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Just wanted to say that I have never seen anyone pat their chest during the confession prayer...and that when I was in 3rd grade religious education, I was taught to take the eucharist by hand always.

I pat my chest, and I always see a few other people do it, but only a few. Also, I'm sorry that they didn't teach you that you could receive in the hand OR on the tongue. If the Church allows both, then by golly, students should be taught both! :angry:

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People in my Church started clapping during a song last week. I hate that place. I've been wanting to leave for a year now. If only my parents could be convinced. They also hold Pax Christi meetings there.

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Like God cares what FORM you worship him with?

Didn't FORM in nitty gritty detail go out the window with the Temple sacrificial system? Go read Leviticus if you want FORM, it specifies everything, even down to the SIZE and AGE of the offerings, what to do, when to do it, what day/month/year to hold holy, and on and on...mind numbing details.

Jesus came to remove that burden. Paul fought with the Judaisers who wanted to keep the RULEBOOK and bring everyone back to the slavery and tyranny of the Levitial law, priesthood overlordship, mandatory this, and obligatory THAT.

I doubt the Apostles would have cared either.

They were too busy converting the heathens to worry about clapping, where you place your hands, or the color the Priest wore in his outfit on what week.



Edited by Bruce S
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Like God cares what FORM you worship him with?

Didn't FORM in nitty gritty detail go out the window with the Temple sacrificial system? Go read Leviticus if you want FORM, it specifies everything, even down to the SIZE and AGE of the offerings, what to do, when to do it, what day/month/year to hold holy, and on and on...mind numbing details.

Jesus came to remove that burden. Paul fought with the Judaisers who wanted to keep the RULEBOOK and bring everyone back to the slavery and tyranny of the Levitial law, priesthood overlordship, mandatory this, and obligatory THAT.

I doubt the Apostles would have cared either.

They were too busy converting the heathens to worry about clapping, where you place your hands, or the color the Priest wore in his outfit on what week.



The Mass is a sacrifice, so why shouldn't there be a set form? Did you ask God whether or not he cares how He's worshipped? Did He say, "No, Bruce, I don't mind what people do"?

One of the 10 Commandments says to honor your father and mother. That doesn't just include your parents but ALL legitimate authority. What more legitimate authority is there than the Church?

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Like God cares what FORM you worship him with?

Didn't FORM in nitty gritty detail go out the window with the Temple sacrificial system? Go read Leviticus if you want FORM, it specifies everything, even down to the SIZE and AGE of the offerings, what to do, when to do it, what day/month/year to hold holy, and on and on...mind numbing details.

Jesus came to remove that burden. Paul fought with the Judaisers who wanted to keep the RULEBOOK and bring everyone back to the slavery and tyranny of the Levitial law, priesthood overlordship, mandatory this, and obligatory THAT.

I doubt the Apostles would have cared either.

They were too busy converting the heathens to worry about clapping, where you place your hands, or the color the Priest wore in his outfit on what week.



we want uniform procedure cause we're a universal Church... it's nice to be able to go anywhere in the world and experience the same Holy Mass... personal variations hinder that visible sign of unity.

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The problem is you aren't supposed to clap and dance. I was embarrased standing there. 95% of the people there just did it because they thought you were supposed to. They aren't aware of the road our church is heading down.

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Like God cares what FORM you worship him with?

I doubt the Apostles would have cared either.


Apparently you can bring judgement upon yourself

and it was an Apostle who claimed so

and yes he was Catholic

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At my church we have shared praise and worship where we dance/clap/etc. and mass is more reverent so we don't do it then. Why is this being looked at as a totally Catholic thing? There is no clapping and dancing in almost any of the mainline protestant churches either. I attended a liturgy at the national cathedral and the high anglican mass was extremely devout and traditional. Clapping and dancing is NEW and is rooted in America; no one in the west ever formally worshiped this way until 1900; not the Orthodox, Catholics, or Protestants. If you are a Caucasian Christian and slavery never happened you this wouldn't be clapping or dancing so this argument is pointless. These religious expressions are native to African and Indigenous American spirituality so stop claiming it.

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You'd be suprised what good speaking to the priest or bishop can do. Most important though, keep praying for the road upward in our church, believe me I have had some serious disappointments here and gradually they ARE working out with Our Lady's help! Both our priest and our RCIA teacher totally sided with me about genuflecting and are continuing to tell us how and what to do correctly, THANK GOODNESS :D

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We got a new Bishop recently, hopefully he'll straighten it out. You know how university parishes tend to be...

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We got a new Bishop recently, hopefully he'll straighten it out. You know how university parishes tend to be...

There is clapping during the recession at my university parish and I like it.

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Like God cares what FORM you worship him with?

Didn't FORM in nitty gritty detail go out the window with the Temple sacrificial system? Go read Leviticus if you want FORM, it specifies everything, even down to the SIZE and AGE of the offerings, what to do, when to do it, what day/month/year to hold holy, and on and on...mind numbing details.

Jesus came to remove that burden. Paul fought with the Judaisers who wanted to keep the RULEBOOK and bring everyone back to the slavery and tyranny of the Levitial law, priesthood overlordship, mandatory this, and obligatory THAT.

I doubt the Apostles would have cared either.

They were too busy converting the heathens to worry about clapping, where you place your hands, or the color the Priest wore in his outfit on what week.



And the alternative is: every man for himself, worship how you want, believe what you want. No sense in having a unified community where everyone believes the same thing. We don't have one God but millions of "individual" Gods because after all, it's a "personal" relationship, not a universal body of believers.

No thanks man.

God bless.

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