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New To Blogging But Not Religious Life


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Hello, Yes, I am new to blogging but not to religious life. I have been a Sister of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Immaculata, Pennsylvania (near Philly) for 38 years. I have taught all grade levels from kindergarden to university level. I have loved every teaching experience but most importantly want to share God's love and care to all I encounter each day. Right now I am teaching biology at Immaculata University and know it is a great field to bring God and many pro-life topics and care for creation into the picture. In addition, I am working with our Campus Ministry team to serve the people of New Orleans by gutting houses. We have a team of 15 students leaving Jan. 2, 2007 and helping Catholic Charities.

I have helped two young women discern vocations to our community. These have been very meaningful experienes for me. I know that God is calling many to follow Him in religious life in today's world. Our Sisters take vows of chasity, poverty, and obedience and are faithful to the Church. We share daily in Liturgy of the Hours, Mass and community life. We try to make Jesus present in the world by our love for each other and all God's people. Most of our Sisters are involved in education at a variety of levels. We wear a religious habit of blue and white and can choose to wear a veil or not (I do). We have about 900 Sisters in our community. We have two novices and one postulant and about 10 young women in our pre-entrance/discernment program. I am interested in answering real life questions about religious life

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Welcome Sr. Susan! I am sure that it will be wonderful having you here with our phamilly. Trust me, you will be very helpful to many of those discerning. I grew up in Camden many years ago but now live in Va..still have many ties to the Philly area. I was taught by the Plainfield Mercy nuns and Notre Dames from Maryland.
Looking forward to hearing more from you!

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Hello Sister, it is always wonderful to have more nuns here ( we already have Sister Jacklyn ( sorry if I spelled that wrong) Sister Mary Catherine and Sister Mary Micheal), it is such a help when you are discerning. Does your order have a website? It sounds like a wonderful community and I would love to learn more about it's history.

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[b]HeavenlyCalling[/b]: I know they have a website. You might try googling them or their title. You might also want to try pming FutureIHMNJ. :)

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:welcome: to phatmass! We always appreciate the advice and wisdom of Sisters who are living the life!

HeavenlyCalling, here is the link for the Immaculata IHM's-----[url="http://www.ihmimmaculata.org/"]IHM's of Immaculata[/url]
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[quote name='ThyHolyLove' post='1150943' date='Dec 28 2006, 02:44 PM']
:welcome: to phatmass! We always appreciate the advice and wisdom of Sisters who are living the life!

HeavenlyCalling, here is the link for the Immaculata IHM's-----[url="http://www.ihmimmaculata.org/"]IHM's of Immaculata[/url]
:cool!: thank you! We do seem to be getting quiet a collection of IHM's here in the pham. So cool...

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[quote name='ThyHolyLove' post='1150943' date='Dec 28 2006, 02:44 PM']
:welcome: to phatmass! We always appreciate the advice and wisdom of Sisters who are living the life!

HeavenlyCalling, here is the link for the Immaculata IHM's-----[url="http://www.ihmimmaculata.org/"]IHM's of Immaculata[/url]

Thanks for all the welcomes!!!! Here is the web site for the Immaculata IHM's. [url="http://www.ihmimmaculata.org/index.html"]http://www.ihmimmaculata.org/index.html[/url][url="http://www.ihmimmaculata.org/index.html"]IHM Sisters- Immaculata[/url]

Also, here is the web site of Immaculata University (where i teach molecular biology and genetics). Many young women often come as a student to Immaculata for a year or two (or graduate) before entering the IHM's. It give you a chance to experience a closer relationship to the Sisters but you are still a college student. It is a great way to get involved in Campus Ministry and other religious experiences- over night adoration, daily Mass, the sacraments and lots of servive opportunities.
[url="http://Immaculata.edu"]Immaculata University[/url]

I wish all a new year filled with the Lord's peace and grace. I am off to New Orleans Jan 2 for a trip with 15 students to repair houses. Pray that we have a safe trip!

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Welcome Sister Susan! I am one of those discerning with the IHM's and God willing, will enter in September. It's so good to have you on here with us! I hope I get to meet you soon :)
Have a blessed New Year!!

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Guest Sister Jacqulyn

Welcome Sister Susan! I will have you know that someday I hope to work side by side with Sister Susan in the biology lab! :P: But for now, I am beginning my apostolate (and my first year of being a professed IHM Sister) with teaching the 3rd grade.

When I went to IU for a semester before I entered (I went to school for a year, my first semester was at University of the Sciences in Phildadelphia studying Forensic Science and then my second semester was at Immaculata studying biology) Sister Susan kept a good eye on me and helpped me and one of my companions through our discernment process. I miss seeing her around! But, we are linked daily through our communal and personal prayer and through the Sacraments of the Church. That's the beauty of community life!

Our congregation is very blest!

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[quote name='AlterDominicus' post='1153063' date='Dec 31 2006, 06:30 PM']
Hehehehe.....the Lord has sent someone to watch over you now Sister Jac. :hehe: :hehehe: :lol:

Here is Sister Jaquelyn blog:[url="http:////http://ihmjunior.blogspot.com/"]IHM young Sister[/url]

Yes, Jac- now I am getting the hand in this!

[quote name='sistersusanIHM' post='1153067' date='Dec 31 2006, 06:47 PM']
Here is Sister Jaquelyn blog:[url="http:////http://ihmjunior.blogspot.com/"]IHM young Sister[/url]

Yes, Jac- now I am getting the hand in this!
[url="http://ihmjunior.blogspot.com/"]http://ihmjunior.blogspot.com/[/url][url="http://ihmjunior.blogspot.com/"]My Webpage[/url]

[quote name='sistersusanIHM' post='1153067' date='Dec 31 2006, 06:49 PM']
Here is Sister Jaquelyn blog:[url="http:////http://ihmjunior.blogspot.com/"]IHM young Sister[/url]

Yes, Jac- now I am getting the hand in this!
[url="http://ihmjunior.blogspot.com/"]http://ihmjunior.blogspot.com/[/url][url="http://ihmjunior.blogspot.com/"]My Webpage[/url]

The above links dont work. Any suggestions????

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I hate to brag when there is two of the same community on the phourm and into the phamily now, but Sister on blogspot, Excellent I to have two blogs on blogspot, a nice way to spread the Good news! If you need any HTML help or etc....lemme know!

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