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From Gay To Straight?


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Why wouldn't this thread survive? One of the PMers went from homosexual to heterosexual...if he chooses to discuss the matter, let him respond.

God bless,


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Some are called to chastity and virginity.

Those who hold virginity as it is called to them hold a glory that surpasses my own.

Sainthood calls upon everyone.

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[quote name='Raphael' post='1149615' date='Dec 25 2006, 10:28 PM']
Why wouldn't this thread survive? One of the PMers went from homosexual to heterosexual...if he chooses to discuss the matter, let him respond.

God bless,


Forgive me I didn't know. :idontknow: ^_^

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[quote name='Raphael' post='1149615' date='Dec 25 2006, 10:28 PM']
Why wouldn't this thread survive? One of the PMers went from homosexual to heterosexual...if he chooses to discuss the matter, let him respond.

God bless,

i hope he does reply

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Can it happen? I don't see why not. Diseases can be cured, not all of them at this time, but I'm sure eventually. Why not this one?

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Groo the Wanderer

Not sure it's a disease, per se. Course these days, EVERYTHING is a disease... :idontknow:

Can it be cured/overcome? Yep. Many documented cases.

How? Dunno. Thankfully I do not carry that cross - mine are heavy enough methinks.

I do have a niece though that suddenly thinks she is gay. I think it may be a brainwashing thing though, since her 'girlfriend' is one of those militant types. Tries to get her to identify her very being, her self, with lesbianism. Funny how you go to her webpage and it's plastered everywhere about 'who I am' and all that.

Strangely enough, I have never felt the need to proclaim to the world that I am a heterosexual. Never introduced myself that way either, though I might if the response was quirky enuff: "Hi! I'm Groo and I'm a practicing hetero. Gotta love me!" :lol:

Personally, I think it is a disorder. Whether mental, chemical, genetic, or social...still dunno. Love the sinner, hate the sin...

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I believe that homosexuality is a disorder but as for whether it can be cured, I don't know. Some people will have it their whole lives, others for a short time. I have had fleeting attractions to other women, but they were very brief and I was just coming into my teen years, (14 years old) those years when you question absolutely everything. I know that I am a heterosexual woman, who has a boyfriend and hopes to get married and raise children some day. I believe maybe sometimes, people might have those same attractions that I used to have and read too much into it. Or maybe some kids experiment and prefer their same gender, or maybe they've always had it. Sometimes they can grow out of it, be cured of it, w/e, sometimes it's a lifelong cross for them to carry. I believe it would depend on what state of life they are called to.

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i have sort of been trying to avoid this thread, because of where i stand on the subject.

but i dont think its fair to call it a disease. maybe a disorder, but most of these people do not ask for something like this... why would you?

and the thing is, many people who think that you can "cure gays" or what have you, dont even know a single gay person....
not saying i am gay, but i know many many well adjusted gay people, who are in monogomous relationships, who love each other very deeply... i just dont understand how that is a disease? why would you take away someones love and tell them to love someone else?

I am VERY sorry, I stand for God, and I believe in Him, but, I am very new to this, and my ONLY issue with the catholic church is how Hardcore it is against against. they are only human. they commit sin, just like any hetero.

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[quote name='avemaria40' post='1149925' date='Dec 26 2006, 03:57 PM']
I believe that homosexuality is a disorder but as for whether it can be cured, I don't know. Some people will have it their whole lives, others for a short time. I have had fleeting attractions to other women, but they were very brief and I was just coming into my teen years, (14 years old) those years when you question absolutely everything. I know that I am a heterosexual woman, who has a boyfriend and hopes to get married and raise children some day. I believe maybe sometimes, people might have those same attractions that I used to have and read too much into it. Or maybe some kids experiment and prefer their same gender, or maybe they've always had it. Sometimes they can grow out of it, be cured of it, w/e, sometimes it's a lifelong cross for them to carry. I believe it would depend on what state of life they are called to.

