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Casting Out Demons


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[color="#000099"] The New American (Catholic) Bible says in Mark 16:17 - "These signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will drive out demons..."

The Douay-Rheims (Catholic) Bible says in Mark 16:17 - "And these signs shall follow them that believe: in my name they shall cast out devils..."

Since the command to cast out demons is in the Catholic Bible, why are Catholics not casting out demons? Why not Priests? Why did Pope John Paul say that he only did this three times in his entire life?

If you are a Catholic, you need to follow the Bible, and not Catholic doctrine.


[b]Pope Fails to Exorcise Mocking Demons[/b]

Perhaps the answer was revealed in September, 2000 when Catholic sources (The Record, Louisville Diocese, Louisville, Kentucky; also see Christianity Today, November 13, 2000) revealed that Pope John Paul II, said to be the vicar of Christ on earth, dramatically failed in a personal attempt to cast demons out of a girl.

The 19-year-old girl had flown into a rage during a general audience with the Pontiff inside the Vatican on September 13. She began screaming insults at him, her voice said to be deep, raspy, masculine and cavernous. When security personnel tried to restrain the girl, she displayed superhuman strength in resisting them.

The Pope then personally intervened. He spent a half hour praying over the girl, hugging her, and ordering the demons to leave. The Pope even promised to celebrate a mass especially for her the next day. All to no avail.

[b]The Pope[/b] also had the official Catholic exorcist of Rome, priest Gabrielle Amorth, perform repeated exorcism rituals to cast the demons out of the young lady. One ritual lasted two hours. But priest Amorth reported to the Pope that he, too, was unsuccessful.

Chillingly, the priest stated that during his exorcism, one demon inside the girl mocked the Pope,[b] saying, "Not even your church head can send me away!"[/b]

In contrast, Jesus told his disciples, "And these signs shall follow them that believe: In my name shall they cast out devils…" (Luke 16:17)

What, then, does their utter inability to order the demons out of this possessed girl tell us about the Pope and his priests?


Mother Theresa is shown here with John-Roger, a New Age teacher who claims he can communicate with the dead. Mother Theresa asked for an exorcism because she was afraid she might be inhabited by devils.

As reported on CNN.COM:

Archbishop: Mother Teresa underwent exorcism September 5, 2001 Posted: 9:20 PM EDT (0120 GMT)

By Satinder Bindra

CNN New Delhi Bureau

CALCUTTA, India (CNN) -- Senior church officials in Calcutta acknowledge Mother Teresa had an exorcism performed on her in the latter years of life.

The exorcism took place in a hospital where she had gone for cardiac problems, said Archbishop of Calcutta Henry D'Souza. The archbishop himself had been hospitalized at the same facility and shared the same doctor as Mother Teresa.


He said he noticed that while Mother Teresa was calm during the day, at night she appeared "extremely agitated." D'Souza said Mother Teresa would pull off wires and other monitoring equipment stuck to her body.

He said that is when he believed Mother Teresa "might be under the attack of the evil one." He offered to arrange for an exorcism for the elderly nun. She agreed.

"So I said let's do the prayer of exorcism over her. So I called one of the priests who was a holy man in Calcutta," D'Souza said. "I told him, 'Please say the prayer of exorcism over Mother Teresa.' And he got a shock and said, 'Shall I pray and should I drive out the devil if it's there?'"

"I said, 'Yes, you do.' But he says, 'What will the devil do to me?' I said to him, 'You command the devil to go if he's there. In the name of the church, as archbishop, I command you to go and do it.'"


Edited by Urib2007
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The apostles failed to drive out some demons. So were they not apostles.?

Mark 9
28: And when he had entered the house, his disciples asked him privately, "Why could we not cast it out?"
29: And he said to them, "This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer."

Excocism is still a part of the church and I know priests who have successfully performed them. that the demons attacked Mother Teresa (and many other saints) is no surprize to a Catholic. It actually points more to where the truth is at. Note that the demons followed Jesus around a bit too. St. Francis Assissi was attacked by the devil. The devil through him in to a rose bush (very thorny you know) but before he hit the bush the thornes went away. My sister knows some people (actually her son's inlaws) who went to this place where St. Francis was thrown in to the bush last year. To this very day those roses are still there and they are thornless. But when they try to move them somewhere else they get thorns.


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All of this info can be found at www.demonbuster.com

How do you know if you have a RELIGIOUS demon? You may send an email like this that we received on June 14, 1999.

"Please provide me some background info on yourself before I share your teaching with others.

Who is your pastor?
Member of what Church?
Ministry Credential?
Ministry training?
Length of ministry experience?
Denominational background?
These questions will not be offensive if things are in order. May God bless you in your efforts for His Kingdom!"

[color="#CC0000"]I did not answer the questions, but told them these were probably the same questions the Scribes and Pharisees asked Jesus and His disciples. I also told them that if they started their own DELIVERANCE, they would not need answers to these questions.

A RELIGIOUS demon has been the strongest demon we have ever encountered. You just can't reach these people with DELIVERANCE. We do not argue or try to convince anyone about anything. If you want help, we can help you. If you want a "sign", or a list of answers, you will not get any from us. We just stick with the "signs and wonders".

