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That Goes, That Stays, That Stays, That Goes...


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what I have found, and this is life experience in general ok, not necessarily just about religious life....what you think is something you just cant live without...something you believe is paramount in your life and you can't imagine leaving behind...is actually something,, IN TIME that is forgetable. Priorities change over time. That book you may think is your life line, in time is something you might forget you own. You will soon replace those things that have meaning in your life as you are living in the present. Things to treasure are things like pictures of your family, a necklace your Mom gave you when you turned 16, a grandparents possesion.
I say this from some the vantage point of someone who is much older. I have learned possessions are really not that important. I say that, and smile. My brievary is about 25 years old as is my bible! I touch their pages and I am a young woman again...the difference is, I can still recal those memories without aid of the books. What is important remains in your heart always.

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Yes, I finally got a set of the Liturgy of the Hours again. I know that it is only a possession, however. . .the prayer of the Church is something important to me, and it hurt to not be able to pray the hours.

As for things like necklaces and the like. . .Alice Mary? When I entered the religious life? I wasn't able to bring any of that. I could bring 'a couple' pictures, but beyond that. . .I entered with little. The books I did bring, were censored, and a few, for whatever reason, perhaps even just for obedience sake, were left in boxes. :unsure:

And now? Yes, I do have some of those possessions again. ..but am hoping that I am not attached to any one thing. . .well, except perhaps my puppy. :D

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[quote name='HisChild' post='1151142' date='Dec 28 2006, 10:10 PM']
Some of my stuff I gave away and wish I hadn't. Other things, I gave to my family, I gave them with the intention that IF something were to happen and I didn't remain. . .I could have them back.
My family actually gave me many things back, which was beneficial, but, for the most part, there were so many things I didn't have when I returned. . . my 4 volume breviary was one of them. I couldn't afford to buy another. . .and went deeply into debt re-accumulating many necessities. I'd think carefully before giving away everything.

God bless you.

I still have the monstrance necklace you gave me. Ironically enough it was safely tucked away next to my jewelry box when my home was burglarized and they paid too much attention to stealing my jewelry box. It is the only piece of jewelry I had when burglarized besides my BVM necklace I had on. Also, your nun on the run mug is in my bathroom holding my toothbrushes so I can remember to pray for you each day..... :)
God Bless....

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[quote name='Laurentina1975' post='1151339' date='Dec 28 2006, 10:04 PM']
I still have the monstrance necklace you gave me. Ironically enough it was safely tucked away next to my jewelry box when my home was burglarized and they paid too much attention to stealing my jewelry box. It is the only piece of jewelry I had when burglarized besides my BVM necklace I had on. Also, your nun on the run mug is in my bathroom holding my toothbrushes so I can remember to pray for you each day..... :)
God Bless....

That's cute! I'm glad that some things I gave away are being used. Thank you for sharing that. And thanks for the prayers. I remain open to whatever our Lord asks. Life is difficult right now, but in His time, He'll show me the path He wants of me.

Thank you again.

God bless you,

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Follow Alice Mary's sound advice and get someone to hold on to your most important possessions until you complete your novitiate.You have had a lot of advice which I'm sure will be of help......... one of the benefits of being a PMer.!! God Bless :lol: :lol:

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Being a PMer does have a lot of perks, doesn't it? :lol:

If I were told I could enter tomorrow I wouldn't think twice about distributing possessions. I'd give the clothes to charity, the holy items to my church, and everything else to my family (to keep or distribute).

Sometimes I think my questions become distractions... :ninja:

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[quote name='hugheyforlife' post='1151114' date='Dec 28 2006, 09:11 PM']
So all through candidacy, postulancy, and novitiate, I would ask someone to hang on to my brievary set? If you DON'T leave, which I would assume is more often than not, how do you determine who to give those things to? It's not like you can go back home just for a few days to distribute that stuff. I guess you just let it go, huh?

