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Something To Ponder About.


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[quote name='Urib2007' post='1159865' date='Jan 9 2007, 12:38 PM']
[color=#330000] To speak out today about the Roman Catholic faith (and the Roman Catholic Church, Vatican, and Papacy) is not a popular thing to do.

I wouldn't flatter yourself so much. Seems to be quite the popular thing to do as of late, and as of old, and as of anytime whatsoever :P: .

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Oh my gosh...just look at any culture anywhere in America...the whole media is anti-catholic...you've got to be kidding me.

I mean, virtually no one cares if you insulte christians in general, not just catholics.

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[quote name='Urib2007' post='1159849' date='Jan 9 2007, 11:19 AM']
I then became a non denominational Christian after finding out that most of the Catholic teachings weren't in the Holy Bible. For instance, no where in the Bible does it say to confess our sins to a priest? Jesus is the only mediator. You confess your sins to Jesus. No where in the Bible does it say to pray to Mary and the saints for their intercession to God. I have not found it in there because it's not! [/quote]

Where does it say in the Bible that it has to say so in the Bible?

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your quote: "We're saved BY FAITH, NOT BY WORKS."

In letting the words in the Bible speak for themselves:

James 2:21 - 24, 26

Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he offered his son Isaac upon the altar? You see that faith was active along with his works, and [b]faith was completed by his works[/b], and the [i]scripture was fulfilled [/i] which said, "Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness"; and he was called the friend of God. You see that a man is justified by works and not faith alone.

For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so faith apart from works is dead."

God bless you, and may He teach all of us the way we should go, for to Him, we lift up our souls! (Psalm 143:8)

Edited by Shukran_Allah
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so, urib, which of the 50,000 church's should we join? (not one can even agree with each other about what the bible teaches)

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[quote]To speak out today about the Roman Catholic faith (and the Roman Catholic Church, Vatican, and Papacy) is not a popular thing to do.[/quote]

As other people have already pointed out, Catholic-bashing is the most popular thing since sliced bread. There are two books on the subject that sum it up well - [i]Anti-Catholicism: America's Last Acceptable Prejudice[/i] and, more generally, [i]The New Anti-Catholicism: the Last Acceptable Prejudice[/i]. The treatment I receive from certain people at university is proof that these authors are on to something. A number of fellow students - who are being educated at one of the top universities in the world, never mind in Britain - start behaving as though they've never read a book when they learn that I'm Catholic, reinforcing G.K. Chesterton's wry comment that 'anti-Catholicism is the anti-Semitism of the intellectual'. Here's an example:

Fellow Student (making a brave stab at conversation as we walk into town together on a Sunday morning): So, you go to a church, don't you? Which one?

Me: The Catholic chaplaincy.

Fellow Student (taken aback): But you must be a liberal Catholic, right?

Me: No. I'm a Catholic Catholic.

Catholicism is not unbiblical and your credentials are not as credible as you may think. You may well have been catechised and served as an altar girl, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you're a well-educated Catholic. I should know. I say this with shame, but I didn't even know about transubstantiation until I was fourteen years old - and I made my First Holy Communion at the age of seven. I was catechised too. Whenever we were in England, my parents sent me to special classes at a local Catholic primary. They assumed that everything had been explained to me there.

It is a shocking travesty that a Catholic child could grow up in a Catholic home and attend Catholic lessons without learning one of the most fundamental Christian truths. But it happened to me. There's no reason to suppose that it couldn't have happened to you, no matter how often you served on the altar. In fact, I know a former altar girl who is now an atheist. She never understood much about the faith either. I overtook her in Catholic knowledge when we were about sixteen, after just two years of devouring everything I'd missed. I asked her whether the Solemnity of Our Lady was a Holy Day of Obligation in Portugal (where her family is from originally) and she didn't even know what a Holy Day of Obligation [i]was[/i]. Yet she now says, "I know about the Catholic Church because I used to go to Mass on Sundays and even be an altar girl."

Bogus credentials.

Edited by Cathoholic Anonymous
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[quote name='Akalyte' post='1160935' date='Jan 10 2007, 08:17 PM']
so, urib, which of the 50,000 church's should we join? (not one can even agree with each other about what the bible teaches)
[/quote]Hey, Akalyte, let's each of us start a church of our own. There are 500 new denominations founded somewhere in the world every week, all based on the same Bible, all teaching different doctrines, and all claiming to teach the absolute truth. We could make it 502 or 50,002. :P:


Protestant no more!
Blessed Father Damien, pray for us!

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Urib, you said you had something for us to ponder.

[quote]The Roman Catholic Church falsely teaches from their own corrupt imaginations:
1. That she was immaculately conceived (like Christ).[/quote]
"She," refers to Mary, of course.

Do you know what the Immaculate Conception means?

Where in the Bible does it say that Christ was "immaculately conceived"?

I'm pondering how a former altar girl and "solid" Catholic could have written this post. :blink:


Blessed Father Damien, pray for all the children of the One True Church who have been led astray.

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I think Urib is confusing the Immaculate Conception with the Virgin Birth. It seems to be a common Protestant mistake.

Urib, Mary's parents (Anne and Joachim) did not remain celibate as Mary and Joseph did. Mary, unlike Jesus, was conceived in the usual way.

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[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1162587' date='Jan 12 2007, 01:10 PM']
I think Urib is confusing the Immaculate Conception with the Virgin Birth. It seems to be a common Protestant mistake.

Urib, Mary's parents (Anne and Joachim) did not remain celibate as Mary and Joseph did. Mary, unlike Jesus, was conceived in the usual way.
[/quote] :sadder: Isn't it sad when it's necessary to explain this to a self-proclaimed former altar girl?

It's Urib's statement that the Catholic religion is not biblical that most amazes me. She apparently does not knows that the Catholic Church wrote the New Testament and formed the Bible, and that the NT is based on the living, dynamic, teaching Church, not the other way around. As Martin Luther said, Scripture, like wax noses, can be twisted to fit.

A little dose of history does a person a world of good. As John Henry Newman wrote, "To be deep in history is to cease to be a Protestant."


Blessed Father Damien, pray for us!

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[quote name='morostheos' post='1162893' date='Jan 12 2007, 06:46 PM']
too bad she hasn't been back to respond to any of the responses here... :(

Seriously, where does she go after she posts this nonsense?

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[quote name='SinginForHim' post='1163154' date='Jan 12 2007, 11:05 PM']
Seriously, where does she go after she posts this nonsense?
its nonsense for us because we know better, but she was taught this carp and sincerely believes it.

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Phoenix Reborn

[quote name='morostheos' post='1162893' date='Jan 12 2007, 03:46 PM']
too bad she hasn't been back to respond to any of the responses here... :(

Uribs gone. She has 'validating' instead of Phatmasser under her name. I'm pretty sure that means she singled out her email adress or something.

Edited by Phoenix Reborn
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