Most girls have intense relationships with their best friends in their teen years. Up until recently this was considered normal, but now kids these days are deliberately confuserd into thinking this makes them a lesbian, or a guy gay. Nothing could be further from the truth.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1150005' date='Dec 26 2006, 03:19 PM']
Most girls have intense relationships with their best friends in their teen years. Up until recently this was considered normal, but now kids these days are deliberately confuserd into thinking this makes them a lesbian, or a guy gay. Nothing could be further from the truth.

i can see what you are sayign there, I had amazingly close friends... but i think its different when these men and women grow up, and are adults, and fight it, and fight it, but eventually "come out"
i just think that some, not all, cases are not brought on by society, they are just naturally in love with someone of their gender.

gosh, i dont know... i dont know how to word it right anyway... i just feel that people should be allowed to love and care for whoever they want.. i would be terribly upset if someone told me i could not love my husband...

promiscuity on the other hand. that is not tolerable. i am NOT supporting promiscuious people at all. gay or straight.

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[quote name='exquisitebones' post='1149997' date='Dec 26 2006, 07:07 PM']
i have sort of been trying to avoid this thread, because of where i stand on the subject.

but i dont think its fair to call it a disease. maybe a disorder, but most of these people do not ask for something like this... why would you?

and the thing is, many people who think that you can "cure gays" or what have you, dont even know a single gay person....
not saying i am gay, but i know many many well adjusted gay people, who are in monogomous relationships, who love each other very deeply... i just dont understand how that is a disease? why would you take away someones love and tell them to love someone else?

I am VERY sorry, I stand for God, and I believe in Him, but, I am very new to this, and my ONLY issue with the catholic church is how Hardcore it is against against. they are only human. they commit sin, just like any hetero.

Homosexuality was removed from the list of mental disorders a half a century ago. Up until then, it had always been considered a disorder. I believe the behavior is disordered, as the CCC says. Whether or not homosexual thoughts are normal, I really couldn't say. They are almost certainly common. Sinful thoughts are common, but still wrong. I don't necessarily think there is a "cure" for homosexuality. I think the cure is the hard work and determination of the homosexual who desires to make a change in his or her behavior. It may very well be that that person can't be attracted to the opposite sex, in which case in order to avoid sin, that person would have to avoid the behavior.

Of course, you, as many others, might say that it's unheard of for someone to have to live a life of celibacy. But remember that the time we are on this earth is unbelievably short compared to the time we spend in the afterlife. Sometimes, we have to make sacrifices and our crosses are very heavy. Modern society as a whole has very little reliance in God. It's sad. God isn't enough, they must act on their impulses. Acting on their impulses isn't enough, they must have legal recognition that what they're doing is normal and accceptable. Legal recognition isn't enough, they must have marriage to further prove their a homosexual relationship is no different than a heterosexual relationship. And many people are seeing it their way. I have been criticized for my opposition to gay marriage; so has our religion.
The media is overwhelmingly "gay-friendly" to the point that it's glamourized. It's everywhere you look. It's constantly thrown in our faces. It's going to be very difficult to raise our children to be good Christians in this world, where doing whatever feels good is acceptable and encouraged, and hurting someone's feelings (i.e., being opposed to gay marriage or abortion) is the worst thing in the world.

People change and the world changes, but God is timeless and does not change. God is not a relativist. The Bible does not say, "If you agree with this, then do it. If you disagree, don't do it. If it feels right for you, then do it, if not, don't." Human beings don't decide what's right and wrong, God does. A marriage is procreative and unitive. Homosexuals may be able to be unitive, but never procreative. This is why homosexual acts are disordered, and why we aren't to find them acceptable. This doesn't mean you should be mean or treat them without love. Hate the sin, not the sinner!

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In belief of all sexually feelings are choice, mixed with influeance at a young age. we as human beings do "not" develop sexual feelings for anything until well the age of whenever it hits us as a teenager. Were not like dogs, cats or anything we do not have these sexual feelings whenever we are "kids" basically. Unlike cats and dogs, it takes time for us people, a longer time to develop anything sexually for straight, bi, or homosexual causes.

So therefore, if no human being is born sexually active, or attracted to anybody, then that must means that as people, as we grow, must be given the choice, and be influeanced "In some way, some how" to do what we choose to do, at the age of understanding.

[b]So using this little briefing, I come to the personal conclusion that all sexuality is a choice, and one can choose to change from it, however it is never going to be easy.[/b]

Also this using the concept of animals was interesting because I found out that un like people as kids, puppies, and kitties can re-produce at a very young age. Whenever it takes naturally a long time for people to develop anything sexuallity motivated.

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