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International Conference In Iran On Holocaust


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An controversial international conference begins to establish if the Holocausto were truth.
Irving appears in Vienna before the court who condemned Iran to him initiates east Monday a conference on the Holocausto to study, "without preconceived ideas", if the genocide against the Jews committed by the Nazi regime during World War II really took place. Revisionistá, the Briton David Irving will not be the maximum ', the condemned in Austria to three years of jail to deny official history. The negation of the Jewish genocide and until any reduction of the same one, is crime punished with pains of jail in several European countries, among them Spain. If you say publicly that ' only affected a million in you see of a six million Jews, it can be judged and be condemned. the British historian "revisionist" David Irving was condemned in February by a court from Vienna to three years of prison to have put in doubt the present history of the gas chambers and the Holocausto. It is possible that the sentence also tried to avoid the presence of the critic documented more and difficult to refute, Mr. Irving. More than 60 "investigators and university professors" of 30 countries (among them Great Britain, the United States and Germany) 11 and 12 of December must participate in this conference organized by the Government. The Iranian authorities refused to announce the names of the foreign guests to the conference, being argued that their passports could be confiscated in their country of origin. Wilhelm Lasik, expert of the Center of Documentation of the Resistance of Austria, affirms that probably numerous neoNazis of the West will go. "the amalgam between Islamic European and antiZionist anti-semites is acquiring worrisome dimensions", in its opinion This conference, titled ' Study of the Holocausto: a perspective global', will approach the subjects "Anti-semitism, nazism and sionismo", "Nazism and sionismo: collaboration or cooperation "," Gas chambers, negation or confirmation ", and" the laws against the negacionistas ". The vice-minister of Outer Subjects, Manuchehr Mohamadi, affirmed that the conference "will provide, without no preconceived idea, the frame necessary to the investigators of both sectors to expose his opinions with the absolute freedom".
The announcement has provoked critics in several countries. Germany condemned "all attempt, last or future, of which they want to provide a forum to those who relativizes and questions the Holocausto". The United States described as "shameful gesture" the appointment. Brazil also condemned it, rejecting any event that puts "in doubt" the existence of the genocide committed by the Nazis.


The Islamic Republic argues that the forum was organized to respond to the "questions" on the Holocausto raised by the Iranian president, Mahmud Ahmadinejad. "Ahmadinejad asked if the Holocausto took place or no. And if it took place, why one prevents university professors to make investigations on the subject and why one puts in prison the revisionists ", Mohamadi said. Iran announced in last January its intention to summon next an international congress to study the veracity of holocausto Jewish and its consequences, according to the official agency of the news Iranian. The spokesman of the Ministry of Exteriors, Hamid Reda Asefi, said that the Government shares the declarations of the president of the country, Mahumd Ahmedineyad, that recently assured that holocausto is "a myth". Asefi affirmed that those declarations of the president have had a good welcome in several newspapers of Muslim countries and emphasized, in addition the fact that some European States considered them of much importance "Why can be spoken of everything and some, with the pretext of the freedom, insults to other religions, whereas is not possible to speak of this historical subject surrounded by the dark", Asefi was asked. The governmental spokesman announced then who the Government will summon an international seminary "to study that subject". In previous declarations, the Iranian president expressed his doubts on the existence of holocausto and suggested, to exist, had to be European and American those that were done position of their consequences creating a State in their territory for the Jewish town and not defending the existence of the present state of Israel. His diatriba against the Hebrew State took October the past, when it retook the idea of ayatolá Rujolah Homeini, founder of the Islamic Republic, and paraphrased its description of Israel like "a cancerous tumor that must be eradicated".
President Ahmadinejad declared that Israel had "to be erased of the map" and affirmed that the Holocausto is a "myth" used by the Jews and the European to impose the creation of the Hebrew State.


Gert Honsik, Austrian neoNazi settled down in Spain to avoid justice (he was condemned to 18 months of prison by vindication and Austria demands its extradition from 1992), has published a letter opened to the Iranian ambassador in Germany having solicitd from him support to finance the defense of the revisionist Ernst Zündel, at the moment in prison in Mannheim, to the delay of a judgment in March. Zündel was extradited of Canada after the Ministry of Immigration declared a "danger for the nation" "to urge racist hatred". In a judgment against Zündel in 1988, Irving declared in favor of the defendant.


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From Reuters today:


One thing that struck me as ironic was the statement from President Ahmadinejad that Iran is "the home of all freedom seekers of the world." No free press, no freedom of religion, etc, etc.

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Of new nazis and islamic, they walk together, while the president of Iran denies again the holocaust, and it invites to "historians revisionists" to deny it, next to Nazis of Europe and USA, As the Americaacademican David Duke, exrepresentative republican by Louisiana, that praised to Iran by harboring the event. "There should be freedom of speech, is scandalous that the Holocaust cannot be discussed openly". One must say that Duke was in the member past of the Ku Kux Klan.

I put the link to the official position of the Vatican on the holocaust (shoah for the jews)

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I read this in the NY Times during class, and even the teacher, who must by the decree of society be ridiculously PC, agreed that this is just completely sickening.

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1. I do not deny the holocaust took place.

2. I must admit there are inconsistencies in the current history as officially recorded, which require explaining.

3. I believe there has been has been an exageration, for instance, the holocaust should be a lesson for everyone that may be persecuted (christians, homosexuals, ect..) not only the jews.

4. To imprison someone who puts facts into question, no matter how real, is not the way to meet with this non-sense. This non-sense must be met with logic, only then can understanding destroy their arguments. Anything else simply brings strength to their voice.

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[quote]To imprison someone who puts facts into question, no matter how real, is not the way to meet with this non-sense. This non-sense must be met with logic, only then can understanding destroy their arguments. Anything else simply brings strength to their voice.[/quote]

David Irving knew what he was doing when he spoke on the holocaust in Austria. Holocaust denial is against the law there. It gave him great publicity and a wider forum than he usually gets to debate his view - pure manipulation of the media which was more than happy to play along.

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I think the real troubling thing about this conference is that the focus isn't on a past extermination of Jews. It sounds like a planning meeting for a future attempt to exterminate Jews.

Ahmadinejad is getting pretty close to being evil incarnate.

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I think Iran wants to undermine the justifications set forth for the existence of Israel. I believe the idea the Jews should not have land at the expense of the Palestinians, especially when the event triggering the investiture of that land in Jewish hands didn't actually happen.

Of course, it did happen. But I am not sure how many people over there believe that. I think Ahmadinejad knows it happened. I think he knows what he is doing completely. But he will deceive the people, at least some of them.

I was more optimistic about what they know over there until I talked to a Muslim who truly believed that the Pope shared some of the blame for that one nurse's death after his speech. I could not convince him otherwise.

I don't know if this has been said, but there are Jews attending this conference, too. They are the Neturei Karta. They believe Israel should not exist until the Messiah has come, and that the existence of Israel now is a sin. I thought it extremely interesting that they support a conference that undermines progress against anti-Semitism, and condones the opinions of neo-Nazis and Klan members everywhere.

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