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A New Pope?


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April 2, 2005- Portland, OR

A New Pope
“In this day where death took place from an office that was so high, a shaking shall begin through these summer months where great leaders of yesterday will lay down their sword and they shall meet their Maker. For the time of the death has come where I will remove some of the old and then millions and millions shall come into the Kingdom at one moment.

For in 21 days from now a shaking will take place in the Roman Catholic Church. They will say, No it can not be.Why would they elect such a person? And then they will say, No we can not do it at this time. But it shall be done and I will bring the Spirit into the Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican. There will be an infilling of the Spirit of the Cardinals and the priests. This day I have received a servant. This day you call him the Pope. This day I call him My son. This day you said a pope has died, this day I say a servant has won. I have raised up a new voice and a new spirit that shall come into Italy, and I shall invade Europe in a way that I have planned thousands of years ago. Where they shall say, What is happening in these places? The Spirit of God shall fall in buildings of rock and stone. It shall fall in places where they least believed it. I will cause chaos and I will say to them now I will take people by the hundreds of millions and share my Spirit with them. For I will raise up a man that shall continue, and they will say in the beginning he won’t be able to do it. But there shall be an experience after 33 days and a raising up and a resurrection. And a Spirit filled pope that will raise up a voice, and he shall speak the truth, and they will say, We must get him out of the way. But rejoice this day for there are deaths of many great leaders, because it is necessary so that I can raise up a new generation of men and women that will go in to the marketplace and raise up the name of Yahweh.

This is from a person who does prophecy. What do many here think of this? Is it a window to open up more dialogs with Protestants if they believe his words? What say ye?


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Groo the Wanderer

Dunno what the 21 and 33 days has to do with anything to be honest, but yes, it would be wise for our seperated brethren to listen to the words of the current Pope (and his predecessors).

Always remember that Christ did not set up multiple churches - He created ONE Church. He did not desire his flock to be seperated and fractured as it is today. All Christians must work toward reconciliation and reunification.

Where there is a will, there is a way...and God's Will be done above all... :bigpray:

As for the whole of your post...sounds like a very generalized rehash of what is already in the Bible - that the Church shall be one and the Holy Spirit shall guide it and the Word shall be preached in all the nations of the earth...

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"go in the marketplace" ?!

Why not just say Wal-Mart? I'm sorry, but I hardly believe that he is a "prophet" any more than I believe that the Blessed Virgin appeared on a grilled coagulated milk sandwhich.

I try to stay VERY far from money making "prophets" because I find it hard to remain charitable.

However, I do like his hair. ;)
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[quote name='jmjtina' post='1149775' date='Dec 26 2006, 12:08 PM']

"go in the marketplace" ?!

Why not just say Wal-Mart? I'm sorry, but I hardly believe that he is a "prophet" any more than I believe that the Blessed Virgin appeared on a grilled coagulated milk sandwhich.

I try to stay VERY far from money making "prophets" because I find it hard to remain charitable.

However, I do like his hair. ;)

Prophesy is not a thing of the past. Paul VI document Humane Vitae is one of the most prophetic documents of our time. There is little doudt in my mind that Faustina's writings contain prophecy of the rise of JP II. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Most certainly we must test this prophecy and others of the particular prophet. But let's be open but not gullible. There are prophets among us. Visions on grilled coagulated milk are not the same class as some of these and such broadbrush condemnations are not very wise.

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[quote name='thessalonian' post='1149795' date='Dec 26 2006, 11:52 AM']
Prophesy is not a thing of the past. Paul VI document Humane Vitae is one of the most prophetic documents of our time. There is little doudt in my mind that Faustina's writings contain prophecy of the rise of JP II. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Most certainly we must test this prophecy and others of the particular prophet. But let's be open but not gullible. There are prophets among us. Visions on grilled coagulated milk are not the same class as some of these and such broadbrush condemnations are not very wise.

Wow, this is not even bathwater.

Look at the "prophet" we are talking about.

Faustina is not the same as this "prophet". St. Faustina is a saint, a Catholic and with a message for the world.

