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The Lord Has Softened My Mother's Heart


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Wow. So much happened last week, including a winter storm which left many, including me, without power for a few days. Being "powerless" was not entirely a bad thing.

But first--Mom. I received a call from my Mother last Monday saying that she would be flying in for a couple of days and asking to stay with me. Of course I said yes and when I returned from work on Tuesday, Mom was at my apartment. It seems that she and my sister noticed that I was a little "pensive" over Thanksgiving and decided that something was wrong. She said: I know something is going on with you. I just prayed silently...and was very scared of a scene. Then she said: You're going to the convent, aren't you? I nodded and she looked at me for a while. Next came: Talk to me. I need to understand. SO I did. I talked about the last six years of feeling called and being so upset by my family's reaction when I first mentioned it that I tried to fall in love and get married- twice- but couldn't say yes in the end. She asked if I had a community in mind so I showed her the Sisters' web-site and she spent an hour looking at it. Then we talked some more and I learned that I had a great-aunt--Mom's Aunt-- who was a Sister and who died during the Vietnam War. her name was Sister Mary Philomena. I couldn't believe it. More about her later. ANyways, we went to bed around 1:00am. The next morning I took Mom to breakfast and back to the airport. She told me not to worry--that when the time comes she'll deal with the family. That all she wants is for me to be happy. This is a miracle. I can't even describe her reactions the other times I tried to bring it up. Well of course I emailed Mother Wendy the good news-- with all the details too private for general sharing. Two days later I get a letter from Mother Wendy telling me that while in Italy last month, the sisters spent time at the shrine of a Saint they are devoted to--YOU GUESSED IT-- Sr. Mary Philomena. They were asked to take over the care of the shrine. They took relics and holy cards to their audience with the Holy Father to be blessed. ALso, SR. Mary Grace has quite a devotion to this Sr. M. Philomena and has been praying to her to send the community another Sr. M. Philomena. Now my great Aunt is not this Sr. M. Philomena but I just know--and Mother Wendy said the same thing...that she's been interceding in heaven for me all these years.

All this time I've been struggling so hard...and the Lord has turned it into a deep joy. I am so grateful. Thank Him with me. Please.

I told my Pastor on Saturday and he used the story--hiding the identity of those involved--for the Gaudete Sunday Homily. talking about how we wait in Joy for Joy. I could barely sing after that--and I had solo verses for the Communion Meditation- :blush: -because I cried all through his homily.

I have to go back to work. We still have 300,000 people in the Pacific Northwest without heat and light. Please keep them in your prayers.

On Dec. 30 I fly to Steubenville. But first we have Christmas.

Love and prayers,

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What wonderous news! It only goes to show, that when the Lord does truly call, He will provide the way. It is our job to go forward, in total courage, even with our human doubts and just try to meet Him half way. I love the Sr. Philomena story....guess you have an idea what part of your new name will be in religion!!

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Thank you for sharing that story with us! It almost made me cry! What a miracle, and a blessing. God works for good for those who love Him.

Pax Christi,

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Hi again every one. Thank you for your wonderful wishes. I am so high that people at work --except my Supervisor who knows the truth--thinks I'm in love with some new guy. :) No same One as always.

The community I'm discerning with is The Sisters of Reparation. www.sisters-of-reparation.org/

Brandelyn--I'm just starting research into my Great Aunt who died before I was born. My mom remembers that the Motherhouse was in France and that Sr. M Philomena was a maternity nurse who went on missions in Asia. I'm checking now with other relatives who were more active Catholics and may have kept in touch more closely with Sister.

Remember--My mom never even told us that Grandmama had a sister who was a Sister and as the youngest in my family by over a decade, I never met most of that generation. But I know the Lord means for me to find her.
AFter all, she certainly "found" me.

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Guest phatdaddy


I am so happy for you. And so it is: Nothing is impossible with God. God continue to bless you in your vocation as you begin your journey.
Mr. Ray

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