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What Has Been Your Experience?


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Called by God and knew it-1984, 10 years old.
Tried to become catholic at 16, blocked by family.
Waited many years.......followed many paths....even got ordained :blink:
Became catholic 29 Nov last year, started serious discernment during RCIA.
Celebrated 1st anniversary a few weeks back. Still have one to two years to wait as required by church law for converts.
Talking with three orders, Tyburn, Carmelites and Apostolic Poor Clares.

At this point under huge pressure and not sure now of whether I am called to religious life as a nun, or if that call is leading in another direction.


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I started thinking about being a nun years ago (probably a good 10 years) and actually did talk to some orders, who I can't even remember now. But none of the orders I talked to were right so I forgot about it.
Last year my dad was diagnosed with cancer in March and died the day before father's day. During the time of his illness and after he died my sisters were an inspiration to me. Both of them were able to turn to God during this time. I couldn't because I was away from the Church and living in major sin. My youger sister encouraged me to talk to her parish priest but I was not ready to talk to him right away but eventually did get in contact with him and he became my spiritual director. After meeting with him a few times I realized as unworthy as I am God is still calling me. Once I was actually able to say it out loud the peace I felt (and have since then) has been amazing!
My spiritual director introduced me to The Servants of the Lord and Virgin of Matara and I have visiting with them and plan on staying with them for a week in January. Hopefully after the visit I will be able to tell my family and start the process to enter!

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[quote name='HeavenlyCalling' post='1150674' date='Dec 27 2006, 08:18 PM']

:disguise: told my parents about my discernement, they took it quiet well ( or think I am crazy and are just playing along)


Hah! I know exactly how you feel there. I'm not quite sure how my parents feel either, but I suspect they think I've gone totally nuts.

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[quote name='TrueImage' post='1150893' date='Dec 28 2006, 12:02 PM']
Hah! I know exactly how you feel there. I'm not quite sure how my parents feel either, but I suspect they think I've gone totally nuts.
Yeah, I have always been nuts, so saying something as crazy as wanting to enter the convent probably didn't sound very serious to them. We have a big Catholic family, though, so when I do enter I dont think they will be upset by it.

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This is such a great idea! I see all these screen names but I dont have a clue about your discernment. I feel like I know ya'll better already! Sooo my turn....I will try to keep this short!

Dec 1998- Healed of cancer (not really part of the vocation story but now I can see how huge a role this played as my mum surrended my life to God like Abraham did only it didnt turn out like she tought lol)

April 2005 - Pope's death - Got knocked off my horse like St Paul with the idea of religious life. Didnt like that idea at all - was in my last year at University so I ran as fast as I could in the other direction and applied to med school

Feb 2006 - Lent - Had two dreams, one with Our Lady and one with Jesus that scared me into seeing how wrongly I had been living my life and ignoring God. Stayed with me all week and I made an appt on Shrove Tues with a priest for confession - Major 'reconversion'!!!!!! There is a reason St Augustine is my parton lol.

Started going to daily mass, praying Rosary, Chaplet, Office etc. Basically lived at church and my life turned upside down for the better. Religious life idea hit me again and every time I asked for a sign or confirmation I got it.....too many to list but it was powerful and people around me were even shocked

April 2006 - One yr anniversay of the Pope's death. I prayed the Rosary at the hour of his death at asked for his guidance and I opened the Bible to MK

May 2006 - Parish nominated me for the called by name vocation program without me knowing. Met with Cardinal and vocation people in Toronto and knew Canada was not where I would be staying

Mary 2006 - Started surfing the web for communities amid hundreds and only three doors opened so to speak...OLAM, Sisters of Reparation, and SMME

May 2006 - Went to SMME retreat. Liked it but didnt feel called there because of the teaching aspect, thought I was called to the cloister

July 2006 - Visited Sisters of Reparation and knew it wasnt the one then flew to OLAM and LOVED IT (thank you soooo much Lauren and OLAM dad for your help!!!)
Horribly I had to leave after one day because of a family problem and I felt I was thrown into the desert and had no idea what to do

Summer 2006 - prayed, prayed, prayed and felt horrible. Then SMME started popping into my head again. Stayed in touch with the sisters but still didnt think it was right

Nov 2006 - Went on SMME retreat again and BAM! God knocked me upside the head big time and I knew I was home...never cried so much in my life or had such joy and peace.
Picked up my papers from Sr JA!!!

