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Merry Christmas!


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Today was great.

Went to morning mass and then again at 10pm(why don't many churches have a midnight mass anymore?) anyway mom went with me wich was an added plus.

I gave mom one of those nun calenders with the black and white photos of nuns having some fun.

Mom and aunty gave me a video iPod and yet I don't know how to use the darn thing!(maybe someone here could help?)

Anyway, God graces were outpoured on me today and althou I have to work on Christmas day I thank God for everything he has done for me.

[size=4][color="#993399"]MERRY CHRISTMAS!!![/color][/size]

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Merry Christmas to you as well! I have had two ipods and in fact have most things Apple that are computer and technology related. So any ipod question, feel free to ask, either here or PM and I'll answer for you. :)

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[quote name='DiscerningSoul' post='1149100' date='Dec 25 2006, 01:32 AM']

I gave mom one of those nun calenders with the black and white photos of nuns having some fun.


I got one of those from "Santa." :D:

Edited by TrueImage
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Welll......I got up in the morning, went to my eldest brothers new place, where we chilled out and waited for a couple family members of theirs to come over, and that time was used playing Guitar Hero II - then once we were all there we opened gifts, I only had four this year, which doesnt really surprise me since my family knows I will God willing be entering sooner rather then later, I got a really neato bible cover, which I decided to put the Summit Choirbook in instead

Then my other brother took me home, my aunt and uncle had stayed with my grandma from 8 to 2 o clock in the morning while mom and I went to mass at my parish, midnight mass - which was beautiful!!!!!!!!! AH! Have to go to my parish again for Christmas next year, hopefully I will have my license, then got home, watched a appeared to be 3 hour long movie so I really only got six hours of sleep.

But it was really fun...today is a relaxation day - mom will make the ham and we will make some buns (not biscuits - sorry Sister Joseph Andrew!) And do whatever.

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I'm spending Christmas and a few extra days with close friends. I am the Godmother to two of their kids --sort of like an extra Aunt. SInce we're all in one choir or another, including the kids, we spent much time going back and forth to Mass and figuring out who would watch which kid when. After Midnight Mass we went home and had a huge breakfast. Up early for presents and back to Church. Dinner was late in the evening. The kids loved their new Disney phones and WII. I can't wait to indulge my Borders' Gift card. I'm staying with these friends until Thursday when I go home to pack for Steubenville. Both of them work so I'm helping out with childcare while school is out.
We're doing movies at the Mall tomorrow :)

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:) :) Everyone seems to have had a good Christmas.I went to midnight mass which was truly wonderful. The church was beautifully decorated and the packed congregation was in good voice singing the traditional carols. I had not been to this service for several years but will do so in future as it was a lovely start to Christmas Day. Rest of day spent with family and friends . Now back to normal..!!!!! Wishing all PMs a VERY HAPPY AND BLESSED NEW YEAR!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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My time with my parents was pretty good. Before going out to visit I told them over the phone that would be goingto Mass two days in a row I( we usually go Christmas Eve) because of how the 4th sunday of Advent fell. They were not happy and were very clear that they would not go. Well when I got there saterday afternoon they said that they would go with to Mass on saterday night. Yea, it was a Christmas miracle. Also my whole time there ( I came back to St.Paul on tuesday) oppertunities came up to share my faith which I did. Usually I don't share with my parents because they ahve been very clear that they don't want me to. things have changed a lot with them since I entered the convent and came back. They are opening up a bit more. WE also talked about religious life and I told them they yes I still believe God is calling me to religious life but I jsut don't know when. I would liek to go back to the Sisters of St.Francis of the Martyr St.George and think that God is still calling me there but I am open to the Lord and whatever He wants. My Spiritual Director says to stay open because God sometimes takes you one way so that you can the way you're ultimately suppose to go more clearly and then he talked about St.Athnony of Padua. But my parents were pleasant and it was a really nice Christmas.

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[quote name='veritas99' post='1150939' date='Dec 28 2006, 03:37 PM']
My time with my parents was pretty good. Before going out to visit I told them over the phone that would be goingto Mass two days in a row I( we usually go Christmas Eve) because of how the 4th sunday of Advent fell. They were not happy and were very clear that they would not go. Well when I got there saterday afternoon they said that they would go with to Mass on saterday night. Yea, it was a Christmas miracle. Also my whole time there ( I came back to St.Paul on tuesday) oppertunities came up to share my faith which I did. Usually I don't share with my parents because they ahve been very clear that they don't want me to. things have changed a lot with them since I entered the convent and came back. They are opening up a bit more. WE also talked about religious life and I told them they yes I still believe God is calling me to religious life but I jsut don't know when. I would liek to go back to the Sisters of St.Francis of the Martyr St.George and think that God is still calling me there but I am open to the Lord and whatever He wants. My Spiritual Director says to stay open because God sometimes takes you one way so that you can the way you're ultimately suppose to go more clearly and then he talked about St.Athnony of Padua. But my parents were pleasant and it was a really nice Christmas.

Thats wonderul Tracy! You will be surprised at my mom and family how they have changed

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I am in the diocese of Worcester in MA. They still ahve midnight mass here at the cathedral and that is my parish. I am in the choir so I went for the midnight mass. It was really wonderful. last year was my first time to attend a midnight mass and I loved it so I was determined to return again God-willing. I love how they decorate the church. There was a candle stand on bothends of every pew and they were all lit. There were multiple candelabras at various places in the sanctuary and by the tabernacle. There was also a lovely creche at the front. We sang the introit for the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord in Latin too. Our choir director chose some very beautiful and moving music for the mass. We also had a wonderful half hour prelude of Christmas Carols before the mass began. It was wonderful. I was exhausted by the time I got home at about two o'clock. Our bishop gave a most delightful homily at the mass. I remember that he exhorted all present at the mass to [i]please, please before they put away their Christmas decorations, to reflect on the nativity scene and on the mystery of the incarnation[/i] (paraphrase). Please pray for our Bishop for he is very holy and has quite a tough job here in our diocese as far as restoration goes. I also saw him sitting in the back of the church as I were getting ready to start the prelude. He was already vested so I believe he listened to most of the carols. It was a wonderful night to usher in the Divine Child. Thanks be to God.


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We have the joy of having all our kids at home this week, including our youngest on leave from the Navy. "Mr. Stlmom" will also be celebrating a birthday tomorrow, so the octave of Christmas is full of family celebrations!

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