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You Tube And Rad Trad Content

Church Punk

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Has anyone noticed that you tube, seems to have an abundance of radical traditionalist content on it? I just typed in mass and I was hit with 20 videos from SSPX.

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[quote name='Church Punk' post='1155004' date='Jan 2 2007, 10:03 PM']
Has anyone noticed that you tube, seems to have an abundance of radical traditionalist content on it? I just typed in mass and I was hit with 20 videos from SSPX.

You are absolutely right. There are some good FSSP videos, too, though. And that's a good thing!

Here's some videos. The first is a Mass from 1941 or so. The others of the FSSP:


Other Mass-related ones:


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[quote name='Church Punk' post='1155004' date='Jan 2 2007, 11:03 PM']
Has anyone noticed that you tube, seems to have an abundance of radical traditionalist content on it? I just typed in mass and I was hit with 20 videos from SSPX.
Yeah definitely seems to have more than the other video sites. I love checking out youtube to see which ones they put on there. Good stuff :)

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Seatbelt Blue

The sad thing is that, well, there's a lot of rad trads out there, people who think the Church of 1958 is the way the Church always was and always would be. There's a lot of them, and they're vocal, as people tend to be when bound up in self-righteous indignation.

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[quote name='St. Benedict' post='1155009' date='Jan 2 2007, 11:17 PM']
You are absolutely right. There are some good FSSP videos, too, though. And that's a good thing!

Here's some videos. The first is a Mass from 1941 or so. The others of the FSSP:


Other Mass-related ones:


FSSP is awesome. There are in my city now :)

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[quote name='Seatbelt Blue' post='1155181' date='Jan 3 2007, 12:23 PM']
The sad thing is that, well, there's a lot of rad trads out there, people who think the Church of 1958 is the way the Church always was and always would be. There's a lot of them, and they're vocal, as people tend to be when bound up in self-righteous indignation.

Please don't get Traditionalists like myself mixed in with groups like the SSPX or Sedevacantists. I want to ALWAYS remain loyal to Rome, but I want to restore the Sacred, including the Tridentine Mass. So, please don't put all Traditionalists in the same category - we are all very different.

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[quote name='Seatbelt Blue' post='1155181' date='Jan 3 2007, 01:23 PM']
The sad thing is that, well, there's a lot of rad trads out there, people who think the Church of 1958 is the way the Church always was and always would be. There's a lot of them, and they're vocal, as people tend to be when bound up in self-righteous indignation.
I've met people who would seem to match that description, but as something of a rad-trad myself I find such statements to be nothing more than cheap rhetoric and stereotypes.

I am scandalized by the contemporary liturgical landscape and I would argue for the superiority of the Tridentine Mass, but I could care less about the 1950's and I'm not some angry, ignorant fool who believes that 1958 represents the full expression of the Church's universality.

And while many traditionalists and radical traditionalists that I've known have tended to be quite vocal (especially relative to the host of lukewarm and ignorant mainstream Catholics), I would tend to attribute this to a healthy conviction and zeal rather than assuming self-righteous indignation.

The fact is there are a great many valid and quite serious issues at the foundations of "traditionalism". I would not be so quick to blow off the phenomenon as merely a bunch of nostalgic and bitter old coots.

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' post='1155347' date='Jan 3 2007, 05:35 PM']And while many traditionalists and radical traditionalists that I've known have tended to be quite vocal (especially relative to the host of lukewarm and ignorant mainstream Catholics), I would tend to attribute this to a healthy conviction and zeal rather than assuming self-righteous indignation.

The fact is there are a great many valid and quite serious issues at the foundations of "traditionalism". I would not be so quick to blow off the phenomenon as merely a bunch of nostalgic and bitter old coots.

Now if only there was an outlet here where knowledgeable people such as yourself could answer for us "radicals" these valid and serious questions... :smokey:

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and its got so many funny videos too!

did anyone actually watch all 90 odd minutes of the latin mass? as a non catholic i found it interesting but couldnt hold my attention for too long. how is it different from your normal mass?

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give me a rad-trad any day over a liberal, sspx or otherwise. there's great videos on youtube... and watching an sspx mass on a youtube video doesn't even remotely put you anywhere near the schism. you become arguably to some extent involved in it with regular attendence at their chapels; but of course the only ones with full involvement are the priests and bishops themselves.

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ok sspx is in schism........ so going to one of their 'masses' is not valid right?

and whats this fsspss? or whatever you call it........?

btw I think the novus ordo is good. However reforms need to be made so it is celebrated properly and reverently. The tridentine is not holier. Christ is still present at both. I would argue for free access and more wide access to the tridentine but still have the novus ordo for the latin defficient....

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[quote]ok sspx is in schism........ so going to one of their 'masses' is not valid right?

and whats this fsspss? or whatever you call it........?[/quote]

Their [i]Masses[/i] are totally and completely valid. They are just not authorised.

The FSSP is the Preistly Fraternity of St. Peter: They are in full communion with the Holy See and were authorised by the late Roman Pontiff. Ther website is fssp.com

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Who the _____ is so out of touch with the reality of the 21th century that they're worried about something that over 40 years ago? There are a multitude more important issues that need attention. Why don't the "Rad Trad's" just give it up.

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[quote name='StThomasMore' post='1156267' date='Jan 4 2007, 09:40 PM']
Their [i]Masses[/i] are totally and completely valid. They are just not authorised.

The FSSP is the Preistly Fraternity of St. Peter: They are in full communion with the Holy See and were authorised by the late Roman Pontiff. Ther website is fssp.com

how is sspx mass valid but not authorized.....?

can u get ur sunday obligation at them?

and isnt it a sin to be part of them?

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