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Did Jesus Say That?


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[quote name='Truthseeker777' post='1168426' date='Jan 17 2007, 07:23 PM']
Easy there guy's,if good ole mother of da pearl did not erase the clip this is what you would have seen-

The pope,together with Billy Graham(a 33degree freemason BTW.)And all kind of "religious" leaders from around the world
incl.Hindus,Muslims,rastafarians,Budhist's and almost all hellbound religions around the world.
Then the pope proclaim that all the religions should work together and bla bla bla,just like in Turkey when he prayed towards
mecca.How could you sell out Jesus like that?

What [mod]Edited for language. --Era Might[/mod] is his business in a Muslim country????
Its like me going to a strip club and saying girls in g-strings are very bad for you.

You can not work together with a Hindi or Budhist,THEY do not accept Jesus!!!!

Why? its simple read the bible verse i've posted, if you can't be in Harmony with cursed religions.

It all seems very clear,the pope is working towards a one world religion????


Right. Though your logic, and presentation, is skewed quite a bit, but the end result is accurate. If you want to prove your claim you really should take advantage of much more of the plethora of evidence than this little bit. Plus you could be more effective using any number sites that would be allowed as a citation here, and yet would show the same result. Always linking to crazy sites isn't very convincing for anybody.

Edited by goldenchild17
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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Truthseeker777' post='1168426' date='Jan 17 2007, 07:23 PM']
Easy there guy's,if good ole mother of da pearl did not erase the clip this is what you would have seen-

The pope,together with Billy Graham(a 33degree freemason BTW.)And all kind of "religious" leaders from around the world
incl.Hindus,Muslims,rastafarians,Budhist's and almost all hellbound religions around the world.
Then the pope proclaim that all the religions should work together and bla bla bla,just like in Turkey when he prayed towards
mecca.How could you sell out Jesus like that?

What [mod]Edited for language. --Era Might[/mod] is his business in a Muslim country????
Its like me going to a strip club and saying girls in g-strings are very bad for you.

You can not work together with a Hindi or Budhist,THEY do not accept Jesus!!!!

Why? its simple read the bible verse i've posted, if you can't be in Harmony with cursed religions.

It all seems very clear,the pope is working towards a one world religion????


If I can't stand my neighbor, but I agree to be civil with him for mutual respect (you know, so that neither of us hurt each other), who in their right mind would argue that we are becoming one? Moreso, if I then use our mutual respect to try to bring my neighbor over to my way of seeing things, I am taking a bad situation and trying to use it for evangelization.

Ecumenism and interfaith dialogue are forms of evangelization.

[quote]You can not work together with a Hindi or Budhist,THEY do not accept Jesus!!!![/quote]

Pagans don't accept Jesus, either, but I seem to recall the Church dialoguing with and converting many of them.

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A simple vocabulary tutoring would work wonders for you.

[mod]Uncharitable commentary. -Raphael[/mod].


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Well, let me put my invective in better form.

Truthseeker, people of your ilk have no regard for the intent of actions. Instead, they jump upon and misrepresent the actions of the Catholic Church. There is not a whit of honesty in your invective or your tactics. It is tripe. It is designed not to debate or correct, but to frighten those who are not firm in the faith or not a member at all.

It flies in the face of the Bible, of Christianity, and of the many good fruits of the Catholic Church. I grow tired of people disregarding the weeds among the wheat mentioned in the Bible that so many Catholic bashers/baiters, supposedly love so dearly. This in no way defends the bad actions of the weeds, it merely points out that God Himself sad we couldn't keep the weeds out of the garden, so let's just trust Him on that, shall we?

And lay off the caps lock.

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