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War Support and Enlistment.  

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' post='1145479' date='Dec 19 2006, 10:39 AM']
Oh, for Pete's sake they are not "boys and girls" they are young men and women. They sign up VOLUNTARILY and believe it or not they get paid for it! There is NO DRAFT on. Why don't I sign up? Because I'm a 38 year old middle aged woman. I would make a sucky soldier and I have other responsibilities... I think others in my place shoud likewise not join up. Young people who want to pursue a career in the military should. Unfortunately, one of the down sides of having a military career is... war.

I'm sure there are instances such as, or worse then yours, when a guardsman or woman has been called up.

Don't you see the hypocrity of it of all?

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[quote name='catholicinsd' post='1145436' date='Dec 19 2006, 09:39 AM']
No, I'm saying its hypocritical to send someone to do a dangerous job, that you want done, but you yourself won't do.
That is rediculous. I want fires put out (and people rescued from them!), criminals chased and captured, and sky scrapers built in the city, but I don't want to do any of those jobs either. I'm not qualified and I don't have the desire to do those things. I thank God that he made people who DO have the ambition to put their lives on the line in all kinds of work for the betterment of society.

Many people wouldn't want to spend 7 hours a day with a classroom full of seven year olds trying to teach them to read and do math. That would be a nightmare for them. I loved it.

God gives us all different gifts.

[quote name='catholicinsd' post='1145482' date='Dec 19 2006, 10:45 AM']
I'm sure there are instances such as, or worse then yours, when a guardsman or woman has been called up.

Don't you see the hypocrity of it of all?
No, because the GUARDSMAN made the choice to sign up. Don't you believe people are responsible for the choices they make???

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Yes, but this war wasn't their choice. The guards are all about the "1 weekend, 2 weeks a year." This what they signed up for. Not a war to satsify Bush's personal vendetta.

Edited by catholicinsd
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Groo the Wanderer

[quote name='catholicinsd' post='1145482' date='Dec 19 2006, 10:45 AM']
I'm sure there are instances such as, or worse then yours, when a guardsman or woman has been called up.

Don't you see the hypocrity of it of all?

No hypocrasy at all. The guard ALSO is all-volunteer. Anyone who signs up to be a SOLDIER and expects to never have to actually fight is somewhat deluded...

[quote name='catholicinsd' post='1145490' date='Dec 19 2006, 10:51 AM']
Yes, but this war wasn't not their choice

Oh yeah - forgot about that. Next time a dictator starts murdering his own people and doling out cash rewards to families of terrorists, we should have all the soldiers take a vote to see if we should do anything about it... :blink: :wacko: :wacko: :blink:

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So, you are telling me that people signing up for the military are unaware that they could be sent to war? And that they WILL be sent somewhere to do something that they may or may not like or agree with?

Imagine this scenario:
From this moment on, we pay for college benefits to.... FIREFIGHTERS! The program includes tuition and education and training to do your job as a firefighter. And you know what? For a lot of people, that looks like a good career path so many people sign up. They go through their training. Then they sit around in the firehouse for a long time. Maybe they rescue a kitten or two... And then... the fire alarm goes off and it's 9/11 and the World Trade Center has been attacked. The firefighters turn to their commander and say, "We never expected anything like this!!! You can't make us go in there because it wasn't on fire when we joined up!!"

Does this seem reasonable to you?

[quote name='catholicinsd' post='1145490' date='Dec 19 2006, 10:51 AM']
Yes, but this war wasn't their choice. The guards are all about the "1 weekend, 2 weeks a year." This what they signed up for. Not a war to satsify Bush's personal vendetta.
Oh come on... the people in the guard know they aren't just marching around playing boy scout for one weekend a month and two weeks a year. They are training to be soldiers...

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' post='1145500' date='Dec 19 2006, 11:04 AM']
So, you are telling me that people signing up for the military are unaware that they could be sent to war? And that they WILL be sent somewhere to do something that they may or may not like or agree with?

Imagine this scenario:
From this moment on, we pay for college benefits to.... FIREFIGHTERS! The program includes tuition and education and training to do your job as a firefighter. And you know what? For a lot of people, that looks like a good career path so many people sign up. They go through their training. Then they sit around in the firehouse for a long time. Maybe they rescue a kitten or two... And then... the fire alarm goes off and it's 9/11 and the World Trade Center has been attacked. The firefighters turn to their commander and say, "We never expected anything like this!!! You can't make us go in there because it wasn't on fire when we joined up!!"

Does this seem reasonable to you?

Somewhat, however it is not the same as calling the Weekend Warriors, and forcing them to leave their families, and basiclly their whole life, and sending them to fight.

Now, unless you're man or woman enough to sign up to go over to this War, which you support for whatever reason, then you deserve no respect.

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Groo the Wanderer

[quote name='catholicinsd' post='1145490' date='Dec 19 2006, 10:51 AM']
Yes, but this war wasn't their choice. The guards are all about the "1 weekend, 2 weeks a year." This what they signed up for. Not a war to satsify Bush's personal vendetta.

