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Chicago Poor Clares


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I didn't read through the whole thread, but were these Poor Clares from the same Cleveland monastery as the Poor Clares in Aptos, CA?

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Yep .. in the [url="http://www.religiouslife.com/w_pccfednmi.phtml"]Federation of Mary Immaculate[/url] . This one in Lemont came specifically from the Roswell, NM one, but they all have the same Mother foundress from Germany.

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  • 1 month later...

I just visited here again today! A postulant just entered this month, and then another that my brother knows is entering March 6, historical feast of St. Colette.

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[quote name='TeresaAvila' post='1200977' date='Feb 19 2007, 08:53 PM']That's wonderful, I"ll be praying for the new postulants!! how many members do they have now?[/quote] On March 6, there will be 9. Isn't a lovely place. Their singing is beautiful - very very high, like angels, and in harmony. I spoke with the Mother for a while there today. But actually, I don't believe it's where God is calling me .. It's very nice though. I definitely felt a good joyful spirit in the couple sisters I met. Within months or even weeks I believe, after Cardinal George was made Archbishop of Chicago, he was calling the Poor Clares immediately to get them to come back!! :D (as the former PCC monastery in the diocese was closed a few years back .. )

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  • 1 year later...

Just thought I'd post, there are pictures up now from Sr. Mary Colette's Solemn Profession last year, [url="http://www.chicagopoorclares.org/"]http://www.chicagopoorclares.org/[/url] :)

God bless!

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Saint Therese

Because of a recent illness I have had to forego caffeine, and I'm so glad I did. I feel more relaxed and I actually feel more energetic than I did before. I don't think that would be something to worry about! :rolleyes:

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I used to think that I would just die without caffeine and meat....surprise, it can be done!! As long as they eat a healthy balance,most people will survive. Personally I am not much for fasting, and being a diabetic, forget it, cant if I wanted to. Most convents/monasteries I have visited, they eat very well, though frugally. The biggest sacrifice is not always eating what you want to eat or when you want to eat it.

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  • 3 months later...

[quote name='Margaret Clare' post='1161510' date='Jan 11 2007, 12:32 PM']Here is the [url="http://poor-clares.org/losaltos/losaltos3.html"]Los Altos horarium[/url]. Lemont follows this one too ... I'm so glad they changed the rules of fasting 24 hours before Mass. My mom even said she used to pass out many times at Sunday Mass as a child ... Just a few weeks before I entered Carmel at Buffalo, they had changed the schedule to have breakfast before Mass too.[/quote]
Just thought I'd correct this tiny detail really quick ^_^ This was just after Easter. Normally they (Buffalo Carmel) have breakfast in community after Mass and the daily renewal of vows and thanksgiving, etc (also the old fast was from midnight on, not 24 hours :blush:)

Edited by Margaret Clare
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[quote name='alicemary' post='1493596' date='Apr 6 2008, 11:17 AM']I used to think that I would just die without caffeine and meat....surprise, it can be done!![/quote]
Thanks for the encouragement! For me it's caffeine .. especially getting through a morning of prayer, especially the hour of silent prayer, without anything like coffee to help me wake up. I tend to take a while to fall alseep at night. (But usually I will never have more than one cup of coffee a day. I know some people who have 3 or 4 cups every morning :o)

But yeah, a friend of mine used to be the same, but then during a long trip out of town where there was no caffeine available, he went through a withdrawal, which he said involved a pretty bad headache. But now he's off it, and never has anything with caffeine anymore.

Most cloistered communities do allow coffee though, and one great Carmel I know, even right in the morning before Mass [i]if[/i] you can get ready fast enough! ^_^

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[quote name='Margaret Clare' post='1616425' date='Aug 3 2008, 11:15 AM']Thanks for the encouragement! For me it's caffeine .. especially getting through a morning of prayer, especially the hour of silent prayer, without anything like coffee to help me wake up. I tend to take a while to fall alseep at night. (But usually I will never have more than one cup of coffee a day. I know some people who have 3 or 4 cups every morning :o)

But yeah, a friend of mine used to be the same, but then during a long trip out of town where there was no caffeine available, he went through a withdrawal, which he said involved a pretty bad headache. But now he's off it, and never has anything with caffeine anymore.

Most cloistered communities do allow coffee though, and one great Carmel I know, even right in the morning before Mass [i]if[/i] you can get ready fast enough! ^_^[/quote]

One of my favorite monasteries, the Poor Clares in Greenville, SC, have a flexible rising schedule which can include coffee, breakfast and exercise! They have a beautiful new monastery and have had recent postulants, novices and a solemn profession.



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Interesting, thanks! I just received a newsletter from the Chicago Poor Clares the other day. They are preparing for the feast of their Holy Mother, August 11th. And they said they celebrated the birth of St. Clare on July 16th. I didn't know she was born that day, the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel - interesting - so it's like a double celebration for them.



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