiate [i]always[/i] in the cloister, though.

Edited by Totus Tuus
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This may sound a little wierd, but stay with me. Most of the Sisters at OLAM seem to be pretty young, relativly. Now that they are no longer accepting vocations, wont the community get 'old'. I mean, with every one aging and very few new people coming in?

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The community has been full before. They are planning on starting new foundations (like they did with Phoenix) when they have enough solemn-professed sisters. That's like five sisters per foundation right there- five openings for young women to join. Also, there are some very old sisters at this point :) Also, people come and go (which is natural in religious communities to some extent), so there are openings when that happens.

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Thanks for posting, they look SO beautiful!

Lauren: how many sisters are allowed in the cloister? if a person felt called to OLAM as a cloistered sister, and they are full in the cloister, do they then have them apply as an extern? or do they apply to the cloister at the other convent in phoenix? is OLAM and Phoenix seperate communities, or are they both under one superior general?Thanks :)

Edited by TeresaAvila
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[quote name='TeresaAvila' post='1168694' date='Jan 17 2007, 08:42 PM']
Thanks for posting, they look SO beautiful!

Lauren: how many sisters are allowed in the cloister? if a person felt called to OLAM as a cloistered sister, and they are full in the cloister, do they then have them apply as an extern? or do they apply to the cloister at the other convent in phoenix? is OLAM and Phoenix seperate communities, or are they both under one superior general?Thanks :)


They are two separate foundations.

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[quote name='TeresaAvila' post='1168694' date='Jan 17 2007, 08:42 PM']

Lauren: how many sisters are allowed in the cloister? if a person felt called to OLAM as a cloistered sister, and they are full in the cloister, do they then have them apply as an extern? or do they apply to the cloister at the other convent in phoenix? is OLAM and Phoenix seperate communities, or are they both under one superior general?Thanks :)

At this point, OLAM doesn't want to take anymore sisters who want to be cloistered if the cloister is full. They are aiming at only taking girls as Externs who [i]want[/i] to be Externs in the first place, and who aren't just entering as Externs because the cloister is full. They have often done this in the past, however.

The monastery in Phoenix won't have a cloister for a few more years, so anyone whom they accept at this point would be living more of an Extern life until that time. All PCPA communities are autonomous, so they do not have a superior general. Each monastery has its own superior and council. Phoenix is not yet canonically erected, so as it stands OLAM is still in a way their community (if for some reason it didn't work out, the sisters would go back to OLAM). It looks like they aren't going to have a problem becoming canonically erected in the near future, so when they are they will become their own community with their own superiors and council. For the present, Sr. Marie Andre is the acting superior.

God bless,

Edited by Totus Tuus
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[quote name='Totus Tuus' post='1168971' date='Jan 18 2007, 12:14 PM']
At this point, OLAM doesn't want to take anymore sisters who want to be cloistered if the cloister is full. They are aiming at only taking girls as Externs who [i]want[/i] to be Externs in the first place, and who aren't just entering as Externs because the cloister is full. They have often done this in the past, however.

The monastery in Phoenix won't have a cloister for a few more years, so anyone whom they accept at this point would be living more of an Extern life until that time. All PCPA communities are autonomous, so they do not have a superior general. Each monastery has its own superior and council. Phoenix is not yet canonically erected, so as it stands OLAM is still in a way their community (if for some reason it didn't work out, the sisters would go back to OLAM). It looks like they aren't going to have a problem becoming canonically erected in the near future, so when they are they will become their own community with their own superiors and council. For the present, Sr. Marie Andre is the acting superior.

God bless,
Thank you for sharing this about the PCPA communities. The Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration are being blessed with fruitul growth in vocations... a blessing for the community and the world.

You are a very articulate ambassador for their order. Be assured of my prayers for you and for the PCPA communities.

FaithfulRose :)

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[quote name='faithfulrose' post='1168978' date='Jan 18 2007, 11:23 AM']
Thank you for sharing this about the PCPA communities. The Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration are being blessed with fruitul growth in vocations... a blessing for the community and the world.

You are a very articulate ambassador for their order. Be assured of my prayers for you and for the PCPA communities.

FaithfulRose :)

You're welcome :)
OLAM is blessed with a wonderful Mother Vicar, Sister Mary Catherine, who keeps her sisters very well-informed as to how things work and what the Constitutions mean. It was a blessing to learn so much from her about religious life and the Order before I left. I am sure the community would be grateful for your prayers (as am I!). They are truly blessed to be flourishing as much as they are :saint:

God bless you and Mary preserve your discernment,

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Thank you for all the info, too, Lauren. The Poor Clares are amazing :) I know that the ones in Portsmouth are accepting cloistered postulants, correct? What about the one in Cleveland?

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Ora et Labora

[quote name='uruviel' post='1168997' date='Jan 18 2007, 11:49 AM']
The Poor Clares are amazing :) [/quote]

I know :blush:

[quote] I know that the ones in Portsmouth are accepting cloistered postulants, correct? What about the one in Cleveland?

Yup. Portsmouth, Cleveland, Washington D.C., and Canton should all be accepting cloistered vocations at this time.

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