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Stanbrook Abbey News


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In the post today I received a lovely note from one of the community at Stanbrook, along with a copy of their newsletter. Qua vocations news I thought it'd be good to let you all know what they say, so that we can keep them all in our prayers :)
[quote][b]Novitiate Notes[/b]

29 April, Feast of St. Catherine of Siena, was a day of special rejoicing as Sister Scholastica Jacob took Simple Vows. In early June Sister Josephine Parkinson "graduated" from the novitiate to the community as she continues to prepare for Solemn Vows. 2 Sept we welcomed Juliet Murphy into the novitiate as a postulant.[/quote]
Prayers for all :)

Love and staying-up-way-too-late prayers,


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They do. You can find it [url="http://www.stanbrookabbey.org.uk/"]here[/url]. However, the content isn't as dynamic as that of many orders in North America and some of the non-English speaking parts of the world - that's something I've noticed. They tend to keep the day to day life of the community away from the webpages.

However, Stanbrook's is a beautiful site. VA and I stayed there for a few days this Summer; if you're interested then you can find some pictures on our blog [url="http://ppenvaopvakantie2006.blogspot.com/"]here[/url] and some reaction on an old thread [url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?s=&showtopic=49979&view=findpost&p=1044400"]here[/url]. Happy reading :)

Love and prayers,


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