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Carmelites In Traverse City


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I once called this community several years ago and they were unable to accept vocations at the time. But earlier this year I saw a page for them in a vocation booklet for the IRL meeting/conference that said a large number of their older sisters had died and they are welcoming new vocations. It said something like, if you're up to the challenge of a small community yet with a long established monastery we welcome you. They follow the older 1990 Constitutions. Does anyone know anything else about them (besides what's on the [url="http://www.religiouslife.com/w_carmelites_traverse_city.phtml"]IRL community site[/url] ?

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I don't know anything about them. But they're Carmelites, so that's a point in their favour already. :)

Are you seriously considering Carmel now? I thought you were attracted to Carthusiasn spirituality. If you're open to the prospect of Carmel we could form a club! The Carmelite Club. It has such a nice ring to it...

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I used to work in northwest lower MI--just south of TC. I've driven by their Carmel, but that's it. It's a GORGEOUS part of the country, but I don't know anything more about them.

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[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1138955' date='Dec 9 2006, 07:00 PM']
I don't know anything about them. But they're Carmelites, so that's a point in their favour already. [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif[/img]

Are you seriously considering Carmel now? I thought you were attracted to Carthusiasn spirituality. If you're open to the prospect of Carmel we could form a club! The Carmelite Club. It has such a nice ring to it...

Yes, I am attracted to Carthusian spirituality. But I'm pretty sure at this point, that I would not consider joining the Carthusians in Europe, but of course, the Srs of Bethlehem, which I love and just visited, are here in Livingston Manor, NY.

So, yes, I'm considering Carmel again. Sure, I would love to be in a Carmelite club. [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif[/img]

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Carmelite Club, cool!

I have never heard of this particular order, although I have come across the IRL site a few times when I have done searches for Carmelites.

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Here's an article I found about a nun who made her solemn profession: [url="http://www.record-eagle.com/2004/jun/27nun.htm"]Sr. Perpetua Marie[/url]

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I loved the article, thank you for sharing! Carmelites :love: I'm one at heart! I'll probably go back into formation OCDS, but am waiting until the first of the year to approach my local community. :)

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I just wanted to say again though, that the [mod][/mod] are amesome. They really are. There is so much history in that beautiful place. And their singing the Latin chant is a real treasure that's not easily found in most communities these days. I was there for such a short time, I wouldn't count on my experience for knowing their way of life and how much solitude they have. I believe it is most probably that the novices in all Carmels are much more in community because they are going through formation.

Of course, in all orders and vocations there will be difficulties, so this is a funny way for me to state this. But for new forming communities, there are a number of problems that more easily arise, and in my case, there were many of them that I knew I needed to find a more established order with more formation. But I don't mean at all to discredit the other community I was with, because I believe if something is God's work, there will be trials but they will come up on top.

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[quote] From Gemma's Cloisterite page:

The first years of an institute require of one who desires to enter a vocational grace capable of overcoming the unique difficulties associated with the beginnings of any new institute. The problem is even more felt today in view of the declining number of vocations.

Fr. Elio Gambari, SMM
"Canonical Establishment of
a Religious Institute: Process
and Procedures," page 180[/quote] But as for the Carmelites in Traverse City, they are in a well established order and monastery, just a small community in need of vocations. That's what made me think of them.

I really loved Iron Mountain, MI Carmel when I visited several years ago, but on the [url="http://religiouslife.com/vocsearch/search.phtml?view=d&my_id=165&criteria=d"]IRL[/url]site, it says there are 20 professed now - and assuming they have at least one postulant or novice, or at least 1 applicant - they are full.

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Right now there are 14, maybe 15 because one of the applicants was due to enter very soon, and there is one more applicant who is hoping to enter soon, but has no set date. As glad as I am that is order is growing, I hope it doesn't grow too quickly, I believe I am called there!

By the way, are the extern sisters counted in the 21, or is it just the cloistered sisters?

Okay, I looked it up and this sounds about right, although someone who knows better, like Brendon can feel free to correct me:

11 fully professed cloistered sisters

2 extern sisters

1 postulent ( may be a novice now, I am not sure )

and 2 applicants, one of whom may just have entered the postulency.

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[quote name='HeavenlyCalling' post='1139463' date='Dec 10 2006, 10:10 PM']
By the way, are the extern sisters counted in the 21, or is it just the cloistered sisters?
[/quote] That's a good question. I always thought it included the externs. I know that first St. Teresa gave a limit of 13, and later changed it to 21.

When I was there, I do remember there being a lot of sisters. I remember they filled up the whole choir.

Don't worry Lily, for sure Our Lord is holding out a place there for you! And if you have spoken to Mother Miriam, I'm sure she will save you a space until you can enter, I'm sure of it. Leave everything in the Lord's hands.

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Thank you, you are right, If that is where God wants me, then that is where I'll end up.

I will ask Mother Miram about the extern/21 thing when I call her next.

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