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Debate Challege Issued To...


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Catholic4ever. This debate challenge is issued to you. The debate will be on concerning what you define and beleive to be liberal. Having read some of your posts, I've got a pretty good idea as to what you think. The terms of this debate are simple. Minimum of 2 point/counterpoint messages; maximum of 4. No flaming or name calling as I prefer not to be called a 'liberal Catholic' again.

Do you accept the challenge as I have issued it?

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he, he, he. Aren't you IronWill of the Marantha Board?

If you are, which is funnier. Being called liberal or Catholic?

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  jasJis said:
he, he, he.  Aren't you IronWill of the Marantha Board?

If you are, which is funnier.  Being called liberal or Catholic?

Yes I am.

I don't know which is funnier, lol.

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  ReformationNow said:

Yes I am.

I don't know which is funnier, lol.

That is funny! I laughed out loud. :lol:

But then again, Liberal Catholic probably isn't as bad as non-Catholic Heretic Scum ... lol_grin.gif

You're moving up in the world! :rolleyes:

Invite Monkey over. She can hang out on open mic for a while, but she seems tough enough.

And by the way, Happy belated Birthday blessings to you.

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