My buddy was in the guard. Yer post is BS and yet another insult to him and all those who serve. :spanking: :fishslap: :bash: :thumbdown: :stretcher:

I seriously cannot comprehend why you think people that sign up voluntarily to serve are that stupid. You honestly think that peeps in the guard signed up just "to play soldier once a month and maybe get to shoot a gun or fly a cool jet!" :ohno:

[quote name='catholicinsd' post='1145507' date='Dec 19 2006, 11:12 AM']
Somewhat, however it is not the same as calling the Weekend Warriors, and forcing them to leave their families, and basiclly their whole life, and sending them to fight.

Now, unless you're man or woman enough to sign up to go over to this War, which you support for whatever reason, then you deserve no respect.

Nobody FORCES them. They ALL signed up voluntarily. I'm sorry, but I am 'this close' to saying something very uncharitable to you.

Respect? You do not know the meaning of the word. Why don't you go talk to a recruiter and find out the truth? You don't have to sign up. Just find out what's REALLY going on. Pull yer head out of the sand, quit watching so much TV and search for TRUTH.

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Catholicinsd-- you must think people in the military (including the guard) are mentally defective if they do not know what they are signing up for. They know. I thank God that they know and sign up anyway... they are brave. They deserve our respect, not our excuse-making on their behalf.

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[quote name='catholicinsd' post='1145507' date='Dec 19 2006, 11:12 AM']
Somewhat, however it is not the same as calling the Weekend Warriors, and forcing them to leave their families, and basiclly their whole life, and sending them to fight.
They know this is a possibility when they sign up. They know this. They maybe want to believe that it will never happen, but don't say they don't know. They are not forcing them to leave their families. They are requiring them to live up to the agreement that they made with full knowledge.

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if everyone who supported the war went to fight in it, how would we get anything else done there are other jobs besides soldiering that need to be done.
It is just ridiculouse to say that everyone in support of a cause should drop everything else.

Edited by chickens4life
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I :love: HSMom and Groo. Thank you.

CinSD, you have no idea how incredibly insulting your comments are to those of us who have spouses and other loved ones serving overseas. Do you really believe that all our soldiers are that mentally incompetent? The majority of soldiers I know signed up post-9/11. The war was waging and they KNEW, were told/reminded by their recruiters and drill sgts. that thier chances of going to Iraq were pretty much 100%. Many of them will have to make second or even third tours. They don't go through 9-13+ weeks of training blindly thinking that they are just going to sit on a base somewhere in the good ol' USA receiving pay each month and never get sent overseas. They are not stupid. They know the risks when they volunteer. Those who signed up before 9/11 have long since had the option to re-enlist or get out. They know and have made their choices.

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[quote name='chickens4life' post='1145533' date='Dec 19 2006, 12:32 PM']
if everyone who supported the war went to fight in it, how would we get anything else done there are other jobs besides soldiering that need to be done.
It is just ridiculouse to say that everyone in support of a cause should drop everything else.

That's what those who support the war are asking of the National Guard.

And when have I questioned the compentensy of our troops. They are some of the smartest men and women in America. However, too often Recruiters neglect to mention the possiblitly of war.

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[quote name='catholicinsd' post='1145544' date='Dec 19 2006, 01:51 PM']
That's what those who support the war are asking of the National Guard.
The national guard is part of a guardsman's career, not something that just happened to him/her. if there was a draft that would be different, then it would be something that they didn't choose, but that is not the case.

Recruiters shouldn't have to mention the possibility of war, thats what soldiers do they fight wars.

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[quote name='catholicinsd' post='1145544' date='Dec 19 2006, 01:51 PM']
That's what those who support the war are asking of the National Guard.

And when have I questioned the compentensy of our troops. They are some of the smartest men and women in America. However, too often Recruiters neglect to mention the possiblitly of war.

Well, you haven't the words "incompetent" or "stupid" but using phrases like

"forcing them to leave their families, and basiclly their whole life, and sending them to fight"


"Yes, but this war wasn't their choice. The guards are all about the "1 weekend, 2 weeks a year." This what they signed up for. Not a war to satsify Bush's personal vendetta."

is most certainly not giving them credit for using the brains God gave them. Reservists KNOW that they will likely be activated and sent to war just like all the other troops. They train in basic for just as long. They speak with the same recruiters. They train with the same drill sgts. They know the risks just as well as any active duty soldier. Don't tell me they don't. I know better than that. My father was an Army reservist, my brother in law is a Marine reservist. My dad is no longer in the Army, but my BIL is, and he is looking at the possibility of being called up for a second tour in Iraq--he would already be over there for his second tour but he broke his foot this fall and was unable to go. Believe it or not he wanted to go, he feels that it is his duty, what he signed up for. Imagine that! A reservist who feels that he signed up to fight for and defend his country. Shocking.

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[quote name='catholicinsd' post='1145544' date='Dec 19 2006, 12:51 PM']
That's what those who support the war are asking of the National Guard.

And when have I questioned the compentensy of our troops. They are some of the smartest men and women in America. However, too often Recruiters neglect to mention the possiblitly of war.
The National Guard is not the Scouts. They know this. That you keep insisting that they don't know this when they join is insulting.

As for recruiters neglecting to mention the possiblitity of war:

Attention anyone considering joining the military.....

... soldiers fight in wars (pass it on)

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