We aren't talking about prophets, saints, or Catholic prophesy in general, but about Kim Clement and his so called message. I doubt that saying that our current pontiff will die and the "Spirit" will come "into the Vatican and Rome" will open up much dialoge with Catholics and Protestants.

In any approach with any denomination, prophesizing that the leader of one's Church will die is not a good discussion opener with anyone. Then again, that could just be me.

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[quote name='jmjtina' post='1149799' date='Dec 26 2006, 01:01 PM']
Wow, this is not even bathwater.

Look at the "prophet" we are talking about.

Faustina is not the same as this "prophet". St. Faustina is a saint, a Catholic and with a message for the world.

We aren't talking about prophets, saints, or Catholic prophesy in general, but about Kim Clement and his so called message. I doubt that saying that our current pontiff will die and the "Spirit" will come "into the Vatican and Rome" will open up much dialoge with Catholics and Protestants.

In any approach with any denomination, prophesizing that the leader of one's Church will die is not a good discussion opener with anyone. Then again, that could just be me.

Just a side note... this came out nearly 2 years ago about the time of JPII's death. I don't think the 'prophet' was talking about Benedict dying (though I could be wrong) rather I see this as coming out right during the election of Benedict.

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[quote name='jmjtina' post='1149782' date='Dec 26 2006, 10:26 AM']
On Miami Ink she got it tattoed to her chest!!! LOL

but a tamale sounds more enticing right now!
:banana: :banana: yum! tamales!!!!!!!!!!
i am so hungry now dang it!

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PJ2 died April 2, 2005.......with our current pontiff in by April 16 which is 14 days.....so, then unless another scenerio such as what happened with PJI , how do we interpret this? And who is the sole person with authority to interpret this? Kim Clement?

and while Kim Clement also believes in the Rapture among other things, my own opinion of modern non-catholic "prophets", especially with money to gain, is again, where I strive to remain charitable.

BTW, he reminds me of Mel Gibson! :lol_roll:

Tamales, I will be making more!

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Groo the Wanderer

When I read the initial post, I kinda figured he was talking about the passing of JP the Great and referring to Papa Ben.

As to modern 'prophets'...subject 'em to the same discernment process as you would for anything else. Look at the fruits too. If the only one benefiting from the fruit is the 'prophet', I would have to say he is more of a 'profit'.

I place little stock in any of them. The whole of Divine Revelation is contained in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. Why would I need a guy with a REALLY bad hairdo to add to it? <---- as charitible as Groo can get on the subject at the moment...

One other thought that just came to me unbidden....how much of a prophet can he be when he says this: "a shaking will take place in the Roman Catholic Church". What about the other Rites? What about the Orthodox? Seems a tad bid narrow in his prophecy - if the Catholic Church is to experience this great whatever, is it really to be restricted to only the Roman Rite?

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I wouldn't waste time listening to any self-proclaimed latter-day "prophets," "Catholic" or otherwise. Such "prophecies" are a dime-a-dozen.

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[quote name='jmjtina' post='1149799' date='Dec 26 2006, 01:01 PM']
Wow, this is not even bathwater.

Look at the "prophet" we are talking about.

Faustina is not the same as this "prophet". St. Faustina is a saint, a Catholic and with a message for the world.

We aren't talking about prophets, saints, or Catholic prophesy in general, but about Kim Clement and his so called message. I doubt that saying that our current pontiff will die and the "Spirit" will come "into the Vatican and Rome" will open up much dialoge with Catholics and Protestants.

In any approach with any denomination, prophesizing that the leader of one's Church will die is not a good discussion opener with anyone. Then again, that could just be me.

Your overreacting to what I said. My statement was only to be taken as one of rejecting all modern day prophecy. In now way was it intended as arguements to support this particular one. Discernment is all I was emphasizing.

Am I reading it wrong or was it a prophecy about JP II's death with Benedict being the fullfillment of it.

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[quote]mmm Grilled coagulated milk sandwhich[/quote]

That's one step closer to world peace....Wonderbread and Chedder (Since I hate American Style coagulated milk. Nasty rubbish!)

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