Present - Waiting for response from Mother Assumpta re: my application!!

Have been asked to speak and do teachings at RCIA so I guess I am being thrown into the Dominican Charism...scary!! Please pray that God will help me with the whole teaching thing because that is waaaay out of my comfort zone which is why I am not surprised God is calling me to it lol!

Oh and who could forget how God paid my huge student debt off so that the way was clear for me to enter but I cannot remember the exact date lol!!!

Love and prayers,

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[quote]April 2005 - Pope's death - Got knocked off my horse like St Paul with the idea of religious life. Didnt like that idea at all - was in my last year at University so I ran as fast as I could in the other direction and applied to med school[/quote]

OM goodness, this was when I first went back to confession after I hadn't been for about three years and been living in grave sin. The very day the news came on CNN> Its wonderful to see how many JPII the great was able to bring to the church even in his hour of suffering

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I think it is really amazing how many other people here on PM are converts to the Catholic faith like I am and who are also discerning a call to the religious life !!! :cool:

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1.) Received a phone call in Saudi Arabia. My disabled grandma and best friend was ill and in hospital. That night my mum and my nine-year-old self were on the plane to England.

2.) At the hospital, I overheard Mum and the doctor talking and realised that Grandma was dangerously ill, with only a fractional chance of surviving surgery. If she lived, said the doctor, she would have to go into a nursing home for the rest of her life. At this time I only had one other friend besides Grandma, as my communication and social skills weren't good. (I have a form of autism.) When my mum gave me some money to buy sweets at the hospital shop, I went to the chapel instead and put the money in the collection box. I prayed to God for Grandma's healing and felt an amazing peace surge through me. I knew in an instant that she was going to be all right.

3.) I tried to share my joy with Mum, but she didn't believe me. She kept trying to prepare me gently for Grandma's death. The next day I spoke to a religious sister (dark blue habit and a dark blue veil with a white band) outside the hospital chapel. I told her everything...and she believed me.

4.) Grandma recovered from the surgery. She was out of hospital in under three weeks, a record time. She didn't have to go into a nursing home. She went straight back to independent living.

5.) I remembered that the only person who had believed me when I said Grandma was going to live was the nun. Hmm...

6.) I kept on thinking about that sister. She would come into my head at the most surprising moments.

7.) At sixteen I decided that I had to do something about this. So I began to read and surf the Internet. I didn't really know where to start, but I looked everywhere I could.

8.) At eighteen I befriended a girl with a severe mental illness. Through helping her, I realised that my vocation involves people with mental health difficulties - whether it be through praying for them daily or through a 'hands-on' ministry.

9.) At eighteen I got the opportunity to spend a few days in the cloister at the Carmelite monastery. I had felt the attraction to Carmelite spirituality ever since my search began (mainly because of the poetry of John of the Cross) but this visit confirmed it for me.

10.) That Easter, I visited the Corpus Christi Carmelites (an apostolic order) to see what they were like. I was disturbed by their lack of monasticism, but moved by their ministry.

11.) This summer, I wrote to the monastery to ask if I could live with them for an extended period. Happily, the Prioress said yes.

We'll see what happens now. :)

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Third grade.....I wanted to be a nun so badly. By fourth grade, I was convinced I was crazy and that was the wrong path. Never thought about it again.

Fast forward to high school, senior year. Went on a 3 day retreat and had an awesome, powerful encounter with God. I suppose that's why the retreat was called "Encounter". Realized I was not being true to myself or to who I was, that I was hiding who I really was from the rest of the world. Never thought about religious life. Promised myself no matter what, I'd be honest with me. Decided on an accounting major for college.

Went to college, wanted to change majors badly freshman year. I wanted to double major in Philosophy and Theology. Why I didn't is still a mystery. I thought about it, and said to myself, why in the world would I want to do that when I could only use it as a teacher?! And then, only priests and religious do things like major in Philosophy and Theology. Yeah.....God was calling and I ignored.