[b]A RELIGIOUS demon usually knows a lot of Scripture. Unfortunately, they can't seem to remember reading Mark 16:17 saying that they should be casting OUT demons, in the name of Jesus. It seems as if they are blinded to the Truth of DELIVERANCE.[/b]

Unless the Lord has give you a hardened heart, you can get DELIVERANCE.[/color]

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Are you going to dialogue or talk past us and dip and dance. Can I have an answer from you regarding whether or not the Catholic Church discourages bible reading? Remember I gave you quotes from Popes, evidence of blessings in the cover of Bibles for reading the scripture and weekly bulletins with daily readings that cover the whole Bible in three years. Now does the Catholic Church discourage Bible reading?

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Urib, please stop with the jack chick nonsense and answer our questions. Dont just post pictures and nasty insinuations and expect us to convert to your state of mind. (after all thats what its about right? your interpretation of things")

Amen I say unto you ravenous wolf, what do you know about the bible or should I say the book the Catholic church compiled and named "bible"? You act as if you know more than the author.

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Let me hold your feet to the fire in this thread. You site as evidence that the Pope is not a successor of the Apostles because he couldn't drive out a demon in a young girl. Now Biblically is that a good criteria for judging if someone is a Christian or a poor criteria or no criteria?

Let me post a verse that might help you with the answer once again.

Mark 9
28: And when he had entered the house, his disciples asked him privately, "Why could we not cast it out?"
29: And he said to them, "This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer."

Oh and by the way Urib, that someone got a picture of Mother Teresa with some new ager is once again proof of nothing. You sound like a pharasee pointing the finger at jesus for having dinner with tax collectors. Look at all the pagans Paul could have had his picture taken with in the book of acts had someone had a camera. So what. More red herrings and puppy tales and rabbit trails your trying to lead the ignorant sheep away from the Catholic Church with. Why not just give reason for the hope that is within you.

Edited by thessalonian
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urib If you wish us to pay attention to your posts kindly respond to ours, unless you are here to merely score points in some unseen game.

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The Church actually takes flak for its exorcisms by those who do not believe in the existence of evil spirits. The Church designates certain priests to do exorcisms. It's not something anybody should go and do on their day off. I believe the chief exorcist of Rome has appointments on a daily basis. God bless!

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I noticed that you were online for quite some time today but did not answer my questions. Are you willing to dialogue here or are you just trolling?

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Every Catholic diocese has an exorcist, but the name of that priest is always kept secret - not for any sinister reason, but because of the unhealthy fascination the media has with such matters, and for the sake of the people who may need to visit the exorcist. If I ever need to go to one (may God forbid it) I wouldn't want the whole county knowing who he was and why I'd been there.

As for Demonbusters.com...that site is dreadful. Have you clearly read what it says?

[quote]Do you have a bad temper? That's a demon. Is there mental illness in your family background? That is a demon. Do you have trouble serving God? That's a demon. Do you have problems with bad thoughts? That is a demon.[/quote]

Bad temper and laziness in God's service are not necessarily the result of demonic intervention. People who believe this to be true will just start making excuses for their own sins and mistakes. "It wasn't me - the devil made me do it!" We should be able to take responsibility for the things we do wrong.

As for mental illness, it is exactly what it sounds like - an [b]illness[/b]. The founder of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, who is also a psychologist, came to give a talk at our university in November. He did say that he has encountered demonic possession, but refused to talk much about it, saying that in the vast majority of cases mental illness can be explained by natural causes. It is as valid a problem as breaking your leg.

[quote]BOYCE and BOICE are two demons that interfere with any electronic equipment, i.e., phone, computer, printer, automibile. If something malfunctions, command these two demons to leave your equipment, in the name of Jesus.[/quote]


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  • 1 year later...

I know this post is old, but I was doing a search to back up something I said on another forum.

Anyway, dunno if the OP is around anymore, but oftentimes it takes more than one exorcism to successfully get rid of demons. In fact, some of the more stubborn ones can take ages to leave. A couple recorded were actually allowed by God to stay indefinitely.

The OP implies that the Pope didn't use Christ's name in an exorcism. Where is the proof?? And duh, if he said a Mass, I'm sure he said Christ's name more than once.

Fr. Amorth has driven out tons of demons. Those who are attacked by demons were some of the holiest saints. The devil doesn't bother physically/verbally attacking those who are already in his grasp. What better way to shake the faith of the faithful Catholics than to give the Pope a challenge.

But remember that Bible verse that states even if you DO cast out demons in Christ's name, it doesn't mean that you're even saved. The one that immediately follows "not all who say Lord Lord will enter the Kingdom of God..." etc.

Edited by lilac_angel
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Nihil Obstat

No one mentioned yet...
A single exorcism is unlikely to solve such a deep seated problem.
Read what Fr. Amorth said, it often takes weeks, moreoften months, often years to drive out a demon.
I don't think you can conclude anything based on the fact that two exorcisms didn't miraculously solve everyone's problems.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' post='1623164' date='Aug 9 2008, 10:10 PM']No one mentioned yet...
A single exorcism is unlikely to solve such a deep seated problem.
Read what Fr. Amorth said, it often takes weeks, moreoften months, often years to drive out a demon.[/quote]

That's what I said... well, in similar words, anyway:

[quote]Anyway, dunno if the OP is around anymore, but oftentimes it takes more than one exorcism to successfully get rid of demons. In fact, some of the more stubborn ones can take ages to leave. A couple recorded were actually allowed by God to stay indefinitely.[/quote]

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