Or you could make a list before you enter.. :think:
You're right; more often than not you don't leave. When I entered, I just knew in my heart who was meant for each thing I was giving away. I did give away almost all of my clothes to people who are my size. A couple of them offered to give them back when I came home, but quite frankly I wanted to start over, my style had changed a little, and so I bought new clothes. I also gave away most of my CD collection, but I don't regret that because they were mostly albums I would not listen to now :) Besides my clothes and music, though, I kept everything in my immediate family. I just left my room exactly as it was. I had the benefit of leaving my family out of high school, so when the monastery sent me home I just kind of started up again, instead of starting [i]over[/i].

Sooooo, basically, I wouldn't be too scrupulous about it all. Your breviary set is probably pretty expensive (I would be surprised if they didn't want you to bring it, though.) So maybe you could leave that at home with your family or best friend or something until you are in your novitiate or have made vows. Another option is donating it to the convent so that they can make good use of it.

Anyway, sorry that's so long and drawn-out.

[quote name='alicemary' post='1151152' date='Dec 28 2006, 10:21 PM']
what I have found, and this is life experience in general ok, not necessarily just about religious life....what you think is something you just cant live without...something you believe is paramount in your life and you can't imagine leaving behind...is actually something,, IN TIME that is forgetable. Priorities change over time. That book you may think is your life line, in time is something you might forget you own. You will soon replace those things that have meaning in your life as you are living in the present. Things to treasure are things like pictures of your family, a necklace your Mom gave you when you turned 16, a grandparents possesion. [/quote]

This is true. When I came home it was like re-discovering my "old" life. I had forgotten about all the [b]stuff[/b] because I was so content to be without the worry of [i]having[/i] stuff.

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Every once in a while the thought
'it would be so easy just to leave all this [b]junk[/b] behind me'
There are one or two things ( mostly things my grandfather gave me before he died ) that would be really hard to part with, but other than that, I am not really attached to my stuff.

When I enter, most of my stuff will, most likely, stay in the family. My sister can have my clothes, my brothers my books, my electronics ( like my radio ) to charity, my old toys to my goddaughter, and my laptop to however needs it for school. And one or two things that my friends would like that my family wouldn't use, like my scrapbooking stuff. I have a fairly large statue of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel that I would donate to our church ( or to the convent ) and a few smaller religious articles ( a St. Ann statue, a few holy cards, my rosary, my Bible ) that I would give to my cousin in the hope that she would learn about them and use them.

Since most of my stuff would stay in my imediate family, if I did come back, it would be easy to get all the basics ( like my clothes and books ) back. I have a feeling, though, that if I left one convent, I would enter another one, I dont think I would be back for good.

And I still dont have a litergy of the Hours set.

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Hmm...well, clothes and electronics I can see giving away...but why would a religious community not want you to bring your bible or breviary?

Surely if they are getting one new member, they need one more bible or LOTH. It would save them the cost if you donated such things to them upon entrance.

And wouldn't a community always want more books donated (perhaps by your family, "as a dowry" upon entrance or whatever) to its library, or more [i]religious[/i] articles for its collection?

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I've been thinking about this also. I'll probably put furniture etc. in storage for a while. I'm giving away clothes and some electronic stuff. Books and jewelry etc., I hope to leave with my family for safekeeping until a later time. I will be allowed to bring musical instruments. I hope that religious books and LOH can at some point be given to the community.
Also--if they want my car, if not it goes to my niece.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I would ask the community if they would like your breviary and bible, as you could donate it to them. My community has their own office books, and they require us to bring our bible, and we're permitted to take some personal items, like I'm taking my little Sacred Heart Statue and we're permitted some family photos and one framed photograph, but as for the rest, I'm selling things and there are certain items that I'm giving to friends and the rest I'm giving to charity, I figure if I would be asked to leave, then I'll just start a new and just leave it all in our lords hands.

God Bless You!

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i think i would be more than content with one photo of each of my immediate family (4) and one of all in my family who would agree to have their photo taken. :)

heck, i'd be satisfied with just the one! :P:

the only reason i think i'd want single shots is for personality, ya know?

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