Graduated in May 2005 with my Accounting degree and started working. I was in my job for 3 months, and studying for the CPA exam when I became restless and unhappy. My best friend is studying to be a priest, so I started talking to him more about it. Went to a Eucharistic celebration in Philadelphia, where the entire archdiocese was gathered outside. What an amazing experience! SO POWERFUL! God began tugging at my heart.....Then strange things, which now I know were signs from God, started happening. I got scared, and started talking to my pastor, who is now my spiritual director. This was September 2005.

The idea of religious life came up, and I yelled at him to never bring it up again. The next time we met, I was the one to suggest it. Ironic isn't it?! lol

Started praying more often, going to daily Mass, praying the rosary, etc. Every time I thought I heard God calling, I ran away and made a sprint in the opposite direction. Running from God is NOT a good idea..... because HE catches up!

I finally got tired of running, and gave in. My spiritual director put me in touch with the Vocation Directress at the IHM's. By now, it was July 2006. Scared and completely freaking out by what this whole thing could lead to, I went to meet her.

I walked into the Motherhouse and felt such an overwhelming peacefulness and happiness. God was tugging at my heart even stronger now, and I couldn't run anymore. I wanted to stay there forever!

Began meeting with both the Vocation Directress and my Spiritual Director on a regular basis and the vocation just grew from there.

Told my mom in late July 2006 and my dad in August. Dad was beyond thrilled and happy, mom said to give it a try. Both are very supportive. My sister I told in September. Rough road there, but she has made superb progress in supporting me.

I guess it's been a pretty fast track for me. The IHM's just felt right. I wanted an order that was active and teaching was becoming attractive to me. Not to mention they are close to home!

So here I am now.....working on my application to enter for September 2007. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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[quote name='Tina' post='1156273' date='Jan 4 2007, 08:44 PM']
That's what I was thinking. ^_^

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[quote name='Tina' post='1156273' date='Jan 4 2007, 09:44 PM']
Third grade.....I wanted to be a nun so badly. By fourth grade, I was convinced I was crazy and that was the wrong path. Never thought about it again.

Fast forward to high school, senior year. Went on a 3 day retreat and had an awesome, powerful encounter with God. I suppose that's why the retreat was called "Encounter". Realized I was not being true to myself or to who I was, that I was hiding who I really was from the rest of the world. Never thought about religious life. Promised myself no matter what, I'd be honest with me. Decided on an accounting major for college.

Went to college, wanted to change majors badly freshman year. I wanted to double major in Philosophy and Theology. Why I didn't is still a mystery. I thought about it, and said to myself, why in the world would I want to do that when I could only use it as a teacher?! And then, only priests and religious do things like major in Philosophy and Theology. Yeah.....God was calling and I ignored.

Graduated in May 2005 with my Accounting degree and started working. I was in my job for 3 months, and studying for the CPA exam when I became restless and unhappy. My best friend is studying to be a priest, so I started talking to him more about it. Went to a Eucharistic celebration in Philadelphia, where the entire archdiocese was gathered outside. What an amazing experience! SO POWERFUL! God began tugging at my heart.....Then strange things, which now I know were signs from God, started happening. I got scared, and started talking to my pastor, who is now my spiritual director. This was September 2005.

The idea of religious life came up, and I yelled at him to never bring it up again. The next time we met, I was the one to suggest it. Ironic isn't it?! lol

Started praying more often, going to daily Mass, praying the rosary, etc. Every time I thought I heard God calling, I ran away and made a sprint in the opposite direction. Running from God is NOT a good idea..... because HE catches up!

I finally got tired of running, and gave in. My spiritual director put me in touch with the Vocation Directress at the IHM's. By now, it was July 2006. Scared and completely freaking out by what this whole thing could lead to, I went to meet her.

I walked into the Motherhouse and felt such an overwhelming peacefulness and happiness. God was tugging at my heart even stronger now, and I couldn't run anymore. I wanted to stay there forever!

Began meeting with both the Vocation Directress and my Spiritual Director on a regular basis and the vocation just grew from there.

Told my mom in late July 2006 and my dad in August. Dad was beyond thrilled and happy, mom said to give it a try. Both are very supportive. My sister I told in September. Rough road there, but she has made superb progress in supporting me.

I guess it's been a pretty fast track for me. The IHM's just felt right. I wanted an order that was active and teaching was becoming attractive to me. Not to mention they are close to home!

So here I am now.....working on my application to enter for September 2007. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And this is all I have to say....

:clap: :clap: :bigpray: :clap: :clap:

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