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I'm Home


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Hey all,
I hope everyone is having a wonderful Advent!!! Dont you'll think it will be weird this year with the 4th Sunday of Advent being Christmas Eve!?!?!?! I think so!!!!

Everything is going well for me. I returned home late last night. I of course was very sad to leave campus to return the the daily life i once had. I miss the commuity life and everything that Magdalen has!!!!

I also have some pics to share with you all!!!! However this computer is being stupid so that will have to wait. Things are going fine with me....I haven't really talked to the Sisters much, but things with the guy i mentioned before, have been going well....we have had our moments that were hard but we are still talking as friends and taking things slow. Right now he is at home with his father who is sick. please pray for him.

I have to run, i have to go babysit!!!



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Hi Nicole! I'm so glad you're back for a while! Be sure to post around while you're hear so that we can have the opportunity to "see" you during your Christmas vacation :)

We missed you, Nicole. Every time someone leaves Phatmass is a bit different :) Now that you and I are back it' smore like the old days... hehe.

Hopefully we can stay in touch. I'm glad you hear you're loving Magdalen!

In Jesus,

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yeah more likethe old days is right!!!!! I have a couple updated pics but I need to load them first on the web and then post them here......

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here are a couple pics from school.....

Joe and Me at the Advent Party on thursday

Joe and Me at the Christmas Dance

Robert and the Freshman girls
Our CHristmas Concert in COncord

sry that they are so HUGE!!!!!! OOPS MY BAD!!!!!!!!

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Welcome home for the break.

By the way Nicole, what is your major at college? Are studying something specific or taking general courses?

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[quote name='passionheart' post='1144577' date='Dec 17 2006, 08:23 PM']
Welcome home for the break.

By the way Nicole, what is your major at college? Are studying something specific or taking general courses?

I'm not postive, but I'm pretty sure that Magdalen has it set up so that everyone studies the same thing and recieves a B.A. of Arts?

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Nicole, you look absolutely wonderful. this experience is obviously something you really needed in your life. You are absolutely beaming with this young man at your side. Congrats!

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:P: :P: Thank you for sharing the pics with us Nicole. You and Joe look so happy together..... What a smart couple you make !! Robert is also a very lucky fellow to have all those lovely ladies for company !!!You are obviously enjoying life at Magdalen. :biglol: :biglol:
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everyone at Magdalen recieves the same degrees, but very few go for their AA instead of their BA. However right now the pan is for my AA...but that might change to my BA, i'm not sure though! Everyone takes or has taken the same classes. The schedule is the same for every single student there, since the main purpose of Magdalen is to form and to prepare everyone for life itself with the Formation program.

As for the pics, Yes Joe and I are happy being together just as friends for the time being....I tlaked to him last night for almost an hour. His father is doing better, Praise be to God! And he misses me alot!!! HE was showing his fmaily pics from school and he forgot that his background on his laptop is the one of us dancing...so everyone was asking questions, yet again! Joe is our Sacristian(sp?) at school! He is my age and well I know how stressed out he can get with his job, but I know he loves it. The pic of Robert and freshman girls is s funny one, because Robert doesn't talk much and if he does you really can't hear him...but he is such a ladies man!!! TOO FUNNY!!!!
To be honest, I can't wait to go back to school next semester, simply because I love being at Magdalen with my friends and my closer Friends. I miss them very much!

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that is really awesome! thanks for sharing the pics, it looks like you had a great semester. I know of someone who would like to attend magdalene so its good to know someone on here who is attending.

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why thank you!!!! I love being at Magdalen, I consider it my home and the staff and students as my family!!!! I miss everyone alot...including joe! If the person you know would like to attend Magdalen, that person should come to a vistors weekend!!!

Next semester is packed....we have a recording of a new CD and MARCH FOR LIFE!!!!!!!! And Not to mention, the Winter Ball and a few other things going on as well!!! I'm so excited!!!

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