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Big News!


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So, here goes….last weekend I went on a retreat with the [url="http://www.ascjus.org/"]Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus[/url], where I’ve been seriously discerning. I went to confirm the peace that I had been feeling and see if I was ready to enter. Well, I got my answers and it was yes all around! It was a very blessed retreat and the peace I felt has not left me. During the retreat I got to witness the pre-postulants, Michelle and Susan, become postulants and receive their medals. It was so simple and beautiful. You can check out the story and picture [url="http://www.ascjus.org/news/detail.asp?pageaction=ViewSinglePublic&LinkID=147&ModuleID=162"]here[/url].

At the end of the retreat, I told Sr. Christine (postulant director) that I was ready to enter, we talked for a bit and then she asked if I wanted to tell Sr. Maureen (provincial superior). Of course I said yes and so Sr. Maureen and I got to talk about pre-entrance stuff.

So, there ya have it! Depending on when I get a job and my loans taken care of, I will be entering the Apostles August 15th 2007 or 2008. I am so happy and so grateful that God has lead me home!

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I'm so happy to hear you have found your way "home"! And especially with the Apostles of the Sacred Heart! Susan is a dear friend of mine and was just visiting me in Omaha about three weeks ago! I was wondering if you wouldn't mind tell me more about the ceremony!? I saw the picture and article, but could you share some details about what happened???? I am just so excited for her and would love to know! Thank you!!!!!!

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: :) This is certainly BIG NEWS. Congratulations Emily. I am so happy for you. The Apostles are attracting many new vocations... Srs Michelle and Susan looked radiant and it must have been lovely for you to witness the ceremony. :lol:

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[quote]I was wondering if you wouldn't mind tell me more about the ceremony!? I saw the picture and article, but could you share some details about what happened???? [/quote]
Sure thing! It was a very simple ceremony right before Mass. Before the ceremony I went back into the Motherhouse hallway and saw Susan and Michelle come down the stairs in the "postulant gray" for the first time. They just looked so radiant! I said my congrats and then had to sit for the ceremony.

Susan and Michelle processed down the aisle with their postulant director Sr. Christine and the Provincial, Sr. Maureen. They knelt at the altar and said their Act of Commitment, which goes:

Jesus, thank You for loving me. In response to Your great love I stand before You today, desiring to be like You in seeking only the will of the Father. I offer You my mind, heart, body and soul, as I commit myself as a postulant of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I trust that You will send your Holy Spirit to guide me, as You did for the first Apostles. I ask the Blessed Virgin Mary, my Mother, to help me to be faithful to my commitment to follow Christ in the charism of Mother Clelia. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in You. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I believe in Your love for me. Sacred Heart of Jesus, make me love you more and more.

One of the most touching points was when Susan and Michelle were crying while saying their Act of Commitment. I think the reality of what they were doing, hit them. After saying their Act, Sr. Maureen placed the Sacred Heart medal on both of them. Then they sat down and Mass began.

After Mass, I got some pictures of and with them. The sisters were teasing them about being finally able to call them postulants! See, you are a pre-postulant for three months before you fornally enter,so you have to wait to be "official"

It was great to be there for their entrance and awesome to think I'll be saying those same words soon!

Thanks everyone for your prayers and encouragement!!

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Thank you Emily for this first hand report of the Ceremony . I can appreciate why you can't wait to join them. Please send some pictures. :lol:

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This is beautiful news confirmed by a sign of peace. Wonderful!!!

As for the job/money, I will keep you in my prayers as Broke Daughter and Son of St. Dominic. That is if you don't mind :idontknow:

If I have learned nothing else from my journey, I have learned this; Trust in your Bridegroom and all will be well. Even though, you may not like His Timetable in this matter. :D:

Once again Congratulations and God Bless!!

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