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some mormons believe catholics removed and/or burned books of the bible during the council of nicea? lol this is the first time I heard this.

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i knew books have been removed from the bible by the protestants but this is the first i have heard of catholics doing it

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Very little in Mormonism is justifiable. They have a phrase in the BofM that say "Bible Bible we've got bibles". This written 1000 years before there was anything called a Bible. AMAZING :shock: Nobody had anything but a pile of scrolls at that time. Horses in America, lot's of other contradictions. But they cannot see the error. I spent 8 years in utah and had a mormon girlfriend. Very nice people. Pray for them.

Edited by thessalonian
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[quote name='Akalyte' post='1156295' date='Jan 4 2007, 10:02 PM']
some mormons believe catholics removed and/or burned books of the bible during the council of nicea? lol this is the first time I heard this.
[/quote]Mormons believe that the Catholic Church became "apostate" right out of the chute and that there was no True Church until Joseph Smith was chosen by god to "restore" it. But I've never heard of this allegation. Where did you come across this?

Considering that there was no "Bible" until A.D. 382 (Council of Rome), 393 (Hippo), 397 (Carthage I), 419 (Carthage II), what did we supposedly burn?

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[quote name='Katholikos' post='1157169' date='Jan 5 2007, 11:03 PM']
Mormons believe that the Catholic Church became "apostate" right out of the chute and that there was no True Church until Joseph Smith was chosen by god to "restore" it. But I've never heard of this allegation. Where did you come across this?

Considering that there was no "Bible" until A.D. 382 (Council of Rome), 393 (Hippo), 397 (Carthage I), 419 (Carthage II), what did we supposedly burn?

I was in a quarrel with some mormons on myspace and they said that we removed books from the word of God around the time of the council of nicea. they make this claim because their book of mormon talks about this abomidable church that removed many precious truths from the bible or something along those lines.

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Was the Bible even complete before the Council of Nicea? I was under the impression that the selecting of books was a gradual process, but that the Bible was finally codified at the Council. Could somebody please explain in more detail? Also, what is a reliable book to read about Mormonism? My home area has the biggest Mormon temple outside of Utah. (I'm in Lancashire when I'm not at university.) The Mormon evangelists sometimes come knocking, but at the moment I just avoid answering the door because I don't know much about their religion and my speech isn't good.

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Ask them for primary proof. Don't argue over hearsay. You have documented proof of when the Bible was collected and where the Bible was collected, where is their documented proof.

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myself, living in a small town where everyone is mormon, know that these guys have NO CLUE as to what real God is, they are quite a bit confused. and totally a Cult, they are even listed in the cult index. :D
anyway, they make all kinds of stuff up all the time, to trash other religions, because they need people to believe some stoned guy in the desert names Joe Smith... knows God, and resurected his church...
anyway, they are very nice people and have great morals, they are just a little confused. and I wish that someday, they would give up and come to God.

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[quote name='Akalyte' post='1157301' date='Jan 6 2007, 07:55 AM']
I was in a quarrel with some mormons on myspace and they said that we removed books from the word of God around the time of the council of nicea. they make this claim because their book of mormon talks about this abomidable church that removed many precious truths from the bible or something along those lines.

Read the Book of Mormon, 1 Nephi chapter 13. It was allegedly written between B.C. 600 and 592. This was supposedly foreknowledge that he (Nephi) was given by an angel God of a "great abominable church, the mother of harlots, which leads men's souls down to hell" etc. etc. and who "took away" some of the "things" which were "plain unto the understanding of the children of men."

Search "book of mormon problems" and you'll find many websites analyzing the BOM.

If you haven't read the BOM, you can get one free from any Mormon source. Just call a Mormon church. They also give away KJV's. Of course, the Mormon "missionaries" will show up on your doorstep. BOM's are also available at used book stores.

Warning: The BOM (Nephi) will make you angry. The phatmass fiddler won't let me tell you most of the names this unnamed church (which is clearly Catholic) is called.


Blessed Father Damien, pray for us!

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[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1157318' date='Jan 6 2007, 10:28 AM']
Was the Bible even complete before the Council of Nicea? I was under the impression that the selecting of books was a gradual process, but that the Bible was finally codified at the Council. Could somebody please explain in more detail?[/quote]

A great book, [i]WHERE WE GOT THE BIBLE[/i], by Henry Graham, available for free online, will tell you everything you need to know:


[quote]Also, what is a reliable book to read about Mormonism? My home area has the biggest Mormon temple outside of Utah. (I'm in Lancashire when I'm not at university.) The Mormon evangelists sometimes come knocking, but at the moment I just avoid answering the door because I don't know much about their religion and my speech isn't good.[/quote]

I recommend [i]INSIDE MORMONISM [/i] by Isaiah Bennett, a former priest who left the Catholic Church for Mormonism, realized his mistake, and returned. Available from Catholic Answers (catholic.com) Bennett wrote the book in reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is a thorough and fair explanation of Mormon belief.


Blessed Father Damien, pray for us!

Edited by Katholikos
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As an ex-mormon I'm happy to answer any questions you like so ask away :)

First Akalyte- yes correct, the church does believe this and more.....

Katholikos- one note on that book, was the author an "endowed mormon" or not...things change depending on your degree in the church (I was quite high up), so I have perspective on a number of degrees of commitment in that church.

Over to you,


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[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1157318' date='Jan 6 2007, 10:28 AM']
Was the Bible even complete before the Council of Nicea? I was under the impression that the selecting of books was a gradual process, but that the Bible was finally codified at the Council. Could somebody please explain in more detail? Also, what is a reliable book to read about Mormonism? My home area has the biggest Mormon temple outside of Utah. (I'm in Lancashire when I'm not at university.) The Mormon evangelists sometimes come knocking, but at the moment I just avoid answering the door because I don't know much about their religion and my speech isn't good.
Put a statue of a Saint outside, you will never be bothered again :)

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