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Did Jesus Say That?


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John 14:6
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. [color="#FF0000"]No one comes to the Father except through me[/color]

John 1:17
For the law was given through Moses;[color="#CC0000"] grace and truth came through Jesus Christ[/color]


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[quote name='Truthseeker777' post='1164749' date='Jan 14 2007, 08:54 PM']
John 14:6
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. [color="#FF0000"]No one comes to the Father except through me[/color]

John 1:17
For the law was given through Moses;[color="#CC0000"] grace and truth came through Jesus Christ[/color]


[/quote]I watched five minutes of it. and it was political, not religious. I wasn't willing to spend any more time on it. What did I miss?

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As a general rule, please do not post vids to download to our computers. I edited out the site it is anti-catholic.

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I'm Mr. Snikkers

[quote name='Truthseeker777' post='1164749' date='Jan 14 2007, 08:54 PM']
What clip? I can't click anything.

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[quote name='I'm Mr. Snikkers' post='1166639' date='Jan 16 2007, 10:12 AM']
What clip? I can't click anything.
thats becuase it was either a clip you had to download to your computer [not a safe option] or it was anti-catholic website or vid.

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[quote name='Truthseeker777' post='1166849' date='Jan 16 2007, 02:31 PM']
what was it?

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Truthseeker, we can find anti-Catholic rubbish all over the Internet. It's not as if we've never seen any criticisms of the Church in our lives.

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It always amazes me how people who are not Catholic claim to be experts on what the Church teaches WITHOUT actually reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church.... it is like they have some kind of psychic "gift" or something. <_<

Now I would be REALLY impressed if they actually read the CCC and could present decent arguments rather than the usual, boring, "OMGOSH the Catholics are all going to hell because they unfortunately worship Mary, statues, and pieces of bread!"


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Knight of the Holy Rosary

[quote]Truthseeker, we can find anti-Catholic rubbish all over the Internet. It's not as if we've never seen any criticisms of the Church in our lives.[/quote]

That is exactly what I was thinking.

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Groo the Wanderer

[quote name='philosobrat' post='1167438' date='Jan 16 2007, 09:02 PM']
It always amazes me how people who are not Catholic claim to be experts on what the Church teaches WITHOUT actually reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church.... it is like they have some kind of psychic "gift" or something. <_<

Now I would be REALLY impressed if they actually read the CCC and could present decent arguments rather than the usual, boring, "OMGOSH the Catholics are all going to hell because they unfortunately worship Mary, statues, and pieces of bread!"


Don't forget the Jesuit conspiracy that controls the Illuminati and the Bilderberger Gnomes....SHHH! :ninja: :ninja:

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='philosobrat' post='1167438' date='Jan 16 2007, 10:02 PM']
It always amazes me how people who are not Catholic claim to be experts on what the Church teaches WITHOUT actually reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church.... it is like they have some kind of psychic "gift" or something. <_<
I once debated a fundamentalist who refused to read the Catechism.

"That's not Catholic belief. Why don't you read a Catechism so you can know what Catholics believe before trying to attack our faith?"

"I don't need the Catechism. I have the Bible. The Bible is sufficient."

"Okay, but you say that Catholics don't follow the Bible, but you acknowledge that they follow the Catechism, so wouldn't it make sense if you read the Catechism in order to know what Catholics believe so that you could better evangelize them?"

"I don't need the Catechism, I have the Bible!"

"But don't you think..."

"I don't need the Catechism, I have the Bible!"

...and it went on like that a few more times...

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Easy there guy's,if good ole mother of da pearl did not erase the clip this is what you would have seen-

The pope,together with Billy Graham(a 33degree freemason BTW.)And all kind of "religious" leaders from around the world
incl.Hindus,Muslims,rastafarians,Budhist's and almost all hellbound religions around the world.
Then the pope proclaim that all the religions should work together and bla bla bla,just like in Turkey when he prayed towards
mecca.How could you sell out Jesus like that?

What [mod]Edited for language. --Era Might[/mod] is his business in a Muslim country????
Its like me going to a strip club and saying girls in g-strings are very bad for you.

You can not work together with a Hindi or Budhist,THEY do not accept Jesus!!!!

Why? its simple read the bible verse i've posted, if you can't be in Harmony with cursed religions.

It all seems very clear,the pope is working towards a one world religion????


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There's a difference between saying that people of all religions should work together and that all religions are equal. How is it that fundamentalists can never see this distinction? Which is more Christian, refusing to work alongside a Buddhist in a project for the homeless on grounds of religion, or deciding to co-operate in the project for the sake of the poor and needy? Which of these two choices is more like 'selling out' Jesus Christ?

In Jesus' time the Samaritans and the Jews were bitter enemies, and yet Jesus said that the two peoples were to love each other as neighbours - even though they had different faiths and different cultures. It is a poor, twisted Christianity that you have if you are only prepared to associate with people who hold your beliefs. As Jesus said, "Do not even the pagans do that?"

[quote]What [mod]Edited for language. --Era Might[/mod] is his business in a Muslim country????
Its like me going to a strip club and saying girls in g-strings are very bad for you.[/quote]

His business is love. In fact, he is in the same business as the man from Nazareth who ate with tax-collectors and prostitutes and sinners. Jesus was roundly condemned by the hypocritical religious experts of His day for doing that...

As for Christians visiting strip clubs, funny that you should mention that. [url="http://www.jcsgirls.com/aboutus.html"]JC's Girls[/url] is an evangelical Christian ministry composed soley of women (mostly ex-prostitutes and lap dancers) who visit strip clubs to give the Good News. Judging by what you've posted here, I expect you [i]would[/i] tell strippers that they were bad if you got the chance. That's nothing to be proud of, you know. These Christian women are more loving than that.

[quote]You can not work together with a Hindi or Budhist,THEY do not accept Jesus!!!![/quote]

Hindi is a language, not a religion. And as a matter of fact an awful lot of Hindus DO believe that Jesus is God. Please, don't try and decide what people believe for them. Find out what they really think.

[quote]Then the pope proclaim that all the religions should work together and bla bla bla,just like in Turkey when he prayed towards
mecca.How could you sell out Jesus like that?[/quote]

The Pope prayed facing south-east. Makkah is south-east of Turkey, true. Then again, so is Jerusalem...the city towards which traditional Christians have prayed since Christianity began.

[quote]Why? its simple read the bible verse i've posted, if you can't be in Harmony with cursed religions.

It all seems very clear,the pope is working towards a one world religion????


Half-right. I'm sure the Pope does want the whole world to follow Catholic Christianity, if that's what you mean by 'one world religion'. But he also recognises that other religions are not 'cursed'. There is even some truth in the Buddhism you so hotly condemn. Buddhists are not wrong when they say that compassion is very important.

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